apophis775 wrote:
3. Anytime there's ever a change, everyone flips their shit, then a week later everyone is like "it is better this way" (maybe there's some lingering cuff salt...). But really, it's almost like, I've got a degree in this... and teach it... and have been doing it for years... or something.
Alright, so I have some things to say about this point in particular, but for it to have any meaning I must provide some of my background information with the hope that you take my following advise a bit more seriously -- coming from a peer in a similar position to yours as opposed to some nameless shithead squatting on your free game.
For 5 or so cumulative years I served in various high ranking staff positions (Roleplay Administrator being the most relevant to the discussion at hand) on the Graal Online player server Valikorlia -- a setup similar to CM in which it is a player server existing within the client of a larger platform such as Byond. Back in its heyday the population of Valikorlia was equal, if not greater, than CM's total playerbase. I have a lot of
experience with administrating over cooperative and hostile players alike, making pixel art, programming, and doing
general gameplay design (Note: I didn't make all the pixel art in these screenshots, in these examples I have on hand my main contribution was creating the playable "levels" that the art works within). I dabbled in everything, as was the nature of doing my job, so I was only ever mediocre compared to the people around me who had one job, who were occasionally paid for doing it by our server owners -- a lot of which have now taken those art and technical skills and applied them to real world job markets, in games a lot of you play today. I may not have a formal education in game design, but I picked that shit up on the street, yo. My opinion on everything that happened there was, and still is, given consideration.
Now the gay shit is out of the way, let's get to the meat of the problem at hand: Apop I think you really screwed this up. I'm not saying this to be an asshole or to make you angry, I am being blunt because I need you to understand my point clearly. You didn't change some gun sprites or adjust the look of chairs -- you fundamentally and forever changed a huge swath of the core game aesthetic. Saying "no one is ever happy with what I do so I'll just do it anyways" is not only incorrect, but fundamentally flawed reasoning. As someone who is down in the trenches with regular players, I can tell you that the vast majority of us were excited to see these new sprites, and maybe that's why the blowback against them has been so hard? Your playerbase isn't stupid, and fucking trust me they are NOT more aggressive or vitriolic than other communities out there -- I'd say you guys got it easy compared to most. This whole "I'll do it and then they end up liking it a week later" statement is also so fucking far off base and arrogant it literally makes me laugh out loud. I think you've built up a lot of prejudices and delusions about your players as a defense mechanism at the cost of losing touch with your average player and their wants and desires. You need to double down on connecting with your core players because this entire thread, the constant bitching on-client about these sprites, plus whatever else? These are not the incensed ramblings of a fringe minority. For every person who is willing to spend 15-30 minutes writing a massive rant about how they think something is bad, or this person sucks, there are 5 people who share the same view who are too fucking lazy or disillusioned to put the effort in voicing their opinion.
The correct course of action in a situation like this was to be as open and transparent as possible. Why wasn't there a thread on the forums showcasing the new sprites beforehand, asking for feedback and criticism? Why isn't that done for EVERYTHING!? This whole modus operandi of just making huge changes, not telling your players in advance until it's live on the server, and then dealing with the blowback is so fucked up. It's like pissing in the wind and getting mad when your pants are wet. You are making your own job a 100% harder and more stressful than it needs to be and burning yourself and the staff members around you out doing this. You are not Steve fucking Jobs, the head of an unknowable and mysterious beast of a company whose gears turn on their own. You're the head of a relatively small gaming COMMUNITY, yet you operate so above and beyond the members of said COMMUNITY, that you're barely apart of it yourself. Stop this whole staff vs. players mentality, start treating them with some God damn respect by letting them take an active part in the development of the game that they love.
I could go on and on but I think I got across most of my points. So in closing I will say this: I want CM to succeed. I think at its core the game is fantastic and its playerbase is loyal and eager to see the game succeed. On top of all that,
I want
you to succeed as well, Apop.