Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
Look at boiler acid clouds. they can just about one shot groups of marines if caught in them and they can fire from a distance like a sniper
- spheretech
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
The sniper does seem to be one of the underused weapons (not more than grenade launcher though). Probably because it's hard to use. It's good if you can actually hit things. It's been buffed before adding the burn thingy but I think it kinda takes away the surprise element. The whole purpose is to hit things out of nowhere and kill them before they can react. Imo the burn damage should all be burst damage. Shooting aliens on weeds is pretty much wasting the valuable bullets since they can heal it off before you can fire again at them. Boilers are very different, the cloud doesn't move and you need to be stationary, but it is lethal if you're in it. I don't think anybody will mind if the sniper is buffed since barely anybody uses it, but I'm fine with it as is too.tenshar wrote:Look at boiler acid clouds. they can just about one shot groups of marines if caught in them and they can fire from a distance like a sniper

- ZDashe
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
Well then I'm glad to be one of the few who goes sniper when I play spec. Indeed, I go for silent kills. Most notable one that someone else pointed out to me was the carrier which I took down from afar alone. It was probably a new player who had no idea snipers existed.
It took my first shot, looked confused, planted a weed sac on the spot, and rolled. Then RIP carrier as two more rounds finished it off without even seeing the shooter.
It took my first shot, looked confused, planted a weed sac on the spot, and rolled. Then RIP carrier as two more rounds finished it off without even seeing the shooter.
- spheretech
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
The problem is they can usually clearly see when they got hit, like, HARR I'M ON FIRE HALP BETTER RETREAT. When aliens usually die it's when they're surprised and just go how the hell did I get hit for so much damage so fast.ZDashe wrote:Well then I'm glad to be one of the few who goes sniper when I play spec. Indeed, I go for silent kills. Most notable one that someone else pointed out to me was the carrier which I took down from afar alone. It was probably a new player who had no idea snipers existed.
It took my first shot, looked confused, planted a weed sac on the spot, and rolled. Then RIP carrier as two more rounds finished it off without even seeing the shooter.

- ZDashe
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
Yea, that's why most snipers can't secure a kill when they work alone, which I think is fine. They don't need to be as salty as SADARs... Snipers can easily make aliens retreat, especially a boiler who is poised to bombard your team's position.
The worst enemy for snipers are the terrain (lighting and obstacles) and your fellow marines...
The worst enemy for snipers are the terrain (lighting and obstacles) and your fellow marines...
- spheretech
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
To followup a hit I usually charge forward with a rifle to finish them off.ZDashe wrote:Yea, that's why most snipers can't secure a kill when they work alone, which I think is fine. They don't need to be as salty as SADARs... Snipers can easily make aliens retreat, especially a boiler who is poised to bombard your team's position.
The worst enemy for snipers are the terrain (lighting and obstacles) and your fellow marines...

- Halinder
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
I personally think snipers are fine as-is. I've been caught out alone by a runner, boiler, and spitter, and the sniper rifle + machete mix killed all of those no problem. Consider the sniper to be a support weapon for any larger aliens, since you should be working with fellow marines to initiate battles and deal DoT to help secure kills.
https://i.gyazo.com/75f378476ef8f516e2f ... 2fa13b.png
LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder
[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.
LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder
[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
Eh, neutral, sniper seems like okay, but it feels like it can do more, but that more is probably 95% too harsh on aliens
- username123
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
Yeah, the sniper rifle is really not a very good weapon compared to an m41 rifle, in fact, if you take a pair of binoculars with one hand and a m41 with gyro, rds and extended barrel, you made yourself a better "sniper rifle" than the m42c, so yeah, the m42c is a pretty bad weapon compared to the smartgun and sadar, which are the best weapons than a spec can take, +1 to a buff for the m42c
Last edited by username123 on 08 Apr 2016, 01:17, edited 1 time in total.
- Mitchs98
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
+1 simply due to the fact the rifle isn't even that good. B18 is arguably better if the person using it isnt shit. I mean, sure. It ALMOST crits a runner. But you know the problem with that? Runners fuck off and heal, making that moot, and making the sniper waste ammo. Not to mention the fact of how many shots it takes before they even hit anything with the HORRIBLE accuracy it suffers unless it's ten tiles away, provided it actually even reaches it before its moved.
It definetely needs some kind of buff to be on par with everything else. Perhaps a fire rate buff? Make it semi auto instead of bolt action?
It definetely needs some kind of buff to be on par with everything else. Perhaps a fire rate buff? Make it semi auto instead of bolt action?
- username123
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Re: Buff m42c damage or add stun/knockdown on t1/t2 targets
You guys know what would be a good buff for the sniper rifle? make the fire deal 4-6% of the maximun health as damage per tick, this way it won't kill T1 aliens with 1 hit, but it will be VERY GOOD against T3 aliens and Queen and we will finally have a real counter for the crushers.
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