Armored boots / Gloves

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by MrJJJ » 02 Apr 2016, 01:03

outordinary wrote: You want instructions on how to work as a team? Be more robust?

Yes, because your entire arguement is "git gud" and "work together as a team" which are very vague

The majority of this gamemode is teamwork. Stick with your buds, if you go to attack, stay in a group.

Already explained what happens, AOA crusher comes, almost entire team stunned, carriers come, hunters and ravagers come and etc, gg most of your entire team got hugged or killed.

Most xenos will want you to chase em most marines will chase a xeno all the way to the ends of the map if they think they will get a kill.

Uh, i don't remember a marine running from the nexus to the caves to kill a runner yet, as far as i know when a xeno appears and marine chases it, when it dissapeares, marine chases for good 4-6 seconds and then runs away, because he probably knows its not a good idea to.

The easy part of not getting close to them, don't get close and as you said force yourself to walk away instead of chasing thinking they are hurt and the next shot will kill em.

Again, you can't just counter a arguement of *but how i am suppose to not get destroyed by aliens who get to me in CQC really fast?* with *just don't get close*, because you CAN'T get not close, if you are on weeds especially, aliens primary weapon is not ranged, its melee, the huggers, the spits are they abilities, but they weapon IS melee, which means majority of the alien castes will engage you in melee and it will end, FAST, especially if there is a charger or boiler spliting the group, or a queen with her screech ready nearby.

force yourself to walk away instead of chasing thinking they are hurt and the next shot will kill em.

WHAT IS THIS SENTENCE? who is HURT?! how will the next shot kill them if the alien escaped?! ???????????????

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by outordinary » 02 Apr 2016, 19:47

I'm not going to explain how to counter crushers, I'd rather you think they are indestructible since I mostly play ayy. For the marines chasing, we have a very low health pool still, peeps know that and yes chase for a good 4-6 seconds, to the end of the map was just an exaggeration. Say the hunter or whoever that baits the marine outside for those few seconds has buddies waiting, then GG. Also, what part of don't get close do you not understand? Don't stand in a lawn of weeds, start zoning more since your combat is based on range, use some damn flares, have an escape route etc. What else do you want for keeping a few tiles distance? For the whole hurt thing, I say again, we have a low health pool and our dodge percentage has been slowly whittled at. Marines are faster than most xenos excluding runners and maybe hunters/ravs by a tad. They give chase hoping the next few shots puts em in crit.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by MrJJJ » 03 Apr 2016, 01:52

outordinary wrote:I'm not going to explain how to counter crushers, I'd rather you think they are indestructible since I mostly play ayy.

And your arguement litteraly fell apart here...if you mostly play aliens, you should not be trying to suggest or speak for marines on what to do, since most of your info will be incorrect

For the marines chasing, we have a very low health pool still

Its actually preety big, our weapons just do a preety good damage

Also, what part of don't get close do you not understand?

I already explained why, simply saying *don't get close* is not sufficient, because you can't run away from most aliens, and if there is shit tons of weeds, which there usually is, you be slowed down to even smaller pace.

Don't stand in a lawn of weeds, start zoning more since your combat is based on range, use some damn flares, have an escape route etc. What else do you want for keeping a few tiles distance?

This few tiles distance can be covered usually in 1-2 seconds, allowing alien to already be close to you, and maybe do a AOA stun if its a charger or queen, even if it is a hunter or spitter, you still might get tackled or slashed in the limbs even if it is 1-3 slashes and then they retreat after you start firing on them with your teammates, and these said slashes can cause bleeding, bone fractures, all sorts of nasty stuff, which handicap a marine.

Also we can't zone more, majority of combat is in tight corners, and on the open ground its really hard to hit fast moving xenos, flares don't help expect give more vision and they tend to be melted/pulled away and majority of the time you see everything you need, escape routes are also not usefull, since in the caves they already there, and FOB only retreat when they want/ordered to, and open grounds is either marines trying to chase aliens or running away.

For the whole hurt thing, I say again, we have a low health pool and our dodge percentage has been slowly whittled at. Marines are faster than most xenos excluding runners and maybe hunters/ravs by a tad. They give chase hoping the next few shots puts em in crit.

Faster castes than marine with no weeds: Drone, Runner, Hunter, Ravager sometimes, especially when he is charging, Charger when he is charging.
Faster castes than marine on weeds: Everything Expect Queen, Hivelord, Boiler, Praetorian and...that's it really.

Pointed out the health already, and your dodge has never been touched, you never had it, its the accuracy of weapon depending on what marine attached to the gun, and your higher castes have thick exoskeleton which sometimes ignore bullets.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by outordinary » 03 Apr 2016, 05:34

I'm not going to give you bad info, I'm not like that, but bottom line is there is a way to deal with AOE stuns, rav charges, and pounces. Up to you to find out the way. pm some vets.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by Sikillgard » 03 Apr 2016, 22:52


Suppose you could approach it like adding just some extra values over a standard glove/boot, enough to make de-limbing a little harder, but not as much as a B18.

You could add in to req that costs like an attachment, It's either two attachments or a armoured item and one attachment.

A little debuff counter to de-limbing isn't bad, imo. I think it would work as an alternate gear option, which adds customization for marines.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by MrJJJ » 04 Apr 2016, 21:54

outordinary wrote:I'm not going to give you bad info, I'm not like that, but bottom line is there is a way to deal with AOE stuns, rav charges, and pounces. Up to you to find out the way. pm some vets.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by masterspots » 05 Apr 2016, 16:59

How does something as big and tall as a ravager hit your feet without completely stopping bending over and hacking at them?

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by username123 » 05 Apr 2016, 19:26

masterspots wrote:How does something as big and tall as a ravager hit your feet without completely stopping bending over and hacking at them?
Have you tried to cut a feather in half with a knife in the middle of the air? thats exactly what would happen if a hypothetical creature the size of a T-Rex tries to slash something or somebody with x1000 more force than the "target" weighs, specially against a feet that has armored boots with kevlar panels that the marine can move to the middle of the air to make it much more harder to slash.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by Arachnidnexus » 06 Apr 2016, 21:55

Ravagers just want marines to take off their shoes before entering the hive. Obviously we need Ravager slashing feet to only remove the boots.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by Shadow » 08 Apr 2016, 11:27

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by Tristan63 » 08 Apr 2016, 16:45

B18 armor for all everyone!

-1 Bring a pistol man if you loose an arm.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by OatzAndHoes » 19 Apr 2016, 08:01

While I like the RP aspect of losing an arm/leg, a slight armour buff on gloves and boots would prevent the 1 slash footfests we see all the time from ravs.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 19 Apr 2016, 13:35

TeknoKot wrote:-1

Mainly because you should rather work as a team and be more careful, if this gets implemented, hunters/ravagers would be almost nerfed, as they can't criple a muhreen who keeps spraying and praying. I've killed many ravagers before, and they're rather easy to kill, especially with someone watching your back. Just move around a lot and keep firing.
It's just a bull fight with Ravagers. Bait the charge, gun them down...if you get ambushed it's RIP but yeah -1

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by qDan » 20 Apr 2016, 11:21

+1 but for legs only. Even the aluems have sharp claws they cant simply cut off legs which not only protected better but technically bigger then hands. I just cant believe that its possible to break leg bone in two-three hits to dismember foot, aluems attacking randomly and not aiming to slash single place. So bleeding and broken bones - totally yes, removed feet - totally nope.

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Re: Armored boots / Gloves

Post by forwardslashN » 12 Jun 2016, 01:16

Boots and gloves do provide protection. Locking.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
