Yautja Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID: thespy24574
Discord ID Space Waffle#8984
Marine Name Andy 'Mutton' Marcotte
Character Information
Name of the Yautja Character you wish to play Meddle’Mei'ka
What clan are you joining? Other (Minor Clan)
If Other (Minor Clan), what is the Clan Name? Clan Mei'ka, the Maidens.
If Other (Minor Clan), Minor Clan Lore (Look at hunter wiki for clan lore, Its pretty small of a clan mostly comprised of females. Its pretty interesting concept to be fair. I based my character around the highly religious parts and other details that I found interesting. Approved by the Clan Leader of course.)
Here's an excerpt from the religion part which I took heavy inspiration from:
"The Mei’ka clan is highly religious only towards a specific deity which is the Goddess of women and birth, Dtekale. The Goddess is portrayed differently by the clan, having a larger emphasis on women. The widows questioned why there is a god for women but not for men. They believe only certain females could become hunters. They believe the raw strength and strive for the hunt which isn’t common for females was a sign that they had Dtekale’s spirit within them. Their conclusion about why most females didn’t have the Goddess’ spirit was due to them becoming child makers and mates as it made them weak and lose their strive to hunt and rather stay at home. Not having the spirit of the Goddess was a sign of weakness for them and they would do anything to keep the spirit inside them or else they would lose their respect for their fellow sisters and be kicked out of the clan or be transferred to the working caste or turned into a serf."
Yautja Character Story https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...it?usp=sharing
"A Ship enters into the atmosphere of an irradiated world, The Crispy and charred air whisks past the hull of the craft in the sky. With care and urgency the craft lands with grace but also with Dreadfilled intent. The landing feet touch down and the ramp in the front of the craft lowers touching the dusty and ash filled soil. The desolate place is now a hunting ground for the lone Beast aboard the ship. The huntress slowly walks down the ramp, Ritualistic runes and symbols adorn her armor along with parts of her arms and legs. In her left hand, a spear with Ritual Cloth and a hardened metal brace goes up and down the shaft which the spear possesses. And in her right hand, a red cloth with the religious symbol of her clan’s god, Goddess of women and birth, Dtekale adorning the center. Stepping down from the ramp and onto the barren wasteland of the planet, the Huntress kneels down and places a carved totem and then orders the ship to orbit around the planet to await further orders. She stands up, placing the holy cloth around her waist and activates her cloak in a smooth calculated motion.
The Hunt begins on this world once again, even if the test of time did not treat it well, The Hunt shall be successful. "
Have you read the honor code and do you understand that if you breach the honor code you may be subject to disciplinary action and have your whitelist revoked for a set amount of time? Yes
Did you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any behavior that is unbecoming of a member of the community may result in you having your whitelist revoked? Such things include, but are not limited to: Racism, toxicity, excessive or malicious trolling, abuse of staff or etc. Yes
Do you understand that you may face having your whitelist revoked, or other disciplinary action undertaken, should you be banned or warned on the CM discord? Yes
Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes
Do you understand that community members may report your in-game actions on the forums, and that you may be asked to defend your actions. Yes