Xenos evolving limitations

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Re: Xenos evolving limitations

Post by Gentlemanly_headcrab » 23 Apr 2016, 09:09

MrJJJ wrote: By doing something right, you mean just sitting in hive and waiting untill you at least hunter, then fight or keep hidding and then evolve into ravager or crusher?
Also AP rounds don't seem to be much different from normal rounds, they seem to take down ravagers just as much as normal for some reason, the only thing i saw is that AP ones don't get deflected
Tbh, that's pretty true hiding away until you get T3 happens a lot. AP rounds as far as I know get deflected less and do slightly more damage but is still effective on those classes that usually rely on deflecting most of the rounds that hit them(Prae, Rav, Crusher). Even then, limiting seems like a generally bad idea still as some rounds where marines are being overly aggressive need more than 3-4 T3's to drive them off and I'm not saying T3's as just Rav's and Crusher's I'm also referring to Prae, Boiler, Hivelord, Carrier (Though it's sorta T3-T2), and the sort.

Edit: I just saw another 7+ T3 rounds, maybe we do need a small limit getting rid of my pervious -1 in favor of a meh.
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Re: Xenos evolving limitations

Post by qDan » 23 Apr 2016, 14:47

Boltersam wrote:First, this suggestion is badly written in some parts. Please make it more legible.

Second, you sound like a really, really pro marine player. If you'd have played Xenos, at all, you'd know it takes a lot more than 20 minutes to get to T3, or even T2.

Third, "Weakly defended nexus" is not a thing. Ever.

Four, most xenos were slower than marines until the recent speed buff.

Five, cheap and "timeless" walls? They're paper. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. The walls have to be literal paper with how easily they're destroyed with guns.

Six, Boilers can be killed, literally, by a single Rambo marine going after it. If you're just standing still, without a sniper aiming for the boilers launching volleys of spit (Which, by the way, is not common. At all. Boiler is underused. Let alone the fact that barricades block the gas so makes it useless against a dug in position.) What the hell is wrong with you. Go out there, kill it because of its terrible speed and glow-in-the-dark-so-it's-easier-to-hit.

Seven, you would know that the night vision is useless most of the time, because most xenos need to get in melee range to do damage, and they will be shot long before they get that close, sentinels and spitters only have one spit that needs to recharge, and in that time a squad of marines can just charge in, only one of them will get hit by the spit, and they slaughter the xeno. Thermals is rarely useful either, because even if you tell everyone "Squad in med dome!" It's useless, because it's suicide to take on a squad without a Crusher.

Eight, the Crusher's stomp was recently nerfed in range, so don't worry about that. It can't knock down all the marines, so fire at it while it slowly tries to run away (If it charged, it's stunned on the ground, so kill it.). And, by the way, they cannot "shrek everything in range". Ravagers can do that if nobody is shooting at them. Crushers have far less damage output.

I would like my points countered with a well-written and intelligent answer to them. Thank you. -Support.
Honestly, I'd like to comment your post at first, but due to the fact mostly all of your arguments are baseless and
not linked to written, your comment for me look like a typical salt mine worker's cry. Still Id like to correct your mistakes:

1) To evolve in tier3 xeno you need around 40-50 minutes depending on spawn rate (usually 4-6 xenos spawn initially, one goes to be Queen and 1-2 to be tier2 carriers).
How much time you need to get to the planet and start acting as marine? At least 15 minutes to get into marine prep rooms and get equipment, around 10 minutes to receive attachments in RO and get to briefing. Up to 10 minutes to pack both ships and get off it on the surface. Around 20 minutes to search survivors and recon domes plus 20-30 minutes in the same time to fully set up defense perimeter in Nexus and\or Vault.

So basicly theres at least half hour of guarantee free roaming for xenos to get monkeys or try to bust survivors. Moreover theres bannable mandatory rule not to rush in caves for marines on the first go, thus making aliens life even more easier letting'em to promote to t3 every starting xeno and to t2+jelly all other even with slow queen. On 55-60 minute theres already up to six tier3 xenos and lots of tier2 inc carriers (which kinda t2.5).

