Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Lostmixup » 04 May 2016, 21:38

+1 yo
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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by NoShamNoWow » 04 May 2016, 21:39

Abbysynth wrote:This isn't going to happen, for a number of reasons. Maybe I didn't explain my reasoning behind this addition well enough.

Number one, consider what happens 99% of the time a marine gets nested - they get infected, they wake up, they resist, and xenos have to either box them in with walls or constantly stand there, sometimes directly on top of them, to make sure they don't escape in the middle of their HQ. In the rare chance a marine doesn't have someone guarding them, and has weapons left, they might get 5-10 seconds of brief, stupid freedom before being tackled and dragged back again. Nothing like this ever happened in any of the movies, books, comics, or games. Once you're nested, you're done, unless someone else comes and frees you.

Sentinels are NOT a nest-guarding caste gamewise. They are lore-wise, but here they mainly fill the niche of a projectile caste, which is necessary to deal with things like sentries, snipers, and so on. They aren't required to guard anything unless the Queen tells them to. They should be, since they are good at it - why should we force players who don't enjoy nest-guarding to do it? If the job can be done with half the xenos then it should be, and let the people who play xeno to fight on the front lines go and do so.

You still have about exactly the same kind of chances to get out of the nest now - MORE so than before, probably, since there are less guards, less checkerboards, and less paranoia about the nest being dangerous. Rescues are much more rewarding.

Let's face it, if you're the kind of player who enjoys going on brief, pointless Yakkity Sax runs in the Xeno hive then you're not going to like this update. Sometimes stuff happens that you don't like but is required for the enjoyment of ALL players, not just you. Xenos can no longer drag off your flares, SADARs, sniper rifles, generators, unsecured turrets.. This is HUGE, and yet all this complaining is about something that, all things considered, really makes no difference. You were only going to ever escape before if you weren't being watched. That is exactly what can still happen. It only takes 20 extra seconds to get out of those cuffs.
Alright Abby, I’m coming straight here. Since I have started playing – from becoming a mentor to now – where I am currently on the verge of being done playing CM. I have noticed a lot of wrong things with this whole community, and it’s not the community itself it’s some staff.

Now don't get me wrong, a lot of you put a ton of work into this server, but there is one thing that you’re missing here – the biggest fucking point of all. You don't care about the community. You act unprofessional at times and you are generally toxic at some points. If you really want to make this game something special, you LISTEN to the community.

Look at this thread. People bring some really good points in here, but no, you say fuck that I will do what I think is best regardless of what everyone else thinks. Not the entire fucking community thinks it is fucking fun to sit in a nest and do literally NOTHING but whine on your radio for help. No one thinks this is fucking enjoyable! The only people who think this is enjoyable are people that mainly play alien but will say "Oh no I play marine too, I know what’s best."

From what I have seen so far CM is falling apart. Most people don't even know but I can fucking see it. Staff, you guys are all cool but this needs to stop. I don't hate any of you but ever since SAS left and TR became headmin I think staff has totally lost it, but this post is mostly aimed at Abby here. You are by far the worse staff member I have encountered. I don't talk much shit about people but I have had fucking enough of this. You abuse your power and don't even go lying here saying that you don't. I’ve seen you do it! People may stand up to you and say "Oh she was testing" and such but fucking no, what I have personally seen and what I have been told – I think you need to change.

I will also be guessing this will be my resignation along this post, since there is no going back here. Sorry everyone, but CM has officially become unplayable for me. Where the community is going – where CM is generally going I don't like it and I am just done.

Also Apop, when you read this. Understand that I respect your server and what you do with it, but just one thing – listen to the community. Not everyone likes where it is going. I’m only speaking out because I am done. Another thing for the count – I have played the game since the start of alpha abby. This is also another thing – I may not have played as long as you but I have seen enough from you to know what kind of person you are. You may assume I’ve made a post because of me dying or something due to resin but no, it’s not at ALL like that. I have had friends and all sorts of people complain about this already – others about you and all sorts of junk. I just want the community to know that if you think CM was going good, it’s not. Take a look now – this thread is an example of the community giving good reasons to something and a dev COMPLETELY IGNORING WHAT WE THINK and doing what SHE WANTS TO DO. Sorry everyone, it has to be this way
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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Abbysynth » 04 May 2016, 22:32

I'm sorry to hear that, Sham. I can be a diva sometimes, I admit it. I thought that someone who's been around since early alpha and knows how the cycle of nerfs and buffs goes would have a little more faith in my process, though. I understand people are upset at this change - needlessly upset. How many times have you actually escaped a nest? One out of 30? 50? 100? I play multiple hours per day and I always try to escape nests and I NEVER get free. And I get upset when I get spam tackled or spit on and brought back, as usual.

