Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 16:06

Rahlzel wrote:If I'm on an alien planet and I see a mech suit that looks like it can do some damage to the creatures that are killing off my mates, then fuck you all - I'm getting inside it, even if every person above me is ordering me not to. At that point it's about survival, and my character knows it.
FatalEYES wrote:I think the core issue here is that it's an unstated rule and that a mark was made on his player record because of it, especially because he wasn't using it for power-gamey purposes.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by 1138 » 20 Aug 2015, 18:03

I give you a friendly warning and a piece of advice, as well as pass onto the staff that the powerloader from the vault should be removed from the map due to multiple instances (not JUST you) using the powerloader as a combat mech, and you make a complaint about it? To me, that seems like you're attempting to blow this out of proportion here. Perhaps I'm wrong, but this is exceedingly petty for what was only a warning.

I found it very difficult to believe you were just taking the powerloader for a stroll. I could not prove the intent was that you were looking for a fight, so I gave you a general warning to not repeat this instance again.

I do not wish to bring specific instances regarding your notes into account, but I assure you that they were indeed a factor in the judgement to issue you a warning and take action against the mech being used in a combat situation.

Also: Player notes are really not that scary as you think. Just because you got one, does not mean it's the end of the world. If you know the rules and want to continue having fun and playing here, you won't break them.


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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 20 Aug 2015, 18:56

Again, the issue is really that this 'no using Ripleys in a fight, at all, even if surrounded, outnumbered and backed into a corner' thing is an unstated rule. I elevated it to the forum only because you stated you no longer wanted to talk about it, and then ceased to respond. If it is a punishable offense, I don't think the rules state it clearly. And in fact I've seen coroneljones himself say they it's okay to defend yourself in desperation if you happen to be in a Ripley when you're attacked by Aliens. But that was a few days ago, before the Marines brought a Ripley Rush and it seems the staff is generally cracking down on any use of the Powerloader that isn't shuffling crates around.

Everyone gets that the Ripley Rush is kinda dumb, but it's incredibly hard to pull off. One guy who finds a Ripley provided on planet and gets caught by a gang of aliens is not in the same category. I can hardly be accused of powergaming if I didn't kill a single Alien with it. So it wasn't powergaming, nor metagaming, so what was I warned for? Because I was defending myself in a Ripley and have prior negative notes? And then you say that notes don't mean much? Bad notes are the reason you warned me, yet you say they have little impact.

Of course I want to keep playing here. I also want to have fun. I'm trying to have fun and stay both within the rules and lore appropriate, but I might just run into another unwritten rule which is further scrutinized by negative notes, and end up in a much worse situation.

And regarding the powerloader; I have two suggestions. One, lower its health drastically to make it much less viable in combat. Two, compensate for the loss of durability with a speed increase... although that would contradict its on screen portrayal as slow and cumbersome. As it is, the power loader is only good when you have a lot of crates to take a far distance. The couple crates per shuttle that a Cargo Tech has to deal with is just as easily handled by dragging one at a time. Or, something, Basically, despite being 'not a combat mech' it's actually quite good at combat and not great for moving crates around Cargo.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Xxxretroxgears3 » 20 Aug 2015, 20:32

apophis775 wrote:If you were a marine, you shouldn't have been nabbing the ripley to drive around in.

either way, this has been fixed with code, and the update will be in shortly.

I believe, the issue was that, you were away from your squad, using the ripley as your own personal transportation vehicle and ended up in combat because of it.
If its there someone will use it mechs can be used in combat and he did no reason 2 yell he did not break a rule really if something is right there like a mech with full charge etc dont blame the people for usuing it blam the map devs for placing it there

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by apophis775 » 20 Aug 2015, 22:54


We've fixed this problem. Powerloaders can now only be used by people from Cargo.

Since this wasn't a rule before, I'll have your note removed and disreguarded.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Felkvir » 21 Aug 2015, 09:25

"hurr durr ripley used it"

Against a queen, with no other option, not for a fucking walk around a planet against unknown foes as mentioned.

The whole outbreak being discovered, is supposed to be part of the roleplay. You can use the ripley when you've fought the xenos, many of your friends died and you're cornered and/or very unprotected down at the end of the line or something. That would be a more believable scenario. But when you pull off the kind of shit Coeco/Cylian did and such however, you should kind of expect to get punished..

Looking at the OP here now, the warning was completely justified IMO. A powerloader is ... Well, a powerloader. What we have now is literally just the SS13 ripley, but we count it as the powerloader.. Until they get a sprite and mechanics update hopefully. Then they will be actual powerloaders and not mechs.

"rode it around the planet a little" AKA you literally used what a powerloader isn't used for. GG.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 21 Aug 2015, 10:51

I was carrying around supplies that I'd picked up in abandoned buildings. Precisely what a powerloader is meant to be used for.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by Feweh » 21 Aug 2015, 11:08

K0NFL1QT wrote:I was carrying around supplies that I'd picked up in abandoned buildings. Precisely what a powerloader is meant to be used for.
Oh fuck off now, you clearly said you took it for a stroll.

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by K0NFL1QT » 21 Aug 2015, 13:00

Yes. Not in the 'wander around the Alien hive for lolz' sense. I picked up bits and pieces around the colony when I could, but there was always seemingly a Runner stalking me and I didn't get chance to pick much up. Every time I got out, I saw the thing skirt along the shadows of my vision. I was not using it like some powergaming dicklord. 1138 even said in his brief conversation that I was far from the worst offender with regards to using Ripleys in combat. I stand by that I was using it legitimately and got cornered into defending myself, then treated like some massive powergamer.

Still, Apop has said the note regarding the incident has been removed and disregarded, so thanks. There's no further point to this discussion, and if we want to discuss the validity of powerloaders there are other threads now.
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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by apophis775 » 21 Aug 2015, 15:28

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Re: Warned for not breaking a rule - 1138

Post by SASoperative » 23 Aug 2015, 01:39

Thread has been locked for over 24 hours and has been moved.