2) Alien's walls cost literally nothing and may be placed as fast as player can click. And you still need to waste around half mag or hit'em 6-8 time with knife to broke doors and walls. From the other side, paper marine walls not only may be down'd in seconds but also cost very solid among of materials (as well as building time) which not infinite as xenos plasma. Girder may be destroyed in 1 crusher hit, standard wall may be melted in 2 minutes even by spitter, Im not even talking about praetorian or boiler, barricades useless against crushers as well - one hit from far distance and they destroyed. Thats why after last update there were zero Nexus fortification wins, LZ1 always being overran at least since April and nobody cares what was 9000 years ago, its all about current situation. The only successful choke point now is vault-LZ2-comms but its still hard to defend due to crusher+boiler spam.

3) I never saw boilers or drones walking alone or rushing marine positions without heavy cover of spitters carriers and t3 xenos, so leave that nonsense about easly killed boilers (boilerS not a single one btw) to someone else.

4) Who cares about single 'nerfed' crusher if theres may be up to six fatass crushers attacking together and covering different spots with their stun? Thats the core point of my post - to limit such hoards and other possible spam thus not letting xenos grow to tier3 on first hour in comfy deep dark caves.
Gentlemanly_headcrab wrote:Edit: Changed from -1 to a Meh.

If you can get 6+ ravagers or crushers you're doing something right. With the new addition of AP rounds the stronger slower classes become easier targets now. A good Sadar carrying spec can be hell for Ravagers and Crushers already and it just seems a bit meh to limit it. Usually, I'll see three T3's of varying types of the hunting class and those rounds where there are 6-7 are rare.

Edit: Not so rare.
If you can get six ravagers or crushers you are doing totally liek in original movies or a games, right? And sorry but four specs may or may not pick sadars which are unique btw, thus, once melted or simply dropped nobody will be able to use'em and (if nothing changed yet) rockets still useless against crushers as well as land mines making sadars useless again tier3 spam about what original post was.

I have no idea why so many people came in this thread to moan about old long-time ago disabled 'Hive Strange' but the point of the core message is to invent new system instead of returning (yes, quite lame) old one or so. Thats why instead of hoarding topic with huge salty messages better introduce your own thoughts. I really think system like 3->2->1 or 5->3->2 might suit game well after last update because 1) its realistic, 2) it preventing powergaming and abusing of nonbalanced abilities such as massive 5-6 boiler's massive acid shower or barricade crash+stun by crushers hoards. Thats not a nefring (especially when server pop high) its just a common sense.

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Re: Xenos evolving limitations

Post by Boltersam » 23 Apr 2016, 17:07

qDan wrote: Honestly, I'd like to comment your post at first, but due to the fact mostly all of your arguments are baseless and
not linked to written, your comment for me look like a typical salt mine worker's cry. Still Id like to correct your mistakes:

1) To evolve in tier3 xeno you need around 40-50 minutes depending on spawn rate (usually 4-6 xenos spawn initially, one goes to be Queen and 1-2 to be tier2 carriers).
How much time you need to get to the planet and start acting as marine? At least 15 minutes to get into marine prep rooms and get equipment, around 10 minutes to receive attachments in RO and get to briefing. Up to 10 minutes to pack both ships and get off it on the surface. Around 20 minutes to search survivors and recon domes plus 20-30 minutes in the same time to fully set up defense perimeter in Nexus and\or Vault.

So basicly theres at least half hour of guarantee free roaming for xenos to get monkeys or try to bust survivors. Moreover theres bannable mandatory rule not to rush in caves for marines on the first go, thus making aliens life even more easier letting'em to promote to t3 every starting xeno and to t2+jelly all other even with slow queen. On 55-60 minute theres already up to six tier3 xenos and lots of tier2 inc carriers (which kinda t2.5).

2) Alien's walls cost literally nothing and may be placed as fast as player can click. And you still need to waste around half mag or hit'em 6-8 time with knife to broke doors and walls. From the other side, paper marine walls not only may be down'd in seconds but also cost very solid among of materials (as well as building time) which not infinite as xenos plasma. Girder may be destroyed in 1 crusher hit, standard wall may be melted in 2 minutes even by spitter, Im not even talking about praetorian or boiler, barricades useless against crushers as well - one hit from far distance and they destroyed. Thats why after last update there were zero Nexus fortification wins, LZ1 always being overran at least since April and nobody cares what was 9000 years ago, its all about current situation. The only successful choke point now is vault-LZ2-comms but its still hard to defend due to crusher+boiler spam.