Why does it make someone upset? I caught on the answer today because I recognized the feeling of frustration. It's exactly the kind of feeling a lottery addict gets when they buy a stinker (we get a lot of them at our store and they love to chat). Maybe this time, out of the thousands of other times, you'll get free, and get glorious vengeance..! Well I did manage to kill 3 larvae once..

But the thing is, like all tweaks and nerfs to the game, there is an overall plan behind it. There are new, exciting tickets coming up on the market and I promise anyone upset at this change won't even remember it in a week.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Azmodan412 » 04 May 2016, 22:36

Abbysynth wrote:I'm sorry to hear that, Sham. I can be a diva sometimes, I admit it. I thought that someone who's been around since early alpha and knows how the cycle of nerfs and buffs goes would have a little more faith in my process, though. I understand people are upset at this change - needlessly upset. How many times have you actually escaped a nest? One out of 30? 50? 100? I play multiple hours per day and I always try to escape nests and I NEVER get free. And I get upset when I get spam tackled or spit on and brought back, as usual.

Why does it make someone upset? I caught on the answer today because I recognized the feeling of frustration. It's exactly the kind of feeling a lottery addict gets when they buy a stinker (we get a lot of them at our store and they love to chat). Maybe this time, out of the thousands of other times, you'll get free, and get glorious vengeance..! Well I did manage to kill 3 larvae once..

But the thing is, like all tweaks and nerfs to the game, there is an overall plan behind it. There are new, exciting tickets coming up on the market and I promise anyone upset at this change won't even remember it in a week.
I may be the only one, but from someone whose new (this) account was created and the old one lost (in name and password) where there was the LO lines, I love the updates. This fucking place is literally the best and if it applies, I would like to post an Assemblage 23 song.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Xurphorus » 05 May 2016, 00:25

.....Okay, I have seen enough, here is what I have to say on this situation.

Firstly, this update is total shit, reason why? Who in the world will want to sit there, try to break from a nest, and then wait 20 seconds to uncuff themselves? Those 20 seconds are VITAL in a marines daring escape from a nest, being watched or not, 20 seconds is a fucking life time in CM lag or without lag because it comes down to whether if youre going to burst a larva or not. Aliens will take FULL advantage of this buff because of many reasons, one being checkerboard hives, they will NOT stop creating those, secondly is tackle spamming, aliens have done this since the dawn of time and they will keep doing it regardless of the updates, and lastly is the constant baby sitting, even from the castes that should be out HUNTING, instead of sitting there and watching poor itty bitty Ol' Marines. I'm fed up with things always going in Aliens favor, I don't see how any of these updates benefit marine players like myself, everyone knows this I'm PRO marine, but I'm not biased towards aliens.

My next opinion, Why the fuck is attachments suddenly too BIG to put in your pockets and or fucking backpacks? They are handheld ITEMs, the size of god damn fists, there is no reason why a god damn red dot, or a harness, or even a fucking foregrip should be a struggle to fit inside of ones backpack. That's dumb. I agree with sham and also Gabol on their opinions also. Whats with these needless updates when devs should be worrying about the bugs and shit that still plague marines since the bullet pathing update. Pointblanking missing, bullets passing through aliens at even mid range when its direct fire and theres no warning saying the bullet missed, Ravagers and Chargers phasing over PLASTEEL barricades, they should NOT be doing that, they are NOT fucking stallions leaping over fences. I love this server, its my fucking pass time when I'm bored and need to get away from daily stresses, but lately I get stressed playing it. I don't want to have a moment where I get on byond and look at CM and cringe.

