Current Feature Discussion
Main Topic of Discussion Xeno acid damage has no long-term reprecussions
Feature(s) in Question Brute damage done by xenos results in fractures, dismemberment, and general unpleasantness that stays with the marine much longer than the revive and normal medic treatment. This tends to annoy marines and make them a bit more wary about just face firsting into xenos, relying on a revive from the wave behind them.
As a boiler main, I watch marines just stand in Trapper acid because it's relatively mild damage per shot, and they know they can be healed without suffering any fractures/organ damage.
Opinion of this feature I think that the lasting injuries from Brute damage add to the RP/realism factor of, you know, not trying to go toe to toe with a 10 foot xeno with a knife/other stupid stuff, because fracs kinda suck (I'm a medic main in my off-xeno time). As a medic, I've stood behind people at the cades and just healed through trapper damage. I tend to dislike burn victims because there's a lack of complexity in dealing with their injuries as well. Aside from maintaining proper Kelo/KD/burn kits, there is no challenge to dealing with them. I'll take an IB chest/head frac case with possible organ damage and blood loss any damn day.
As a trapper, it's kinda frustrating that my shotgun is my only REAL punishment for someone wanting to tank my damage. Even with a point blank shotgun, the person walks away with 95 damage to be healed and come back. Just kind of annoying.
(Optional) Ways to improve this feature Implement some kind of semi-permanent damage associated with burn damage. Maybe some kind of counter, where for every 3-400 overall burn damage one has received, a random frac occurs. This would make Marines a bit more aware and respectful of burn damage (and slightly ratchet it up from just an inconvenience). It'd make medics a bit happier, doctors groundside would be a bit less bored, marines would feel a bit more of that 'oh shit' sensation when they realise they're standing in acid, and boilers would feel less and less like borderline-useless unless part of a push that permanently holds ground (Yes, I'm aware base boiler is about controlling ground, and trapper is about taking down cades and forcing marines to act, but doesn't change the fact there are literally no permanent reprecussions to standing in boiler acid aside from draining your medics of supplies.)