3) I never saw boilers or drones walking alone or rushing marine positions without heavy cover of spitters carriers and t3 xenos, so leave that nonsense about easly killed boilers (boilerS not a single one btw) to someone else.

4) Who cares about single 'nerfed' crusher if theres may be up to six fatass crushers attacking together and covering different spots with their stun? Thats the core point of my post - to limit such hoards and other possible spam thus not letting xenos grow to tier3 on first hour in comfy deep dark caves.
If you can get six ravagers or crushers you are doing totally liek in original movies or a games, right? And sorry but four specs may or may not pick sadars which are unique btw, thus, once melted or simply dropped nobody will be able to use'em and (if nothing changed yet) rockets still useless against crushers as well as land mines making sadars useless again tier3 spam about what original post was.

I have no idea why so many people came in this thread to moan about old long-time ago disabled 'Hive Strange' but the point of the core message is to invent new system instead of returning (yes, quite lame) old one or so. Thats why instead of hoarding topic with huge salty messages better introduce your own thoughts. I really think system like 3->2->1 or 5->3->2 might suit game well after last update because 1) its realistic, 2) it preventing powergaming and abusing of nonbalanced abilities such as massive 5-6 boiler's massive acid shower or barricade crash+stun by crushers hoards. Thats not a nefring (especially when server pop high) its just a common sense.
(1)If it takes you a full quarter of an hour to walk to the canteen, vend something, eat it while you're walking to prep, get dressed, and get guns. Then there's something wrong. Attachments at the RO are not mandatory.

(2) Walls cannot be put down as fast as you can click. You have to go to the Alien menu, click on Secrete Resin, click on Resin Wall in a list, then click Ok. I've seen people try to pull off Combat Building before, and they pause for several seconds, in which they are pummeled with bullets. "Paper marine walls are downed in seconds" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wrong wall. It takes at least a half minute for the Boiler (who has the strongest acid) to melt a wall. Lower tiers like Sentinels and Spitters are much more common, because people dislike how slow and weak the boiler is. Now, you're comparing them to Crushers. Girders are destroyed in one hit? maybe you should actually make them walls. Barricades destroyed in one hit from a Long Distance?They get stunned from long distance charges. Shoot at them while they're down.

(3) You know what I've (Almost never) seen? People who actually bodyguard boilers.

(4) Sigh.... That kinda teamwork is something I dream about. It never happens. But, tell me, should they be nerfed because a FEW PEOPLE USED TEAMWORK FOR ONCE?

What's this about "Hive Strange?" You're spelling something wrong, because I don't know what the fuck that is.

Explain this 3-2-1 and 5-3-2 system of yours, because I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

First, hordes, not hoards. (Hoards are what a dragon collects. Basically lots of treasure in a dragon cave. Dragon's hoard. Horde is a large unorganised group.) Hordes of Boilers and Crushers, let alone T3s, do not happen. At all. I have never seen these "Hoards of 6-7 of a single type of T3. Someone give me a picture, because frankly I do not believe these exist.

Also, not salty. There's nothing to be salty about. Salty is being mad because something bad happened, like someone got lucky with a SADAR and hit you right in the face. I'm giving you a counter argument to your suggestion. I dislike people being called salty unless it's deserved, like if I'm raging after being killed. You're calling me salty is a blind reaction to someone who opposes what you suggest.

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Re: Xenos evolving limitations

Post by Page Avenue » 23 Apr 2016, 18:24

Boltersam wrote: Is this the start of the round, or near the end?
It was near the end. Consistently observing I found that for every new marine who joined, two were inactive. My point that 50+ marines does not actually mean 50+ marines has already been made however, you even acknowledged such.

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Re: Xenos evolving limitations

Post by apophis775 » 23 Apr 2016, 20:27

THis will probably be all made moot by the next Xeno Update, so I'm locking it.