My last two cents, I see that Sham has voiced his opinion about staff, and you know what? He's not wrong, ever since SaS left things have been going south, I have no qualms with TR B.dragon but I honestly do not think he is ready to have the title of Head of Staff when he hasn't been a Admin for that long, and I'm saying this because of my own observations, but hey when you have no one else trying to pick up the slack that's better qualified you go for the next best thing. I want to say to you guys, if youre gonna put out a product with the intentions to sell, make sure you'd buy the product yourself, and when I say this, actually take the time and play, like everyone else, find out what goes on as a player and not as a staff member, see what actually ticks you off as a marine, or as a xeno and bring this problem to a pool of ideas to the community. You know, I once saw Apop play for the first time on pre alpha and he totally fucking hated his experience, know what he did, immediately announce that he's gonna have to change some things about either side. That's not the way to go about things, don't judge something after the first page, keep on reading, see where the story goes before you want to send it back for a edit. I say once more, these updates are shit, you guys should really put things back to before this update, and work on bugs rather than implement game changing updates that will have some kind of backlash, but you know what, You guys know that I know that you know, this will NOT come back and bite you because the community will just keep playing as normal and never voice how they feel but be salty in dead chat, others may kiss ass and praise these updates, but hell I might even get some stink eyes for what I'm saying. I'm gonna still play CM, reason why? because you all still play it, the people make this game enjoyable, just try keeping it that way.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by cheesebagel » 05 May 2016, 00:55

+1, I can't kill myself immediately if I also have to remove cuffs.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by ParadoxSpace » 05 May 2016, 01:50

Xurphorus wrote: I'm fed up with things always going in Aliens favor, I don't see how any of these updates benefit marine players like myself, everyone knows this I'm PRO marine, but I'm not biased towards aliens.
This is about where you lost me.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Xurphorus » 05 May 2016, 02:03

ParadoxSpace wrote: This is about where you lost me.
I was stating that because I enjoy playing Marines more than Xeno's I wont let that get in the way of my opinion. It has always been a constant battle between buffing aliens, nerfing marines, nerfing aliens, and buffing marines. We were finally at the middle ground, gameplay was just fine, if aliens learned to follow the rules and not drag things away that should not be dragged in the first place, like crates, tanks, anything that can be considered cover, then this nerf with dragging wouldn't be needed. There are more pressing things to worry about like the bugs still making things less enjoyable and or fair. Ive always stated that bullets phase through aliens sometimes in direct fire, and Ive also stated crushers and ravagers can bypass barricades because of this, cover is now deemed useless, marines can no longer shoot through grilles, and wooden barricades so options for effective defenses are limited to plasteel barricades, girders/false walls, and turned over tables. Crushers can EASILY walk through the tables, so can ravagers. I'm just saying marines are limited. Its already a hassle when aliens hugger slash, and foot slash to get an edge over humans.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Minijar » 05 May 2016, 02:15

In all honesty I don't see this affecting hive escape much since your chances are practically null in the first place. I havnt had a chance to be nested yet with this but if the players don't want it get rid of it.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 03:28

Xurphorus wrote:.....Okay, I have seen enough, here is what I have to say on this situation.

Firstly, this update is total shit, reason why? Who in the world will want to sit there, try to break from a nest, and then wait 20 seconds to uncuff themselves? Those 20 seconds are VITAL in a marines daring escape from a nest
Who in the world wants to sit there for about 20 minutes, doing nothing, except on the occasion where that one infected marine, who can completely wreck the hive if he gets loose, to resist out of the nest?
Xurphorus wrote: Ravagers and Chargers phasing over PLASTEEL barricades, they should NOT be doing that, they are NOT fucking stallions leaping over fences.
Correction, it's a feature. The crusher is as big as an APC, if you've seen it in the game "Aliens, Colonial Marines", and the ravager is the size of a Trex. They can both just step over the barricade.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by MrJJJ » 05 May 2016, 03:31

Boltersam wrote: Who in the world wants to sit there for about 20 minutes, doing nothing, except on the occasion where that one infected marine, who can completely wreck the hive if he gets loose, to resist out of the nest?

