Kreydis wrote:I just wonder how many of the people complaning about bad commanders have actually tried their hands at command when 3/4 BO's go SSD 10 mins in, your XO has to become MP because there's no MP or various of other staffing issues while you guys just want to shoot guns.
Being a *Bad* Commander is very easy to make possible on the simple basis of "You have no one supporting you. And 50 fuckers on the ground depending on you"
Me, slightly. Played as MP on a low-pop round. The CO was a dick. They told marines to space themselves, so I detained them. Ignoring the attempts to resist arrest, I was going to put them in the brig for only a couple minutes as it was still early in the round and they had an important job to do. But they said they resigned from CO and were going to cryo. I put them in the brig anyways because I'm not letting someone ragequit because someone laid down the law, all the while shouting "WOW, SHITCURITY! SHITCURITY!" in LOOC. Turns out, they never went to cryo or logged out, they just decided to stay in the brig until I tossed them out and they later went in as a marine and got killed.
The BO took over as CO. Shit hit the fan, BO's had enough and goes to cryo, promotes me, the only MP as the new CO... I've never had a command position on ANY server aside from CMO. I've never played as anything other than Doctor, Marine, and MP on this server, so it was, in a way, trial by fire.
How'd that go for me? We didn't have any marines because they were stupid and killing each other and causing breaches. Aliens were using the shuttle --of course we didn't know it was the aliens so I called it a shuttle malfunction as it was launching itself, and was considered no longer reliable to use-- and we didn't even have more than five marines, if even that, so I called an evac. Of course, everyone died before it arrived cause by that time the aliens had boarded, but...
Was I the best CO? Definitely not. It was a new and intimidating experience for me. But I still tried at it, and I did better than some of the other CO's I've seen. Why? I take it seriously. I roleplay as if I'm a Commanding Officer, or a Doctor or a Military Police Officer, or a standard marine who maybe never saw combat before, or at least has never had to deal with xenos.
Since other people DON'T take their roles seriously, they don't try to improve. If something goes wrong, they kill themselves. If it's boring, they start firefights in the mess hall. These are the kind of people that tend to be a little more on the toxic side.
/rant... apologies for that... slight bit of venting there...