Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Logi99 » 05 May 2016, 08:03

Okay. FIRST OF ALL. GAmeplay wise the marines can fucking orbital strike and like kill a lotta aliens without them metagaming. This cannot be avoided unless someone pops up and saves u.

SECOND OF ALL. The amount of suicide nading is starting to annoy many and cannot be avoided.

THIRD OF ALL. I think leg cuffing should be removed. But hands no. And fucking marines can still pull big fucking aliens whilst they live to seperate them from their hive when in a bugged moment. Leg cuffing was unnecessary.
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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by AncientV25 » 05 May 2016, 08:45

Boltersam wrote: Reread what I said. "I proposed a way cuffs won't be as debilitating.'

See, service pistols are MORE than enough to kill the Queen, sentinels, and builder castes, due to not being as tough as the castes with a more active role in combat. Also, ever hear of the one handed SMGs, and gyroscopic stabilisers which let you use a two-handed weapon one handed? What do you mean carrying two rifles? You can fit plenty of revolvers in your backpack.
Excuse my language, but what the fuck do you mean, 'service pistols are more than enough to kill the queen, sentinels, and builder castes'? Ignoring the fact that the queen has armor that ignores pulse rifles, let alone dinky little sidearms, have you never heard of the queen's screech? Sentinel spit? Disarming? Re-nesting them, since they're clearly in the middle of a sea of nests?

More on topic: This update is heavily biased towards the xenos for no apparent reason other than some sort of potential developer bias. While the marines gained nothing useful(and were infact hindered severely), xenos have the ability to prevent you from playing the rest of the round by nesting you and cuffing you. This hasn't changed anything when it comes to babysitting(it just makes it significantly easier for the babysitter), they still babysit.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 09:02

AncientV25 wrote: Excuse my language, but what the fuck do you mean, 'service pistols are more than enough to kill the queen, sentinels, and builder castes'? Ignoring the fact that the queen has armor that ignores pulse rifles, let alone dinky little sidearms, have you never heard of the queen's screech? Sentinel spit? Disarming? Re-nesting them, since they're clearly in the middle of a sea of nests?

More on topic: This update is heavily biased towards the xenos for no apparent reason other than some sort of potential developer bias. While the marines gained nothing useful(and were infact hindered severely), xenos have the ability to prevent you from playing the rest of the round by nesting you and cuffing you. This hasn't changed anything when it comes to babysitting(it just makes it significantly easier for the babysitter), they still babysit.
The T3 armour (which doesn't apply to Boiler) has a chance to ignore a shot. It doesn't ignore every single shot. If you have a group of marines firing with service pistols, they will get through the armour. And remember, I said the marines also have revolvers and SMGs, which they can throw into their backpacks, which are much more effective.

The spit only takes down one marine, is only a temporary stun, and takes a long time to recharge.

Disarming, sure, you can say that like it's easy, until you're the one charging into a rain of bullets. Drones aren't that tough, and neither are sentinels.

They're not in a sea of nests, because they got free. They're out of the nesting area, and hunting down the weak builder castes in the hive.

The screech, I've already made points towards it before.

Yes, we still babysit, but we only have to have 1 alien baby sitter for every five or so nested marines, instead of 1 for every two, which was a waste of manpower.

As stated before by Abbysynth, the cuffs are here to stay.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Infernus » 05 May 2016, 09:19

Can you please not quote the entire thread? It's painful to scroll all the way to the actual comment of every person.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Xurphorus » 05 May 2016, 09:20

FOR ALL YOU NOOBS WHO SAY IT AINT LORE FOR A MARINE TO ESCAPE A FUCKING RESIN NEST ON HIS OWN! You guys make it seem like nested marines are fucking dipped in carbonite. ...

Nuff' said on the matter, you guys saying that this leg cuffing and hand cuffing is a good idea probably had a rough childhood growing up. This will not changed a god damn thing in Xeno strategies but bolster them to a new damn level of cheap. They will KEEP babysitting, they will KEEP tackle spamming, and the hunting castes or offensive castes will most definitely KEEP sticking within the hive when they should be out there in the field. As for the staff, you guys talk about balance and improvement, but do half of you even take the time to play CM as just a player wanting to have fun? Take a beat, relax, and just enjoy a few rounds as a normal player, don't even think of yourself as a staff member, just play. I know the Dev team kicks their own ass when trying to get things done, but you keep trying to connect it to the lore when apop has stated he's trying to make his OWN lore for CM. I rarely see Apop play, I rarely see Rah play, Abby plays on when she wants to do something that breaks immersion, not purposely, but she does things very abruptly. Feweh Mainly plays Alien, Vrai plays....sometimes, I barely even know who the rest of the staffs CM characters are. Take the time to play with the playerbase and find out what makes it properly tick. The Balance was doing just fine before this update, you guys wanna talk about the Win/loss ratio? Marines have been mainly winning because marines retreat back to the sulaco, because they DONT know how many aliens are out there, and they wait for more marines to defrost/players to join before deciding to attack once more. I get sick when staff makes a MOTHER report telling that its this much marines vs this much xeno's when they don't factor in the SSD, the non combat personnel, the loads upon loads of wounded that has to be treated before being sent back out. This is not the marines fault, Xeno's should have more patience before launching up to the sulaco and making marines panic in their boots and making defences. I don't know what to add to this anymore, but this is not the last of my opinion on the matter, you guys have probably already made your decision about it. GG

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Nubs » 05 May 2016, 09:36

Lets get some perspective here.

