Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by MrGabol100 » 18 Dec 2015, 18:49

Problem isn't the player, he's a nice dude, but the way he plays Carson is... eeeh.

When he wants he can do things rightly, remarking that "-wants-".

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Disco Dalek » 18 Dec 2015, 19:15

Personally, I have yet to see anything that would make me think Carson was a horrible commander. He may give less than helpful orders occasionally, but I've seen commanders who are FAR worse get little to no blame for an alien major. Remember, commanders aren't always fed the most accurate information and they happen to be human beings as well. Even if he was the worst commander on the server, he'd still be one of the most entertaining at RP. I've never seen him out of character and actually look forward to seeing the outcome when he is in a command role or a CL. There just aren't many people who can pull off the official with a secret agenda as well as he can.
Aka Dennis Hunt the (usually) overworked medic/doctor.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Wickedtemp » 18 Dec 2015, 19:32

I agree, they play an antag player very well. They've got the whole shady business guy thing down. The problem is, they let that bleed into other roles. I've seen him try to do antag shit as CO before, I wouldn't have any trouble believing that he's done it multiple times.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Feweh » 18 Dec 2015, 19:41

I have no problem with Bill.

One of the few RPers on the server.

However, for gameplay and other peoples enjoyment sometime you have to sacrifice one persons experience for the majorities.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Lostmixup » 18 Dec 2015, 20:18

There is NO denying that carson in command constantly turtles the round to extreme proportions. As a staff member who is constantly observing I'm always seeing this stuff. His orders are usually fine, it's just that he always seems to take the least efficient route towards anything. Don't even get me started on him as queen, it's literally terrible how slow he is, and how he retreats so quickly that it causes other aliens to die because he left them behind. It's just plain bad.

He isn't meta-grudged against because he's a jerk, or a horrible player. He's meta-grudged against because a lot of time when the game is turtling it's because he's in a command role (queen, co, xo) and gave an order that massively slowed the game down, or was counter intuitive to what his team was trying to accomplish.

Nothing against the guy, but seriously.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by TheQueen » 18 Dec 2015, 22:45

As terrible as it sounds. I'll have to agree here. You're not a very good Commander. You make hasty and quite honestly, stupid decisions. First time I saw you as Commander. I instantly had you stripped of duty because you decided that sending the entire force of Marines, which was about 15 at the time. In the caves against almost 20+ Aliens. Your judgement is hindered and it completely ruins a lot of Marine's rounds because they have to follow your orders or try and Mutiny you. Which never works unless you have some Command Roles backing you up. At the time. I had both the XO, MP, and literally ALL the Marines backing me for the Mutiny, and I didn't even have to talk to the XO about it, she just instantly told me that we're staging a Coup D'etat. I've seen better Commanders, and I've played as a better commander, sorry. but you're not that great. I'll have to give a +1 to have you either removed from Command Roles entirely or at least temp till you can learn how to lead better.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Tokal » 19 Dec 2015, 22:52

TheQueen wrote: I didn't even have to talk to the XO about it, she just instantly told me that we're staging a Coup D'etat. I've seen better Commanders, and I've played as a better commander, sorry. but you're not that great. I'll have to give a +1 to have you either removed from Command Roles entirely or at least temp till you can learn how to lead better.
Well it is a good thing I prowl the forums often I actually created an account for this I was the XO that round and never said anything about staging a Coup. I tried to talk marines out of the mutiny and tried but failed to restore the peace that round. As for this topic I don't think Bill did anything wrong and agree with ChickenShizNit on the situation.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by TheQueen » 19 Dec 2015, 22:59

Tokal, what's your ign? Because I highly doubt you were the XO because I talked to them afterwards and THEY were the one who initially started the Mutiny. They didn't even try to talk the Marines down because like 2 Marines were helping the Mutiny. It was most Command and MP's that did the Mutiny.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Tokal » 19 Dec 2015, 23:07

Ebony 'Stabilizer' Saito I was the XO that round
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by TheQueen » 20 Dec 2015, 05:16

Oh heeey! You were, but in all honestly. You did stage it first.I was literally talking to the Mp's about making the mutiny when you told me in coms that we were removing Bill from command. I remember cause I thought it was hilarious how on point you were with me, even though you were planet side and wasn't talking to you.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Tornadium » 20 Dec 2015, 10:13

ChickenShizNit8 wrote:I was there and the marines made that whole round a SHIT STORM of salt.

