Commanding Officer Whitelist Application
Personal Information
Byond ID? Flpfs
Player Name You Use Most? Phillip Clap
Make a list of links to all of your ban appeals as well as whitelist and staff applications (both accepted and denied) submitted within the past year. For appeals, provide an additional ban reason and the appeal’s verdict next to the link.
Have you received any bans in the last month? No
What is your timezone in UTC? UTC-03
What is your discord username and handle? Tango#1095
Basic Questions & Story
What do you think is the job of a Commander? I believe that the role of the CO is to set the plan and tone for the operation, mounting the overarching strategy that the rest of the forces, including the XO, will use. They're also meant to be the highest authority to give them more tools to implement their plans.
Why do you want to be a Commanding Officer? I want to be a commanding officer because I find the role interesting after interacting with other COs and seeing them in game.
Provide a short story of your Commanding Officer.
How familiar are you with command positions? I feel like I am very familiar with command positions.
Approximately how many hours do you have as Executive Officer (XO) at the time of writing this application? 82 hours
How familiar are you with Department Head positions? Familiar, having played them all for more than ten hours, each.
How familiar are you with Marine Law and Standard Operating Procedure? Very familiar, having studied it for synth whitelist + mod training recently
When do you believe a Battlefield Execution should be used? I believe BEs should be used for LRP situations that disrupt the round or my ability to command. I'd use it as a last resort after trying to solve the situation through other means.
Some scenarios:
I keep trying to deliver briefing but somebody begins stabbing me, or tries overdosing me.
Somebody breaks into CIC and begins attacking personnel or disrupting me from using the console, or pushing me several times. I'd BE them after warning them.
Somebody's committed a capital crime and is running away.
Under what circumstances do you believe it is legal to pardon a prisoner? Minor and major crimes, for personnel I believe are essential to the operation.
I'd use pardon very sparingly for situations that I feel are for the best of the OP, but still in violation of ML, like:
MT is arrested for removing a WeyMed from Medical, and into the dropship.
Squad medic is arrested for breaking a window into medical, to get an extra medkit and there were no doctors available.
Somebody climbed the req table to grab a spare JTAC kit on the floor, one hour into the OP.
Have you read the Code of Conduct? Yes
Have you read the application process page? Yes
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Yes
Do you understand you cannot advertise or promote this application on any platform, including Discord? Yes
Do you also understand that you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted? Yes