Yautja Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID: Patriota654
Discord ID Elrkovas
Marine Name Elliott losey
Character Information
Name of the Yautja Character you wish to play Thau'ytein
What clan are you joining? Clan Bo’ytill
If Other (Minor Clan), what is the Clan Name? -
If Other (Minor Clan), Minor Clan Lore -
Yautja Character Story Another night,another fallen brother or sister...this was the routine on the gelid planet of krug'tani,a routine that was far too grim for thau'ytein,the last standing of the 'ytein bloodline.The long and cold nights on his home world never ceased to bring death and misery to the scattered and weak tribes.Howewer,the bitter cold was far from the only danger on his planet...hulking beasts stalked through the Frozen tundras,silent and powerful creatures that would use the snow and darkness as cover while they hunted for unsuspecting prey...the tribes called those creatures cetanu'knigtl(cetanu champions).The 'knigtl were feared and respected by all the yautja on krug'tani and killing one was considered an almost impossibile task due to the fact that they only emerged from their burrows when the long nights or the dreaded snowstorms obscured the blue rays of the star that illuminated their icy planet. In normal circumstances the long nights wouldnt have hindered the yautja hunting parties but the cetanu'knigtl seemed to have been created with the sole purpose to hunt them: their pale white scales were capable of camouflaging perfectly with their surroundings,their blood was as cold as the ice that covered the planet , their gnarled and sharp claws were capable to tear apart a hunter with a single swipe and most importantly the speed and silence in wich they were capable of moving made it so that neither escape nor chase could be' given. Many unblooded hunters dreamt of slaying one of those lengendary preys but the countless failed hunts and the tales of surviving yautjas that witnessed those monsters tear apart their hunt companions usually kept in check the least experienced hunters from just marching to their deaths in search of glory.
Not unlike many other hunters thau'yten felt a need of revenge and retribution against the creatures that caused so much pain and suffering to him and to his clan,after all they were the cause of the disbanding of his original tribe...but alas the thing that tormented him the most was the loss of the most important artifact that the 'ytein had: the spear of dai'thu,the prized possession of the leader of his tribe,now lost somewhere in the icy tundra just like its owner.
He planned for years for a hunt that could very possibly end with his brutal death and yet the thought did not scare him in the slightest,he had already accepted the fact that death would have been a much preferred fate over a solitary life with only the screams of pain of his brothers and sisters echoing in his mind.
Thau opened his holo map once more,all the tales that were spread by survivors helped him find a recurring theme in every attack:they would always crawl out from underneath the snow,like ghastly apparations of death itself. "Tunnels..." thau mused quietly while moving as silently and as carefully as he could towards one of the sites of a recent 'knigtl attack. The Frozen blood of an unfortunate hunter still colored the white snow like a gruesome warning to whoever dared to venture further in the land of cetanu. Thau stopped and began surveying his surroundings,making sure that the prey he was hunting wasnt already behind him, poised to strike him down-but nothing came."Nothing...guess its time to find its tunnel" thau whispered to himself,a trait that he adopted to deal with his isolation,before placing a terrain scanner that proceded to create a map of the underground tunnels that lied hidden by the copious amount of snow and sterile soil. Once the tool had finished its job thau proceded to retrieve it and resume his journey towards the lair of the beast.
The tunnels were cramped and cold and at times barely traversable but this did not stop thau from making his way through the maze of tunnels that seemed to stretch for eternity. "Finally..." thau grunted as the tunnels ended in a bigger chamber that seemed to be' the 'knigtl resting place,something that he assumed by the dozen yautja bones scattered all over the ground.Thau knew that at this point there was no turning back,he was going to slay a cetanu'knitl or he was going to join his ancestors in the afterlife,with new vigor he began to stalk around the pile of bones,making sure to not step on them to avoid being detected by the beast that was loudly snoring on the ground,probably well fed thanks to the unfortunate hunting party that walked in its hunting ground.As he prepared to loudly challenge the prey he noticed something among the remains of a hunter, and upon closer inspection thau recognized the very familiar spear that plagued his nightmares: the spear of dai'thu.Upon realizing this Thau instinctively grabbed hold of it,immediately recoiling to turn his face back at the nightmarish beast resting mere inches from his face. In this moment multiple courses of action presented themselves to thau, and all of them but one most likely would have ended with his death...
Thau knew that he didnt have time to ponder over every plan so he decided to go for the thing that would have finally put to rest the eternally screaming voices that tormented him in his dreams.So with trembling fingers,he grasped the lost artifact and slowly pulled his arms back,moving with an agonizingly slow pace until it was finally disloged and safely in his hands. Thau couldnt help but gaze at the artifact with reverence,that spear was bestowed only to the greatest warriors of his clan...but since he was the last one remaining it was now his-As this realization hit him a loud grunt came from the sleeping beast,which proceded to move erraticly,signs of it dreaming or perhaps of it waking up?Thau of course,didn t stay to answer this question, preferring to count his blessings and escape from the deathtrap that he willingly ventured into.
After returning to the safety of his ship Thau made sure to place the spear in its rightful place and entered into the hall of remembrance to comunicate to his ancestors his success.
That night Thau slept soundly and finally free from the nightmares that hunted him
Have you read the honor code and do you understand that if you breach the honor code you may be subject to disciplinary action and have your whitelist revoked for a set amount of time? Yes
Did you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any behavior that is unbecoming of a member of the community may result in you having your whitelist revoked? Such things include, but are not limited to: Racism, toxicity, excessive or malicious trolling, abuse of staff or etc. Yes
Do you understand that you may face having your whitelist revoked, or other disciplinary action undertaken, should you be banned or warned on the CM discord? Yes
Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes
Do you understand that community members may report your in-game actions on the forums, and that you may be asked to defend your actions. Yes