I was that MP, you know, the one who had to run in the bridge and toss two flashbangs because the situation was so fucked...

Bill did nothing wrong. Bill made this call because of the two MP's screaming for help down on the planet because Alpha took them down, when in reality those MP's were being idiots from rounds start, making false calls. Trying to arrest a Medic for stabilizing a survivor, pulling weapons on fully armed marines for trying to DEFEND said medic. Bill was sorta' in favor of the MP's it seems to me, and can you blame him? It's MP's, MP's are NORMALLY a reliable source of information.

Not only THAT, BUT, that medic did not ONCE engage in any LETHAL combat with MP's! She took them down with anesthetics because they kept trying to arrest her for, again, doing her job. They also pulled out weapons during a peace talk with Alpha on the planet to try and get the Medic to give up. Alpha took them down, killed one and beat the other up. I watched and enjoyed from the sidelines, calmly asking for the woman's story, asked for the stolen ID from the MP back, told her to be careful wished her luck and returned home.' IN A NUTSHELL, I think Carson was fine here, his opinion was swayed by MP's

TL;DR - Blame the MP's for convincing him Alpha was a threat, Bill did not know much about the situation it seems.
Woah woah woah,

Gotta chime in here. I was one of the two Marines. I'm happy to actually go and dig through the logs to show evidence of everything I'm about to say.

>Be MP
>Survivor gets taken to Surgery, Myself and another MP escorts.
>Shitty alpha squad medic walks into Surgery, Injects the other MP with drugs which blinds him and knocks him out for shits and giggles and runs the fuck off back to the shuttle.
>I ask over the radio for the medic to come in for questioning, Medic refuses and goes down to the planet.
>I go down by myself to try to locate the Alpha Squad medic who had already stated her intent to resist arrest.
>Locate her, she sees me and starts running I manage to tase and start cuffing when the ENTIRETY of Alpha Squad runs to her aid. Knocks me out, Injects me with the same shit she injected the other MP with. Ties me to a chair, loots me of all my equipment and starts a mutiny against a lawful arrest because "we need the medic".
>Other MPs go down, They refuse to release me after I've been blind and in and out of consciousness for a few minutes. They jump one of the other MPs with the baton they stole from me and go after me as well. The other MP fucks off because he doesn't want to deal with it. One of the Alpha Squad members tries to drag the MP they got with the baton into a group of ravagers, and he then shoots me in the head for trying to stop him.

Alpha squad that round was entirely shitty, probably metagaming because of how quickly they reacted to her getting tased despite not even being in visual range.

They were all massively massively shit. That mutiny had nothing to do with Carsons actions. They had already went mutinous before he did a damn thing.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Tornadium » 20 Dec 2015, 10:15

TheQueen wrote:Tokal, what's your ign? Because I highly doubt you were the XO because I talked to them afterwards and THEY were the one who initially started the Mutiny. They didn't even try to talk the Marines down because like 2 Marines were helping the Mutiny. It was most Command and MP's that did the Mutiny.
Sorry for the double post but the edit button isn't working.

No, One of the MPs who was incredibly shit and horrible at listening or paying attention to anything supported the mutiny.