Every single xeno apparently, because no xeno ever stops babysitting bolty, also if he can wreck the hive, then aliens need to get robust

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 03:33

MrJJJ wrote:
No, they don't want to, J, but they HAVE to, otherwise marines get free, can't be stopped by huggers, and kill a lot of non-combat castes in the hive.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by MrJJJ » 05 May 2016, 03:34

Boltersam wrote: No, they don't want to, J, but they HAVE to, otherwise marines get free, can't be stopped by huggers, and kill a lot of non-combat castes in the hive.
Hm, last i checked, everyone just wants to do it, even a simple runner even though there is a queen, a sentinel and other such castes, also, tackles, spit, screech, don't forget them, if you can't deal with a marine, get robust

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by KeyWii » 05 May 2016, 03:35

Lostmixup wrote:+1 yo

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 03:44

MrJJJ wrote: Hm, last i checked, everyone just wants to do it, even a simple runner even though there is a queen, a sentinel and other such castes, also, tackles, spit, screech, don't forget them, if you can't deal with a marine, get robust
We're already dealing with marines. By guarding them. So, what you're saying is, let the hugger immune marines get free and slaughter our defenceless drones, hivelords, and carriers, then take down the queen with the 7 revolvers they all hid in their backpacks.

The thing is, J, you're talking about a single marine. This is not the case when one gets free, because he will free all the other marines as they're often nested close to eachother. Then, you have a hoard of immune to huggers marines with SMGs, revolvers, service pistols, and some rifles if they took mag straps. Drones, hivelords, carriers, queens, runners, in fact most of the alien force, can't handle that, because killing infected hosts is against the rules, even if ordered to by the Queen.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by apophis775 » 05 May 2016, 03:50

Let me clear this up:

Before this was implemented, it was discussed and cleared with me. I've been looking for a way to shift focus from "babysitting" marines back to combat for awhile.

We are CONSTANTLY updating, adjusting, and balancing. But you know, it DOES MY HEART GOOD that a SINGLE UPDATE which we discussed greatly before approving is apparently enough to throw the community up into flames.

I DO try to listen to the community as MUCH AS I POSSIBLY CAN, but at the same time, we have to develop and push the game forward. I remember that, historically, people get "salty as fuck" over every time little change we do. This is because people innately HATE change. But I promise you this, if this ends up being a bad idea and not shifting gameplay the way we want, we WILL adjust it to better fit. But there's zero reason, that a marine should be able to escape from resin themself deep in the hive, and be able to instantly go on a killing spree.

Now, as far as "many staff retiring". All servers, go through "cycles". Recently, we've been hit by a bit harder than expected with Skinner resigning due to his admitted abuse, and Lost's resignation (which actually, Headstaff has known about for Months and was planned). The issue, is that the resignations seemed to overlap. But CM isn't going to die because of this, CM is bigger than that, and we have a Dev staff that would never let that happen. However, even if I decided I wanted nothing to do with CM, the server in it's current state with the linked funds, can run for about 3 years.

So here is my, slightly brutal suggestion: HAVE FAITH. Even if it's a problem we've got for a short time while we balance the new features, we have a history of working with and involving our community. We didn't get this far, without knowing WHAT WE ARE DOING. And to be brutally honest, who do you think has a better idea of how a feature will work in a game long-term with our overall plan? Players who get saltier than that Dead Sea from a single update, or a Game Designer with a degree in Game Design?

As many of the dev team can tell you (because I constantly force people to remove shit), I wouldn't let them put in a feature for very long if I didn't think it added to the mechanics and experience we are trying to generate long-term.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by MrJJJ » 05 May 2016, 03:51

Boltersam wrote:

We're already dealing with marines. By guarding them. So, what you're saying is, let the hugger immune marines get free and slaughter our defenceless drones, hivelords, and carriers, then take down the queen with the 7 revolvers they all hid in their backpacks.

That is so untrue and fucking hyperbole bolter, drones are able to easily tackle a marine, hivelords as well and carriers as well, neither should a carrier even be there to guard, what kind of retard do you have to be to let a marine out and let him run free and NOT tackle him?

The thing is, J, you're talking about a single marine. This is not the case when one gets free, because he will free all the other marines as they're often nested close to
If you have any sense to build a resin wall and instantly tackle/spit him at him when he gets free this shit won't happen, if he gets free and frees other marines, thats xenos fault all alone, ALL OF IT

. Then, you have a hoard of immune to huggers marines with SMGs, revolvers, service pistols, and some rifles if they took mag straps. Drones, hivelords, carriers, queens, runners, in fact most of the alien force, can't handle that


because killing infected hosts is against the rules, even if ordered to by the Queen.

According to jackserious, you can slash them however you want as much as long as they don't die.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 03:55

MrJJJ wrote:
The Queen screech does not have a long range, and is only a temporary stun. What will it even accomplish? Most aliens will be outside of the hive, and you can only drag one person at a time. By the time you get someone halfway back to a nest, the stun will wear off.

