But yeah some of your stuff was pretty cool, sad to see you leaving the SS13 scene.
This is why we can't have nice things :/oprayx73 wrote:can resin cuffs go with 'em
Give us ... fuck I forgot her name Abby, and you can have this guy. We need the good guys, not this kind of dump-truck salt-digging trash.oprayx73 wrote:can resin cuffs go with 'em
While the phrasing is a bit rude, I approve of the sentiment. You my friend, I like you.LackingAHelmet wrote: Give us ... fuck I forgot her name Abby, and you can have this guy. We need the good guys, not this kind of dump-truck salt-digging trash.
My post was too profane and was deleted, but this is the essential message I tried to get across.Monoo wrote:Fucking...
This is what I'm talking about. It happens every goddamn time, on every fucking server. Stick-up-ass player makes a huge deal, important person leaves because people are complaining that the fun they are being provided FOR FREE out of the blood, sweat, and tears of the staff is like, slightly less good than it was yesterday, server is RUDDERLESS. No new updates, at least not for a long while, and even then they probably won't be as consistent.
I thoroughly enjoy this server and would hate to see something like this happen to it. Everyone that feels it's their personal calling to cause controversy over the staff can fuck right off.
Preaching to the choir.Monoo wrote:Fucking...
This is what I'm talking about. It happens every goddamn time, on every fucking server. Stick-up-ass player makes a huge deal, important person leaves because people are complaining that the fun they are being provided FOR FREE out of the blood, sweat, and tears of the staff is like, slightly less good than it was yesterday, server is RUDDERLESS. No new updates, at least not for a long while, and even then they probably won't be as consistent.
I thoroughly enjoy this server and would hate to see something like this happen to it. Everyone that feels it's their personal calling to cause controversy over the staff can fuck right off.
...apophis775 wrote:You have no idea how many times I've been very close to "fuck it" and just turning the remote off.
Well apparently you are stronger than that.apophis775 wrote:You have no idea how many times I've been very close to "fuck it" and just turning the remote off.