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Thread: Sgtmike - Moderator Application

  1. #1
    Moderator Sgtmike's Avatar
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    Sgtmike - Moderator Application

    Moderator Application

    Personal Information

    Byond ID

    Discord Username?

    CM Character?
    Rodolfo 'El Gato' Dumas

    Are you 16 or older?

    -3 GMT

    On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
    10 ish


    Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?

    Do you play any servers aside from CM-SS13?

    Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
    CO APP - Purged CO:


    CO APP:


    Mod app:


    Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
    TGMC Administrator

    Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?

    Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
    Paradise, 300 hs years ago, don't remember reason entirely

    Are you familiar with the chat program Discord (its use is required)?

    Communication is a vital part of being a Moderator. Are you willing to actively do so with the team?

    Common Staff Situations

    A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
    Cast sleep - Question player - Apply ban due escalation depending if old notes, if new player, still apply ban and link to rules page stating if he wants to play here, he should be aware of the rules. Case depends because, it might have been a proper escalation on the matter, or straigh up griefing. IE Mass shooting at briefing.

    A player ahelps that a predator has violated the honor code when killing him, what should you do?
    Link him to player report, due to be a WL issue.
    Collect info and relay to pred council.

    You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost at roundstart.
    IC issue.

    A player is being very rude to you in adminhelps, calling you names and arguing everything you say. He is requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
    No, there will be no adminshopping here. If hes upset with the outcome of the ahelp he is to file a report on forums.

    A player ahelps that a marine is named 'John Doe', how do you deal with this?
    Common names are fine, unless the player is actually trying to RP as said "pop culture individual". John Doe is one of the names that it isnt. PM player ask for a new name, change the name, apply note. Remind him to change his name next round.

    You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green and there has been no threat to the ship in the round at this point.
    IC issue.

    A Marine ahelps that they were killed by a survivor. It is early round, the Marines have just landed, and the survivor claims that they were outright hostile to all Marines from the get-go and openly stated their intentions. How do you deal with this?
    Well, it would depend if the survivors had been spawned hostile such as CLF ie. If not, survivors cant be hostile to USCM as per rules states.

    You receive an ahelp from a player stating that an MP has locked them up in permanent confinement for running into Requisitions and taking an attachment that was laying around.
    Gather more information about the incident,
    PM said MP,

    Ask him why did he applied those charges if there was more on the get go.
    Because you don't get perma on "theft" + trespassing.
    if all checks out, should remain IC issue.
    Or in case it doesn't tell the MP thats not how it works, look for possible old notes regarding MP abuse, if not, apply note, ban+jobban if story with MP abuse.

    The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
    HC announce marines: Give them information about xenomorph numbers and order them to re-deploy.

    You are playing as a medic, and another medic overdoses all your patients and prevent marines from being revived. It seems like it may be on purpose. How do you deal with this situation?
    Cant handle my tickets. Ahelp like a normal player would do.

    The round ends, a Marine starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member ahelps about being killed after the round ended.
    IC issue. EORG triggers only when the same faction gets FFd

    A Marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start. You receive an ahelp from one of the victims.
    That should be okay-ish minor shennanigans are fine. Unless its being a total dick, as per rules, valuable equipment such as spec gear, and such, can't be stolen, provoking riots or stuff that might disrupt the roundstart.

    Either way, would observe the player, inform that his actions are not allowed, refresh his memory and rules and apply proper punishment.

    Note -> ban.

    You receive an ahelp from a Marine saying that he was killed by another Marine. When you ask the murderer why, he said it was because the other Marine had punched him.
    Gather information on how things really went, because some information may be left out, always happens. Check if the escalation was the proper, since you can't escalate fists to full buckshot PB on someone.

    Apply note - ban if needs to be escalated to it.

    You find out that there is an improper mutiny occuring. The mutineers are rallying together and preparing to storm the CIC. How would you attempt to resolve this situation?
    Inform players through MOOC that we havent accepted any mutiny and if they continue with said mutiny they will be punished accordingly. If the mutiny continues, MASS SLEEP, PM the players that still carried on and apply a punishment.

    There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
    Well, this depends, minor slurs are OKAY-ISH, unless its directly targeted to someone in a demeaner way. In said case, PM the player, inform about the rules, apply proper punishment.

    A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
    Sleep player, mass aheal, ban player. Fill perma.

    You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines straight from the Xeno hive the second they burst and die.
    PM player questioning why he did that, i'd assume the player was new, inform him that larvas are not scout castes and he should remain at the hive. Check background, if something related to this happened before, would apply a jobban + ban.

    You see a Xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat, as well as insulting the Queen.
    XOOC stating to cease stop and inform them about the MRP rules.
    Look for every single player that LRPd. apply note for LRP or escalate if needed.

    A Xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different Xeno player ahelps that it's low role play to call it a "dropship".
    IC issue, xeno speech is based on english interpretation, dropship is fine, such as birb, etc.