And what will non lethally slashing accomplish? It takes a while to get into paincrit, and the builder castes present inside the hive have really low damage on their slashes.

As for the "Hyperbole", we're able to deal with the nested marines by babysitting. We already can deal with marines. But occasionally, they do get free, whether by luck or skill, killing the alien babysitting them.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by MrJJJ » 05 May 2016, 04:03

Boltersam wrote: The Queen screech does not have a long range, and is only a temporary stun. What will it even accomplish? Most aliens will be outside of the hive

Do you even play anymore? there is always at least 2-3 aliens, guarding the shit tons of hosts, incase they try to get free, and queen screech is enough to get everyone nearby, drag them into nests (the stun lasts like 5 byond lag seconds or more) and they have to be sitting there again

and you can only drag one person at a time. By the time you get someone halfway back to a nest, the stun will wear off.

Again, pointed out, the stun is long enough to do your job

And what will non lethally slashing accomplish? It takes a while to get into paincrit, and the builder castes present inside the hive have really low damage on their slashes.

5 hits to the feet is usually enough

As for the "Hyperbole", we're able to deal with the nested marines by babysitting. We already can deal with marines. But occasionally, they do get free, whether by luck or skill, killing the alien babysitting them.

Yeah, do you have a problem with that? because if he kills his alien babysitting and gets out, he deserves it

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 04:36

MrJJJ wrote:
You're still not getting the point. You cannot deal with all of the free marines before the stun wears off, then you have yourself out in the open, at close range, they can't miss.

No, J. I don't see where you think I have a problem with that. However, the fact of the matter is, marines can cause a lot of damage if they get free. This is why we have to babysit all the damn time, and it's really boring, because you're just standing there, occasionally tackling the guy. As said before, it's just something that has to be done, despite how boring and repetitive it is.

And no, I haven't been playing for the last few days, because I'm sick. If there's 2-3 aliens guarding shittons of hosts, then that's GOOD. Without the cuffs, there would need to be a lot more, and that's wasting time, resources, and fun, for everybody involved.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by TeknoKot » 05 May 2016, 05:39

I don't understand why can't we just leave nested marines, nested forever. That's lore-wise and to free a marine you'd need a welder/whatever. Thus, spitting caste wouldn't need to defend and go to front, whilst some marines would take sneaky paths to free the marines.

I remember once being free out of a nest, getting another marine out, he killed the SSD Queen after I told him not to. You know what happened after? The fucking xenos swarmed us like in a game of L4D because of some dickhead triggering a car(literally, 20+ xenos). I only ever managed to escape a hive out of twenty like.. Six times. Two times being bursted and never cloned.

Just remove ability to resist resin nests overall, let the game be more challenging. Hell, just, destroying a nest helps too.
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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Steven Sneider » 05 May 2016, 05:46

Waiting for that one marine to burst is no fun at all as a xeno player.both sides know that the nested marine got almost no chances of escape if he gets babysited so atleast have one side to have the fun .

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Mango Brisk » 05 May 2016, 05:48


It's literally impossible to hold any hope of escaping with this new system. It didn't stop the 'nest babysitting' meta at all, nor the checkerboard meta, it just made them even more powerful of strategies and the existence of tackling eliminates any hope of the marines doing anything once caught aside from swearing at the aliens and getting OOCly bored to fuck whilst they wait a year to die.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by stobarico » 05 May 2016, 06:02

+1 On this, because, well, when i've saw that on the changelogs, i was: Well, guess no escaping anymore... . And that is really it, once you get captured, it's over it's IMPOSSIBLE to escape the nest when you get cuffed. Also, like Gabol said, yeah, watching the marines is the sentinel's job, they are meant to protect the hive and the queen, not help the frontlines

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Egorkor » 05 May 2016, 06:39

the change is, I'd say good but.
as I've said before, I've got only two concerns - the fact that you have to unnest first, then unbuckle, and the fact that I'm afraid none of the alien players will stop to use checkerboards or doorspamming nests, or walling in, or puppyguarding. I'm afraid they'll just use that and combine it with the things that already exist even if a more easier way is lying right under their nose.
the first can be solved by combining the two timers behind the nesting mechanic, and the second, well I dunno. that's more of a player problem, and I don't think limiting it by rules is not going to cause an another shitstorm.