The other two, myself being one were too busy being killed and dragged into ravagers by Alpha.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Varnock » 20 Dec 2015, 16:22

Tornadium wrote: >Be MP
>Survivor gets taken to Surgery, Myself and another MP escorts.
>Shitty alpha squad medic walks into Surgery, Injects the other MP with drugs which blinds him and knocks him out for shits and giggles and runs the fuck off back to the shuttle.
>I ask over the radio for the medic to come in for questioning, Medic refuses and goes down to the planet.
>I go down by myself to try to locate the Alpha Squad medic who had already stated her intent to resist arrest.
>Locate her, she sees me and starts running I manage to tase and start cuffing when the ENTIRETY of Alpha Squad runs to her aid. Knocks me out, Injects me with the same shit she injected the other MP with. Ties me to a chair, loots me of all my equipment and starts a mutiny against a lawful arrest because "we need the medic".
>Other MPs go down, They refuse to release me after I've been blind and in and out of consciousness for a few minutes. They jump one of the other MPs with the baton they stole from me and go after me as well. The other MP fucks off because he doesn't want to deal with it. One of the Alpha Squad members tries to drag the MP they got with the baton into a group of ravagers, and he then shoots me in the head for trying to stop him.

Alpha squad that round was entirely shitty, probably metagaming because of how quickly they reacted to her getting tased despite not even being in visual range.

They were all massively massively shit. That mutiny had nothing to do with Carsons actions. They had already went mutinous before he did a damn thing.
Can confirm the MP had been injected with Soporific, was Doc Jacob Blackpool that round, and if memory serves the doc that preformed that very surgery on the vivor.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Outboarduniform » 20 Dec 2015, 18:10

Now , if i am correct , Benjamin Werry WANTED to mutiny with his perfect Alpha Squad BEFORE Carson joined as commander. Werry just used that to his advantage , since everyone meta-grudges/hates Carson for no reason. I was Juan Siganto , the Doctor. Another note to add , was that Mutineers ran hog wild and slaughtered all of medical because lolynot ayy lmao

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by ChickenShizNit8 » 20 Dec 2015, 20:49

Varnock wrote: Can confirm the MP had been injected with Soporific, was Doc Jacob Blackpool that round, and if memory serves the doc that preformed that very surgery on the vivor.

That MP was taken down because, according to Alphas story and the Medics, the MP was hitting her upside the head with stun batons while she was working on the injured Survivor...
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Tornadium » 20 Dec 2015, 21:09

ChickenShizNit8 wrote:
That MP was taken down because, according to Alphas story and the Medics, the MP was hitting her upside the head with stun batons while she was working on the injured Survivor...
Pretty sure she got baton'd because she kept trying to drag the survivor away from the Doctor.


The survivor was stable and didn't need dragged around while the doctor was trying to do his job.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Hycinth » 20 Dec 2015, 21:23

Tornadium wrote: Woah woah woah,

Gotta chime in here. I was one of the two Marines. I'm happy to actually go and dig through the logs to show evidence of everything I'm about to say.

>Be MP
>Survivor gets taken to Surgery, Myself and another MP escorts.
>Shitty alpha squad medic walks into Surgery, Injects the other MP with drugs which blinds him and knocks him out for shits and giggles and runs the fuck off back to the shuttle.
>I ask over the radio for the medic to come in for questioning, Medic refuses and goes down to the planet.
>I go down by myself to try to locate the Alpha Squad medic who had already stated her intent to resist arrest.
>Locate her, she sees me and starts running I manage to tase and start cuffing when the ENTIRETY of Alpha Squad runs to her aid. Knocks me out, Injects me with the same shit she injected the other MP with. Ties me to a chair, loots me of all my equipment and starts a mutiny against a lawful arrest because "we need the medic".
>Other MPs go down, They refuse to release me after I've been blind and in and out of consciousness for a few minutes. They jump one of the other MPs with the baton they stole from me and go after me as well. The other MP fucks off because he doesn't want to deal with it. One of the Alpha Squad members tries to drag the MP they got with the baton into a group of ravagers, and he then shoots me in the head for trying to stop him.