    A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet. You receive an ahelp from a marine regarding this.
    Ahelp said player, inform them that as much as we know there are xenos there, ICly we don't.
    Apply a note on said player.

    You find a Marine killing another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself. There are two other marines in the pod along with him.
    IC issue.

    A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an 'idiot' and a 'retard'.
    Staff disrespect won't be tolarated, PM player, tell him to chill otherwise i'm going to ban him.

    A player ahelps saying he was hugged by a Xeno when he was ssd, and wants the larva be removed from him via admin powers. How do you handle the ahelp?
    IC issue

    You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforce a rule.
    Relay it to ,mod manager or admin manager if needed.

    Tell him via msay that he gave wrong the wrong information, give him the proper details.

    While its subject to every staff member how to proceed, in some cases, we can be entirely wrong sometimes.

    Two staff are arguing in msay if an ahelp is breaking a rule. Because the staff who took the ahelp thinks the player broke a rule, they ban the player based on their interpretation of the rules, with others thinking the person was fine. What would you do?
    As stated above, its subject to every mod on how they interprete the rules and its up to them to apply a punishment if they see it fit. Inform management if i'd believe it was relevant.

    Why would you like to become a moderator?
    Had my glory days as staff, would like them back. Also, i'd like to contribute the server once more.

    In your opinion, what is the most important quality for a moderator?
    Patience, being professional under stress.

    Anything else you want to add?

  2. #2
    Senior Moderator Jamesthebond's Avatar
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    You have my +1 Welcome back I suggest you talk to Scarlet instead of Reapplying. But seeing you come back is one of the highlights of CM in the past week. Scarlet may not be the Somenerd you retired with but she is just as good or even better! but I can vouch for you for being one of the better Mods in my time in CM.
    Retired CSM Jonathon 'Ghost' Granger

    Discord Jonathongun#0219

  3. #3
    Moderator Sgtmike's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot man, haven't seen you in ages. It should be good to return to staff.
    - Rodolfo 'El Gato' Dumas -
    Commanding Officer - Squad Leader

    Former Senior Moderator
    Charlie Squad 4 life

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    Spoiler Spoiler:

  4. #4
    Senior Member Critilius's Avatar
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    +1 Good luck with your application I think you have shown that you are capable of becoming a moderator.
    Aden Cooper

  5. #5
    Senior Administrator and Mentor Overseer
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    "There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
    Well, this depends, minor slurs are OKAY-ISH, unless its directly targeted to someone in a demeaner way. In said case, PM the player, inform about the rules, apply proper punishment."

    Slurs are a mandatory 3h ban at minimum nowadays. beyond that +1.

    Some of the answers could be a bit more detailed, but your app's decision will most likely come down your record during your time as mod, which im unfamiliar with.
    Trial Moderator: 2021-06-13 --- 2021-07-04
    Moderator: 2021-07-04 --- 2021-10-02
    Investigator: 2021-07-21 --- xxxx-xx-xx
    Trainer: 2021-08-20 --- xxxx-xx-xx
    Discord Staff: 2021-09-20 --- xxxx-xx-xx
    Senior Moderator: 2021-10-02 --- xxxx-xx-xx

  6. #6
    Moderator Sgtmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ito726 View Post
    "There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
    Well, this depends, minor slurs are OKAY-ISH, unless its directly targeted to someone in a demeaner way. In said case, PM the player, inform about the rules, apply proper punishment."

    Slurs are a mandatory 3h ban at minimum nowadays. beyond that +1.

    Some of the answers could be a bit more detailed, but your app's decision will most likely come down your record during your time as mod, which im unfamiliar with.
    Well, i do believe saying "nigga" sometimes was allowed, unless as i said, was in a attempt to demean the player, also i just double checked, i got confused on profane rp. Which is totallly diferent from racial slurs . My bad there.

    Also i do remember you from back then before leaving staff. Like a year ago or more.

    (Dont mind the grammar, im on my phone).
    - Rodolfo 'El Gato' Dumas -
    Commanding Officer - Squad Leader

    Former Senior Moderator
    Charlie Squad 4 life

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    Elder Empress -

    Spoiler Spoiler:

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I can +1 this, old staff returning. Answers look good, seems like you have kept up on rules and such.

    Good luck

  8. #8
    Moderator Sgtmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firecharge123 View Post
    I can +1 this, old staff returning. Answers look good, seems like you have kept up on rules and such.

    Good luck
    Thanks for your vouch chief. If you got any questions i'll be happy to answer them.
    - Rodolfo 'El Gato' Dumas -
    Commanding Officer - Squad Leader

    Former Senior Moderator
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  9. #9
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    I'll join in with a +1 for this

  10. #10
    Mod Manager ScarletReign's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for your application, I'm please to welcome you back to the team!

    Please have Discord DMs open, I'll reach out to your shortly to get perms and training arranged.

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