Alien Queen at the moment of posting

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by 1138 » 01 Sep 2015, 06:54

Unrelated, but just an FYI for the future.

DO NOT POST COMPLAINTS/REPORTS FOR AN ONGOING ROUND. REPORT IT VIA AHELP OR WAIT UNTIL THE ROUND IS DONE, you risk giving knowledge to other players who do not know your side of the story. Don't do this, please.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Dyne » 01 Sep 2015, 08:22

Lets get down to the rules back a bit, and hard facts.

1. Screenshots of fortifications are provided, also many participants from both sides already gave their contribution.

2. Meta is not "surrounding pods with resin". Meta is "Acting upon knowledge your character does not have."
In this case the Queen player acted on a knowledge his character didn't have, moving the hive and masses of aliens to the pod LZ.
Saying there was no meta involved after the player himself said so is just hilarious.

3. Nowhere is a rule on "DO NOT POST COMPLAINTS/REPORTS FOR AN ONGOING ROUND." If you want people to abide- write it down.
In this case I felt justified to act fast as my a-help was largely "denied" by the only member of staff online, and now we know that member of staff was actively engaged in the round on the side of the opposing force, which didn't help objectivity. I will gladly follow this rule if you publish it, though.

4. This is not the first account of LZ camping and fortification- both for main dome and pod LZ. Difference for pod LZ is that aliens can easily outnumber and overwhelm one squad that is landing, not to mention engineering pod was taken as well.
Aliens don't need to block off the whole pod, as they can, surprisingly, outrun and outshoot the marines.

Better rectify this issue with a rule or be prepared for marine to counter-meta, very hard.
Any meta is bad, as comes from the posted reaction on marines assaulting the caves on landing.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by 1138 » 01 Sep 2015, 18:17

1.) Yep, I see this.

2.) Agreed. The aliens deciding to hive south of the river and in the colony base is quite unfair and can be equated to purposefully powergaming and steamrolling the opposition. It's crappy overall and doesn't provide the marines a single positional chance.

3.) I apologize, however I will bug one of the head staff to remedy that. I understand your frustration but in the future try to avoid making complaints for ongoing rounds. We don't get to see the archived server logs until after 2 hours has passed, and it makes it difficult and frustrating for those involved because you're not explicitly allowed to talk about the round if it's still going. Sorry, it's a general IC in OOC problem.

4.) I'm very aware, and I'm disappointed that this time was basically just a repeat of the first. It will be dealt with.

Alright, from my perspective, this is probably high time to make a rule that outright bars the aliens from considering the colony to be a suitable first hive. It's either sink or swim at the beginning that decides whether the marines win or lose, and blitzkrieging the marines before they can even get set up is a shitty hand to be dealt with. It's not the aliens' fault entirely that they chose to do this, but as a result I'm recommending a warning be passed out to the queen and this kind of action be restricted until further notice.

It's not an absolute ruling, but we should all cool off a bit while the rest of the staff can finalize investigation and the verdict.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Ordukai » 02 Sep 2015, 01:26

The screenshot links don't work for me, for whatever reason. I'd suggest that you post it using a different service, like Imgur, but since nobody else seems to be having that problem I wouldn't bother.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by SASoperative » 02 Sep 2015, 17:40

.... This was posted during the round it took place in as well as there are literally hundreds of different queens in the logs and several from just that day alone. There is not much we can really do about this.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Mitchs98 » 02 Sep 2015, 23:27

1138 wrote:
2.) Agreed. The aliens deciding to hive south of the river and in the colony base is quite unfair and can be equated to purposefully powergaming and steamrolling the opposition. It's crappy overall and doesn't provide the marines a single positional chance.

Alright, from my perspective, this is probably high time to make a rule that outright bars the aliens from considering the colony to be a suitable first hive. It's either sink or swim at the beginning that decides whether the marines win or lose, and blitzkrieging the marines before they can even get set up is a shitty hand to be dealt with. It's not the aliens' fault entirely that they chose to do this, but as a result I'm recommending a warning be passed out to the queen and this kind of action be restricted until further notice.

It's not an absolute ruling, but we should all cool off a bit while the rest of the staff can finalize investigation and the verdict.
I dis-agree entirely. Aliens used to do this literally all the time pre-alpha, no one had many issues with it and it was always a gamble. If there were no rules for it then I see no reason for there to be rules for it now, it makes no logical sense. I see no reason for the aliens to be barred from making a hive south of the river. They didn't have restrictions on hives pre-alpha(Except for spess hives) so I don't see any reason they should now.

It's not powergaming or steamrolling the opposition, it's breaking the monotony of 'cave hive, cave hive, RUSH TEH CAVE HIVE' and adding variety. It's sink or swim for both sides, and ironically enough the marines have a higher win-rate than aliens. This honestly seems like a heavy nerf that doesn't need to be passed to aliens given the fact marines literally stomp them most of the time. My entire time playing Alpha I've seen only a handful of Alien Major Victory.

I see no reason to warn the Queen for being creative and making a connected dome hive, if the aliens wanted to meta they would build a TON of resin around the pod landing and Rasputin landing and just lel slash/infect everything that came off of it.

Making a hive on the colony isn't really 'blitzkrieging' either, it's simply a tactical decision and breaks monotony. Aliens are a invasive species, why would they take over a colony only to retreat to the hive they were originally at? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to expand outward and claim the entire planet as their own?

