Bill Carson Strikes Again

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Re: Bill Carson Strikes Again

Post by MilesWolfe » 10 Aug 2016, 08:51

As I said, he should have ahelped that the mps were mistreating him, we would have pinged them. But thats really no excuse to kill an mp to break out, especially without an ok from the staff. People have broken out, and killed mps while doing it before, and each time they were banned for it. And the excuse that, "im roleplaying" Really doesnt justify it.

Also I want to note that bill was reported for killing the mp, not for the friendly fire.

Formerly bigbossbase

Bill Carson asks, "Do you guys think I am a retard?"
Malika 'The Bitch' Stone exclaims, "YES OH ****** GOD YES!"

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Re: Bill Carson Strikes Again

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 10 Aug 2016, 11:40

username123 wrote:Carson was arrested by an incompetent MP that refused to give Carson his "constitutional rights" as a Marine of the USCM (medical treatment)"
I was a doctor during this shift and I want to say he wasn't denied crap that round. We were busy with his victims and a couple others. Carson asked if medical can fix his arm, I said specifically over general comms "We are busy" (I was in middle of an operation of one of his victims, 1 ap round to the skull with shrapnel, if I remember correctly), by the time we finally freed up, Carson committed his escape. I intended Carson was going to be treated after all the marines who are allowed to be in combat got handled first.

Also did some looking and yeah, Eluxor is correct as well since medical was understress that whole round because there was alot of blue on blue (for some reason) specifically blue on blue occurring on the ship due to blatant grief

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Bill Carson Strikes Again

Post by Feweh » 10 Aug 2016, 12:29

So heres whats going to happen.

1. The FF was minor in the sense that it all transpired in the same series of events. So from an Admin point of view, it looks like your typical FF.

2. The brigging and perma-brigging is an IC issue. It is logical to brig someone for FF, it is very RP to do so. In real life youd most likely be detained for questioning if it happened.

3. Denial of medical, could of been an actual AHELP from carson. He didnt do so and left it as an IC issue and decided to deal with it.

4. Perma-brigging and executions do give people the right to escape. As long as its not a murderfest harming people to escape is understandable as youre essentially being killed yourself.

So all of this is being kept IC.
Carson was rightfully brigged for FF which was considered IC FF and not intentional. Carson was denied medical and left in Perma-brig which was one of the actual things Carson could of complained about. Carson had the right to escape, although the killing of the MP was excessive.. the MP also broke marine law by not providing Medical.

After much discussion this will be kept as an IC issue.
However, SHOULD future events like this transpire again this report will weight HEAVILY on future similar actions.

Report resolved.