Alpha squad that round was entirely shitty, probably metagaming because of how quickly they reacted to her getting tased despite not even being in visual range.

They were all massively massively shit. That mutiny had nothing to do with Carsons actions. They had already went mutinous before he did a damn thing.
Julia had told the rest of alpha about getting smacked upside the head with a baton for trying to make sure a survivor in unstable condition (xenos larva) made it to medbay (from what we heard, the MP told her to remain on the dropship and head back down, and the sopo incident occured at the shuttle) and we weren't about to stand for shitsec MPs, especially when they were coming down to the planet to arrest her for being smacked 4noraisins. We saw MPs on the planet, we knew they were after Julia, we heard a taser, we responded to the location and demolished you (nonlethally)

As for the guy who dragged you off into the jungle? No fucking idea. The rest of Alpha was unaware of that until you started screaming about it over the radio. Also, Julia wasn't the one who stripped you. That was the one who dragged you out into the ravagers. I have no idea who the fuck they are. AFAIK you weren't sopo'd on the planet, either, just disarmed/tased/cuffed.

The arrest was entirely unlawful in the first place, and the other MP should have been the one arrested. Medics have the final say in all medical matters, not MPs.

As for Julia resisting arrest? I have no fucking idea. Unless she stated that over sulaco comms while up there, I never heard it.

Bigby wasn't getting involved in the matter because he realised you two were fucking cucks and that you had no valid reason to arrest the medic in the first place.

TL;DR: Stop lying.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Tornadium » 20 Dec 2015, 21:33

Hycinth wrote: Julia had told the rest of alpha about getting smacked upside the head with a baton for trying to make sure a survivor in unstable condition (xenos larva) made it to medbay (from what we heard, the MP told her to remain on the dropship and head back down, and the sopo incident occured at the shuttle) and we weren't about to stand for shitsec MPs, especially when they were coming down to the planet to arrest her for being smacked 4noraisins. We saw MPs on the planet, we knew they were after Julia, we heard a taser, we responded to the location and demolished you (nonlethally)

As for the guy who dragged you off into the jungle? No fucking idea. The rest of Alpha was unaware of that until you started screaming about it over the radio. Also, Julia wasn't the one who stripped you. That was the one who dragged you out into the ravagers. I have no idea who the fuck they are. AFAIK you weren't sopo'd on the planet, either, just disarmed/tased/cuffed.

The arrest was entirely unlawful in the first place, and the other MP should have been the one arrested. Medics have the final say in all medical matters, not MPs.

As for Julia resisting arrest? I have no fucking idea. Unless she stated that over sulaco comms while up there, I never heard it.

Bigby wasn't getting involved in the matter because he realised you two were fucking cucks and that you had no valid reason to arrest the medic in the first place.

TL;DR: Stop lying.
Lmao what

Okay lets start fromthe beginning.

She was batoned for dragging a survivor AWAY from medbay. We were trying to get her to medbay. So she goes and injects an MP with drugs because hurdur funny. It was about two screens away, you just literally beelined straight for the correct location. Last I checked there is no directional audio in byond. Regardless she stated intent to resist arrest before leaving the Sulaco. The arrest was entirely lawful.

It was Isaac something but I had repeatedly been dragged while Sopo'd out into the middle of nowhere and dragged back by a Delta member. I was Sopo'd on the planet if someone wants to check logs after I got looted.

So yeah, Lets just make this clear.

- Julia was being a shit and fucking with a medical doctor doing his job.
- Julia ran into medbay surgery intentionally to Sopo the MP who stopped her fucking around while a Doctor was trying to do his job.
- Julia declared intent to resist arrest over the radio
- The arrest was entirely valid, She fucked around and Sopo'd an MP for doing his job.
- You fuckers jumped on and went full mutiny for an MP carrying out his job well within the guidelines. The arrest was done properly and with an extremely valid reason.