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Dyne » 03 Sep 2015, 16:29

I posted this as soon as possible exactly to pinpoint the Queen and the round in question.
My problem is not with the Queen player as such, but more on a general scale, so if rules will be adjusted- matter closed for my side, as Queen player was in this thread and explained the issue from "her" side.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Adameltablawy » 03 Sep 2015, 21:02

1138 wrote:1.) Yep, I see this.

2.) Agreed. The aliens deciding to hive south of the river and in the colony base is quite unfair and can be equated to purposefully powergaming and steamrolling the opposition. It's crappy overall and doesn't provide the marines a single positional chance.

3.) I apologize, however I will bug one of the head staff to remedy that. I understand your frustration but in the future try to avoid making complaints for ongoing rounds. We don't get to see the archived server logs until after 2 hours has passed, and it makes it difficult and frustrating for those involved because you're not explicitly allowed to talk about the round if it's still going. Sorry, it's a general IC in OOC problem.

4.) I'm very aware, and I'm disappointed that this time was basically just a repeat of the first. It will be dealt with.

Alright, from my perspective, this is probably high time to make a rule that outright bars the aliens from considering the colony to be a suitable first hive. It's either sink or swim at the beginning that decides whether the marines win or lose, and blitzkrieging the marines before they can even get set up is a shitty hand to be dealt with. It's not the aliens' fault entirely that they chose to do this, but as a result I'm recommending a warning be passed out to the queen and this kind of action be restricted until further notice.

It's not an absolute ruling, but we should all cool off a bit while the rest of the staff can finalize investigation and the verdict.

2. I'd actually like to intervene here. Contrary to what Dyne is repeatedly saying, as an alien player that round I can confirm we didn't head down to the pods to camp or anything of the sort.

We started in the CORPORATE dome.

Then we moved down dome by dome, making interlocking bridges of Resin Membrane and Walls for decorations on BOTH sides. If it was a wall of resin facing one direction and the queen was screaming 'ATTACK PODS' that'd be one thing, but honestly the pods were the furthest thing from my mind at the time. We were just weeding tiles and making cool resin bridges between domes.

I really don't understand now why it's official staff position that aliens HAVE to make hives in the caves now. If the idea is to prevent aliens from steamrolling the opposition because Marines can't do anything unless aliens are coming at them 1 runner at a time from the caves that's an issue with the map, not the Aliens themselves. I can see instituting a temporary rule to prevent that until the map issue is resolved or something similar, but blocking aliens from making hives in the vault dome, or the Medical dome, or anything of the sort is just silly to be blunt.

4. We weren't camping the pod-there was like one or two people by it. Everyone else was wandering around, weeding the Telecomms dome, or setting up a nest in engineering, or melting into the vault and making more resin nests in the Corporate dome. If it was all of us clustered around I would have been the first to ahelp, but as it was there was like one or two aliens nearby when the Pod landed, and someone screamed 'HEY GUYS TASTY HOSTS'.

Lunch and huggers ensued.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Dyne » 04 Sep 2015, 09:26

Corporate dome is 30 seconds away from pod LZ, and on landing the marine squad was spitted at and assaulted within the first 60 seconds of landing,
not to mention you had t-comms dome under control as well.
Sounds like "camping" to me. You disagree?
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 04 Sep 2015, 09:44

Was it ducky yes. But was it different yes. That made it more challenging if you ask me and I kind of liked it. I was specialist that round. And I'm sorry but there are two landing zones the pod is not the primary lz. That game the humans didn't even setup defence at the fob so one squad was downed still had three more rthat should have steamroller over and kick their asses. Or ya know, set up den fences at the fob to protect it which didn't happen. Yall bitching because for one the aliens were robust as fuck and doing what they should be doing and working as a team instead of by them selves. Hiving only in the caves makes aliens seem rather repetitive and unoriginal and it's actually harder for them at the same time cause they can't build up the wall for thick bullet resist they become 1 wall thick instead of 4 makes it easier for humans to breach while not waiting as much ammo.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Jack McIntyre » 04 Sep 2015, 11:23

Sorry they didn't want to leave their buddies black dragon, can you blame them? I was a BO that round or XO, can't remember, but I know a lot of squads wanted to go rescue their buddies who were taken. My character would do the same if he knows one of his buddies was in the squad that was grabbed. The other squads rushed the nest to try and rescue the other squads. I know because I was listening to all the chatter, and they still got wiped out. If you had three squads pushing together and still get wiped up there is a problem. I can understand the aliens need to win as much as the marines, but when the marines are literally attacking as one working together to get their buddies out....sort of shows the marines that no matter how much you work together the xenos can still win. Was it a cluster, absolutely, but I think the map needs it so that the marines and aliens both have time to build. Furthermore if the xenos build south of the river I don't care, but make it like hydro and medical. Going further south then that just screws over the fun for the marines. I think both sides need to have fun in a round since it is a game after all.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 04 Sep 2015, 11:35

Then there should be an update that marines can't camp inside the fob all the time no? Cause that's what ends up happening most of the time

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by Dyne » 04 Sep 2015, 12:43

TR-BlackDragon wrote:Yall bitching because...
I had fun that round. But metagaming rules were broken, OOC knowledge heavily influenced that Queen and her followers decisions. Simple as that.
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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by SASoperative » 04 Sep 2015, 14:37

Alright... I am locking this before it turns into even more debate than already need be and I will look into the situation. I told you the odds are I won't be able to find the exact queen but I will try.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by SASoperative » 04 Sep 2015, 16:17

I think I know the queens Ckey and next time I see them online I will message them and give them fair warning.

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Re: Alien Queen at the moment of posting

Post by SASoperative » 10 Sep 2015, 19:20

This has been resolved and moved.
