Yautja Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID: Aracino
Discord ID Aracino#3809
Marine Name Arac 'Ice' Mahan (Xeno Main)
Character Information
Name of the Yautja Character you wish to play R'kaa Aioja
What clan are you joining? Other (Minor Clan)
If Other (Minor Clan), what is the Clan Name? Aioja
If Other (Minor Clan), Minor Clan Lore A clan of hunters that turn their prey into both trophies and delicious meals worthy of tales. Originally part of a larger clan, Aioja broke off into their own minor clan due to the majority of them being worshippers of Tharda, the god of he Feast. The founder Umukoa was a notorious glutton, seeing the act of holding feasts as a sign of worship of Tharda. The leader of the original clan took issue with the lethargy Umukoa's followers began to show due to their excess of eating. This friction would slowly begin to grow, leading to a large chance of infighting amongst the clans. To avoid breaking their sacred codes and not spill the blood of their own race, the leader of the original clan demanded that Umukoa and his people leave the clan and divide into their own, as to not to not weaken anymore hunters with his excessive worship.
The original founding events would be lost to time for the majority of the clan, the worship of Tharda still continuing however. Excess was not part of the worship anymore, now, the act of perfecting their food was paramount. The best hunters in clan Aioja were also the best chefs amongst their kind. The act of turning a worthy prey into legendary meals becoming just as important as hunting. Hunting alongside a Aioja was a guarantee that their fellow hunters would not be going to sleep on an empty stomach. As a successful hunt from an Aioja hunter is a prelude to a legendary meal to share and bask in after the hunt is said and done.
Yautja Character Story My clan Aioja’s culture is one rarely practiced. The hunt is only half the battle for my kind, the other is preparation. Food is highly valued, as our people have grown to match their hunting expertise along with their ability to create fine meals of their prey. The meal is a trophy of taste that lives on in the memory of myself and my brothers and sisters. A hunter is only as good as their meal. I proudly carry this mindset into my hunts, though I always find something lacking. Always searching for something more than I have. I have never been truly sated after tasting a dish offered by one of our clan’s elders, a masterful dish that was enough to spur the determination beating inside myself and my unblooded kin. It was a taste of what could be, what we could be. It’s the greatest goal a hunter could achieve, yet precious few would ever achieve this level of mastery.
Having slain my first worthy prey, I now resided in our hunting ship’s feed hall, preparing the remains of my hunt to be made into a fine stew. Along with some basic ingredients, me and my kin were expected to collect various herbs and spices from our hunting grounds, as to test our herbalistic skill and senses, finding out which would be suitable for improving the quality of our dish. I found a few that I had harvested during my hunt, mainly ones I used to improve the meat of lesser game that I killed to stave off hunger. Though I was wondering how it would work with little to no meat to work with, as the only use for my hunt’s body would be for a fine broth, the bone and meager amounts of meat being left to broil in one of the pots I used. As that was prepared I began to unpack the roots, adding them into the stew absentmindedly. I glanced at the other unblooded’s dishes…It seemed like everyone else was in the process of making something grandiose, their hunts having been more deadly than my own from the looks, providing more to use in their various crafts. I grunt lowly as I return to preparing my meal.
Hours would pass as my kin finished their dishes, bringing them to our hunt leader as they would judge the meal worthy of representing Airro. A bend of the knee, the presentation of their dish, and the agony of watching the leader devour what you had poured years of training into. More than half would find themselves told off by the leader, failing to live up to the standards they had set for us, this hunt being made null. Watching them go up to either succeed or fail welled in my gut, this feeling similar to when I slayed my quarry. Both glee and fear for what’s to come next. This stew is sure to fail is all I thought, my unworthiness would be clear. My hunt was nothing compared to my peers… As soon as they called for me, I looked up to them, meeting our leader’s gaze as I stepped forward, holding a bowl filled with the stew I had labored over for the past several hours, my future as a hunter resting in my hands, placing it before my better. My head held low, my knees on the ground, presenting my offering to one who has proven themself to the clan time and time again. They took the bowl in one hand, bringing it to their maw as they slowly savored the taste, testing if it was too sour or too bitter, finding every flaw that they could down to the most minor of details.
I couldn’t even view their faces, their judgement unknown to me as I laid in a prostrated manor, mentally preparing for my judgement. I heard the bowl press against the table in the feed hall, my head looked up to the elder. Their face was unmoving, their thoughts unclear to me. They raised up a hand as they motioned for me to stand. Quickly I followed their instructions, rising to my feet. “I’ve been watching every one of you clearly. You lack trust in yourself, that you’ll fail in your endeavors R’kaa. Though you continue to try despite this self doubt. It’s something you should strive to be rid of, you have potential, however meager it seems to be right now. This meal you offered? It was the most average I’ve ever received.” Their words sliced me with deeper pain than my prey’s own bladed arms, though I tried to hide my reaction to these words. “Don’t take average for poor, will you? That’s what I’m finding tedious with you.” They said with a growl. “I see that you’re wasting your potential by living in fear. Fear of your own failures in the face of all of us.” As they spoke, I listened intently, reflecting on how I had lived up until now. The others stared at me as the leader judged me, my head held low.
I spoke, breaking the silence that had settled in the feed hall. “You’re not wrong. I have feared my fate, of my death, of dishonor to our clan. This...Conversation has made me think deeply. Your words...They have made me realize my own faults. My failure to believe in my ability” The leader looked me over, tapping their hand against the table as they spoke. “This hunt has shown me you're worthy of being called Young blood. These trials are not only to see if you can hunt, but if you will continue to hunt with honor and skill, both against your prey and with their body. We eat our prey to learn from their mistakes, for they would do the same for us. We prepare our food because we are better than our prey. It’s best you keep this to heart. Now, who’s next?” They state, as I nod to the leader, leaving their table as the next unblooded walks forwards as to receive their judgement from them… I glance at them, watching a more stern look on their face, not wanting to follow in the mistakes that were pointed out about me. With a new outlook, and more confidence, I began to collect the supplies I left over in preparation, my stew being added to the center of the feed table along with the others as proof of my status of young blood.
Have you read the honor code and do you understand that if you breach the honor code you may be subject to disciplinary action and have your whitelist revoked for a set amount of time? Yes
Did you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any behavior that is unbecoming of a member of the community may result in you having your whitelist revoked? Such things include, but are not limited to: Racism, toxicity, excessive or malicious trolling, abuse of staff or etc. Yes
Do you understand that you may face having your whitelist revoked, or other disciplinary action undertaken, should you be banned or warned on the CM discord? Yes
Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes
Do you understand that community members may report your in-game actions on the forums, and that you may be asked to defend your actions. Yes