I'm still pretty convinced you were metagaming and honestly you just wanted to grief. Stop lying about what? You just had three separate people tell you that you're wrong.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Hycinth » 20 Dec 2015, 21:50

Tornadium wrote: Lmao what

Okay lets start fromthe beginning.

She was batoned for dragging a survivor AWAY from medbay. We were trying to get her to medbay. So she goes and injects an MP with drugs because hurdur funny. It was about two screens away, you just literally beelined straight for the correct location. Last I checked there is no directional audio in byond. Regardless she stated intent to resist arrest before leaving the Sulaco. The arrest was entirely lawful.

It was Isaac something but I had repeatedly been dragged while Sopo'd out into the middle of nowhere and dragged back by a Delta member. I was Sopo'd on the planet if someone wants to check logs after I got looted.

So yeah, Lets just make this clear.

- Julia was being a shit and fucking with a medical doctor doing his job.
- Julia ran into medbay surgery intentionally to Sopo the MP who stopped her fucking around while a Doctor was trying to do his job.
- Julia declared intent to resist arrest over the radio
- The arrest was entirely valid, She fucked around and Sopo'd an MP for doing his job.
- You fuckers jumped on and went full mutiny for an MP carrying out his job well within the guidelines. The arrest was done properly and with an extremely valid reason.

I'm still pretty convinced you were metagaming and honestly you just wanted to grief. Stop lying about what? You just had three separate people tell you that you're wrong.
Are you kidding? There's absolutely directional audio in byond. Do you not play with headphones? What the fuck are you even doing man. Maybe that's why so many marines are awful at responding to gunshots. Wear headphones, you cuck.

And I don't grief. It's not my style.

Regardless of what ACTUALLY happened, all Alpha had to work with was what we were told by our medic over the radio, and we acted on it. We were told she was batoned 4noraisins by an MP for not staying on the shuttle when she was transporting the survivor to medbay.

I literally CANNOT comment on what actually happened on the Sulaco, because I wasn't there. All I can comment on is what we heard over the radio.

Once again, REGARDLESS of how valid or not the arrest would have been, the entire Alpha team decided that you guys were chucklefucks and we weren't about to let some cucks take our medic away because one of the MPs decided to be a shit in the first place.

In any case, this is hardly relevant to this thread. You want to make a big deal out of you getting rekt, make a complaint thread of your own somewhere.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Arachnidnexus » 20 Dec 2015, 22:01

It's pretty funny that you made a complaint thread about Bill when it seemed that the actions of Alpha and the MPs escalated it way before he even entered the round.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by LiquidNightfury » 20 Dec 2015, 22:12

+1 to what Hycinth said, didn't see the stuff on the sulaco but I did witness the chuckefuckery on the surface from MPs, and can confirm that Alpha was acting perfectly sane. Carson's order didn't just piss off Alpha, bravo was stirring about it as soon as it came down, as well as members of other squads. It was a mutiny because of Carson, MPs were bad because of MPs. These are different contextually.

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by ChickenShizNit8 » 20 Dec 2015, 22:52

Arachnidnexus wrote:It's pretty funny that you made a complaint thread about Bill when it seemed that the actions of Alpha and the MPs escalated it way before he even entered the round.
The MP situation did cause a lot of stir with the marines, seeing as the MP's were sent down on orders of Command because of the MP screaming for backup.

OH, dunno if this is relevant, but MP's have full permission to go lethal from Command.
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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Outboarduniform » 20 Dec 2015, 23:25

yeah , if i remember , the MPs were also beating prisoners 4noraisan. this was just a really messed up situation that got more fucked

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Feweh » 20 Dec 2015, 23:54

I believe lost already sorted this out?
Is there a ending conclusion ?

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Re: Complaint against Bill Carson/Fitchace

Post by Lostmixup » 21 Dec 2015, 00:10

Feweh wrote:I believe lost already sorted this out?
Is there a ending conclusion ?
This was not sorted out. I'm not investigating it because of my bias towards bill carson.
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