Earlier today i was captured, nested, cuffed etc. The new system actually means you now escape from nests faster (2 mins) and removing the cuffs takes a mere 20 seconds. Even while cuffed, a hugger stuck to my face and injured, i still managed to run around like a headless chicken, and it took 2 xenos slashing/tackling me to even get me back in the nest.
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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by TeknoKot » 05 May 2016, 09:56

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Adjective » 05 May 2016, 10:26

Fun Fact: Scientist's recently discovered the T-Rex was a scavenger that was most likely silent or made small grunts or chirps. Not earth shaking bellows.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Boltersam » 05 May 2016, 10:31

Xurphorus wrote:FOR ALL YOU NOOBS WHO SAY IT AINT LORE FOR A MARINE TO ESCAPE A FUCKING RESIN NEST ON HIS OWN! You guys make it seem like nested marines are fucking dipped in carbonite. ...
He's a main character. He has plot armour.
Adjective wrote:Fun Fact: Scientist's recently discovered the T-Rex was a scavenger that was most likely silent or made small grunts or chirps. Not earth shaking bellows.
Jurassic Park overdid it, huh? A T-Rex is HUGE though, why wouldn't it be a predator? Things to consider.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by TeknoKot » 05 May 2016, 10:34

Adjective wrote:Fun Fact: Scientist's recently discovered the T-Rex was a scavenger that was most likely silent or made small grunts or chirps. Not earth shaking bellows.

OH SHIT bARney is REaL
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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Arachnidnexus » 05 May 2016, 11:55

Boltersam wrote:Jurassic Park overdid it, huh? A T-Rex is HUGE though, why wouldn't it be a predator? Things to consider.
Kind of off-topic, but whales and elephants both aren't what you would consider "predators" yet they're respectively the largest animals in water and on land. The T-rex very likely both hunted and scavenged since other predators do this (e.g. lions, cheetahs, wolves, hyenas, etc.).

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by AVagrant » 05 May 2016, 12:38

So, the way I see it is this:

Xeno's get a major buff with cuffs, which in the update checkerboarding and the like is not explicitly forbidden.

Less xeno's needed to defend a nest obviously. This means more Xenos in the fight, right? Which is good, right?
More focus on combat is good, right?
Here's the problem with that: As we can see, when the numbers of Marines V Xenos is even close Xenos usually win.

Which is "FUN."

Now to the other points of the update. Aliens can no longer drag things...great. So, they get a minor "nerf" along with a pretty big buff. Also inside that "nerf" is a minor nerf for marines, the bolting of lockers. I'm fine with vending machines being able to be destroyed. That was odd in the first place.

Also, no longer able to carry things like underslung attachments in pockets. Now, a 40mm underlsung launcher would be a little unwieldy it can fit in a pocket with a little work (tight pockets). It could definitely fit in a backpack. You could fix that by working on reloading those (something like a box similar to how shotgun shells used to be, which would definitely fit in a backpack) or reverting the change.

I understand you're trying your hand at "balance", but you're kicking the wrong dog.

The original suggestion for these had a good amount of balance. Xeno's needed to pin and then secrete the cuffs. I don't remember if there was any mention of what happened when they were nested.

All in all, I'm in favor of xenos having some form of greater restraint. The problem is, they've been implemented on top with what seems like little forethought and don't mesh well with what's already here.

This gets a +1 from me, even if I don't think the devs will change it soon.

I like the idea of cuffs, I really do, but it needs work.

A few ideas I had were:

A) Remove the ability for most castes to carry huggers as a actual nerf. This hopefully would force castes to work together to acquire hosts.

B) Cuffs disappear once nested, coupled with the "humans can resist while moving" from the original suggestion. Aliens get a restraint but they also don't get a guaranteed host burst.

C) Revert the changes and take a look at what could be done. This is the easiest to do, since there's no "new" code involved. I don't know the server administration side of things so I can't really talk about the work it would take to revert.

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Re: Remove Resin Cuffing and Legcuffing

Post by Jack McIntyre » 05 May 2016, 12:42

Get back on topic or I am going to start deleting posts or some can lock the thread, because this is getting ridiculous .
