Medical Evac Shuttle

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Infernus » 08 May 2016, 09:29

Monoo wrote:I feel like this will be balanced if aliens can hijack the shuttle when the marines that set down the beacon are killed.
For balancing, if there are 4 humans (includes the doctor) on the shuttle, code will prevent any more from climbing up with that bed. Tier 1 aliens can climb up to the shuttle by clicking on the line/bed

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Monoo » 08 May 2016, 09:36

Right, but will a handful of tier 1 aliens be able to shut down the medbay, given how robust our doctors are?
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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Boltersam » 08 May 2016, 12:54

Monoo wrote:Right, but will a handful of tier 1 aliens be able to shut down the medbay, given how robust our doctors are?
The doctors who are unarmed, and are only able to go get guns AFTER they know the Sulaco's been boarded, AFTER the tier 1s reveal themselves and slaughter the doctors.

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Monoo » 08 May 2016, 12:56

Boltersam wrote: The doctors who are unarmed, and are only able to go get guns AFTER they know the Sulaco's been boarded, AFTER the tier 1s reveal themselves and slaughter the doctors.
There's probably gonna be a lot more meta going on
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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by SpanishBirdman » 23 May 2016, 15:39

Bumping for Apop

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Steelpoint » 27 Jun 2016, 12:45

Bumping since this was always a good idea. It gives Medics more control and can help shave off a lot of recovery time for wounded Marines.
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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by TeDGamer » 27 Jun 2016, 12:55


This is definitely needed. And no need to waste the shuttle / pod recharge time.

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Sarah_U. » 27 Jun 2016, 13:22

I actually see this feature not working on prison as a feature. That'd actually refresh gameplay a LOT that marines gotta adapt their strategy and step it up if they can,t evacuate that easely wounded and need to advance one room at a time, carrying their medical staff along with them to keep the frontline safe.

So yea, I believe I'd give a +1 but overall I feel like it'd boost marine survival a wide margin and I'm unsure about THAT so I stick to neutral, letting others choose.
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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Surrealistik » 27 Jun 2016, 18:10

+1. Badly needed.
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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Jroinc1 » 11 Sep 2016, 13:57

+1 Bump.
Also, prison station's no longer a thing...
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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Zalgo » 12 Sep 2016, 01:59

+1. Gives more of a reason for medics and Sulaco medbay to work together. Maybe make the amount of beacons per medic vendor 4 instead of 6, so 2 beacons per medic. Might be an arbitrary cutback though, but 3 per medic sounds like an awful lot if there's ever 8 medics, meaning 24 potential medevac shuttle calls, with 3 people fitting on the shuttle adding up to a grand total of 72 quick evacuations with a dreamteam setup. Feels like about enough to evacuate the average marine force twice in its entirety, albeit over a very extended period of time. Highly unlikely, but I figure it's worth it to gauge what the most extreme situation may be if the planets were to align.

I just figure that 4 per vendor is a more balanced number, as the medevac shuttle ought to be used for marines that are in extremely dire need of immediate surgery. I feel like if they were given 3 each, they might use the beacons more casually rather than in the case of a more extreme emergency.

Otherwise, I don't see any issues with the actual operation of the shuttle, as it does require the medic to use the beacon, the doctor to take the shuttle down to it, and the medic and doctor to communicate to get the most critically endangered wounded onboard. Gives doctors more to do and lets medics stay closer to their squads and have the opportunity to save more lives. And if a medic or someone who stole the beacon from the medic/scavenged the beacon from the medic's corpse uses it and makes the medical staff evac people that aren't injured enough to warrant it, MP can get involved and have the beacons confiscated, the medic imprisoned for misuse of resources, or the marines that willingly took up a medevac spot without need of it imprisoned for desertion/insubordination, all depending on the circumstances.

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Jay Burns » 12 Sep 2016, 03:31

I'm giving it a +1 this will take off some pressure squad medics have of transporting marines to Pod or ras.

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by TheRedMenace » 15 Sep 2016, 05:45

First and foremost -
+1 to the idea

I have read all the posts. My ideas on it (Alas, i am preety much a baldie at the moment...)

Expect wall of text without TLDR and also a bad coding proposal that more or less is going to have holes, but shows my idea how it COULD work. Aaalso i might just had put too much effort into it.

- 4 beacons are nice. OR. Make the medivendor webbing pre-spawn with two beacons. I expect that to be coding nightmare because one line of code MIGHT make it so ALL the webbings would have them, but i am quite sure there is easy way to circumvent that. Like, making med-webbings a slightly different color and just repasting the code with slight difference in naming.

-Secured marine would teleport to secured bed. He would still be buckled. Anything lying down would not be counted towards "lift". That means, no stacking. I suppose there would have to be check like (sorry for my retarded coding ability, i am BAD at it-

If medevac_human_count x<4
----is_buckled = 1,
----.... If
----.... teleport_bed_1 = 1, teleport to bed 1
----.... else
----.... teleport_bed_2 = 1, teleport to bed 2
----.... else
----.... teleport to bed 3
----no teleport
else automatic retreat to space.

I know this code is really bad looking but i have no idea how to make it more, so to say, eye-friendlier.

The fact they are buckled to beds means that they heavily depend on medic to patch them up. Also. Fully healthy soldier is still buckled. MP can then easily grab the roller bed and pull the marine to the brig for desertion - i mean, he ran from battlefield beeing fully able to fight.

- In that coding version i propose one alien that hijacks it just... plows the 4 people easily, AND propably can infect two of wounded marines. Add second runner and whole evac mission is preety much killed. Not entirely sure, but it would be good idea to put designated role with at least SMG to protect the medevac. Also--

-Real world medevac with helis, have two to three spots for wounded, and -> A pilot, Co-Pilot (autopilot in CM), and a soldier guard. At least most of time.

Sorry for a long post, i do hope it is understandable as i am NOT the native english speaker.

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Eenkogneeto » 15 Sep 2016, 05:53

I think this is a really good idea, But I feel that it may cheapen the purpose of Field Surgeons, Especially when considering that nearly every marine who gets injured could be evaced in minutes and then redeploy.
I like the idea that T1s can climb it, But I think t2 should be able to aswell (Excluding Carriers and hivelords) so that a hunter can wait nearby and stealth up.
I like the balance of 'Does the doctor take a guard, limiting the lives he can save from 3 to 2 but giving himself peace of mind?'
Ultimately I have to give it a -1, Because I simply don't see it being used for the right reasons often enough, and it drastically changes the whole dynamic of injuries and infection /when theres even a doctor who will or can pilot the damn thing/
However let me stress that I find the idea of a mobile surgical helicopter amusing, its kinda broken. 2 minutes hover time is enough to get 2-3 marines fixed up and then take 2-3 with you back to the sulaco.

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Snypehunter007 » 21 Nov 2016, 19:30


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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by NescauComToddy » 21 Nov 2016, 20:32

YEP 1+ Same reasons stated by Bolter...I am tired of waiting 30 minutes to get back on the field

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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by Snypehunter007 » 28 Dec 2016, 14:20


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Re: Medical Evac Shuttle

Post by apophis775 » 28 Dec 2016, 14:45

Denied for now.

We are doing some shuttle reworks that will be in soon, you can make this again if they don't solve the problem.
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