Chance to kill thrown huggers with knife/bayonet out

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Re: Chance to kill thrown huggers with knife/bayonet out

Post by MikeBluer » 30 Aug 2015, 09:07

Jeser wrote:As Marine, -1. It's a VERY low chance that you can cut in half hugger while it jumping/thrown. Also it's means losing knife/bayonet/whole weapon with bayonet (if you very unlucky).
Or the acid melting any limb of your body.

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Re: Chance to kill thrown huggers with knife/bayonet out

Post by Kinrany » 31 Aug 2015, 22:31

+1, would add some interesting choices to gameplay. Having a knife out prevents you from using two-handed weapons and makes you drop it if you are tackled, and bayonet decreases your shooting performance and limits your weapon choice.

A few suggestions:
1) having a knife in your active hand could significantly increase your chances to kill the hugger;
1.a) weapon with a bayonet only helps to kill huggers if it's in your active hand, it's chance is between active and passive hand knifes;
2) killing a hugger could melt your gloves or, if you don't have any, make you drop the knife and take brute damage;
3) you could keep a knife if it's in your active hand when tackled.
4) (bonus) Makeshift shield made with 10 metal and a welding torch that gives you 100% protection when in active hand, but does not kill huggers, nor protects from any other source of damage. Only useful against hugger traps.

Choices: weapon with a bayonet vs something else, attaching a bayonet vs keeping it in your pocket, active hand knife vs bayonet vs passive hand knife vs faster reloading, bring spare helmets vs spare gloves, attack with huggers vs tackle-hug-drag vs tackle-drag-hug.

By the way, stop turning every single suggestion thread into a balance discussion, please. Most suggestions do not necessarily make dramatic changes in balance, and proper balancing cannot be done without playtesting.

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Re: Chance to kill thrown huggers with knife/bayonet out

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 31 Aug 2015, 22:39


ordinarily im usually on the side of marines when it comes to gameplay balance and i can totally understand your frustration (carrier was by far my fave class before i stopped going xeno completely, you can imagine why) but i dont feel like this is one we really need, yeah it'd be nice if we had more defenses against thrown huggers like some kind of reaction shot but really i dont see any way this one can be done in a way that is fair to all parties involved, the best we can hope for is to use superior teamwork against carriers and take them down first.

thin the herd, the super beefy enemies will be easier to swarm once we've killed their fragile counterparts and trust me, carrier isn't as powerful as you'd like when you consider they can only carry 8 huggers max (6 on their back, 1 in each hand, one extra if they drag one with) but those thrown huggers miss ALL the time and once they HAVE missed, killing them is super super easy, on top of that even at their best you arent going to take down nearly as many marines as you would like, made worse by the fact that by the time carriers even CAN show up anymore most aliens have stopped giving fucks about new captures and are just killing anything and everything.

good intentions but i dont see this one working out.

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Re: Chance to kill thrown huggers with knife/bayonet out

Post by Dyne » 31 Aug 2015, 22:42

Slight offtopic- they only miss if hit by bullets in flight, so carrier is perfect for ambushes.
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Re: Chance to kill thrown huggers with knife/bayonet out

Post by apophis775 » 23 Nov 2015, 21:10

