Well hello there. As you can see I'm back to being Head Dev for our server, and it seems to be somewhat permanent. I want to thank Triiodine for his great work and we are waiting for him to return back to our team anyday they feel like it's time. When (and they assured me, there is no "if" in that statement) they return, they will be promptly reinstated as Lead Spriter and then decision will be made on whether they will be our Head Dev or I will keep this rank.
There is a lot to discuss, change and update. There is a lot of work to be done with the team that in my mind is already perfect. I want to thank every single member of our developer team for helping me get well seated into this difficult and stressful position. I want to thank our Hosts for assiting me in transition to Head Dev rank, without you it wouldn't be as smooth as it was.
And most importantly I want to thank every single one of you gamers and players for keeping our server well populated even if you have to live thru abhorrent lag and issues with our codebase. I trully feel blessed by the amount of credit you gave us despite us fucking up in few places (see balance), or me periodically letting server get on fire. Your patience is legendary and I want to thank you for that. Without you and our staff team, our server wouldn't be the most populated. Without you all, we wouldn't have a reason to work on this project besides personal amusement.
The changes I've planned still have to be discussed and aligned with everyone in staff, and I don't feel like I'm to attached to the wildest of changes I recently proposed. However developer team cohesion and constructive player feedback are one of the changes that I already implemented, for example by automating and notifying developers about new issues in Gitlab, since most of us don't have well written daily plans on what to do when we start coding for day, like go to git lab-check everything-start working. We need single source of information, and now we have it. We also openly state that internally we are using Valve's team model, where everyone in dev team has a say and can do whatever they like, however what goes into the codebase is decided by entire team. You can think about it as open source like team model with closed team membership.
Now to the news:
TobiNerd is promoted to the rank of Lead Mapper. They will handle initial state of mapping apps (along with any voulonteers from dev team) and have final say on mapping questions
Triiodine is keeping their Lead Spriter position. Our current spriter team is too small to have dedicated leader while Triiodine is on temporary leave.
I am keeping the rank of Lead Coder and I'm current active Head Dev of CM
Several inactive members of dev team were removed from the dev team. They are free to return when they please, since in every case the removal was due to inactivity
We also desperately need new spriters. Apply on Forums.
Let's make this beautiful game even better.
Thousand Thanks to all of you who reads this.