Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Makes combat more bloody.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Example:
-Marine shots xeno it hits but due to the xenos health no bleeding effect is triggered.
-Marine fires again and the hunter goes to x% heath which queues the bleeding effect.
-xeno bleeds but doesn't gain any debuffs or loses any additional health from the hit, just has the bleeding sprite follow them for X amount of time.
-Profit from bloody combat.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding and a small amount of spriting.
- X amount of health that triggers the bleeding can be left up to the devs or if any of you fellows have ideas then feel free to say what you think atFuppy and his grand idea wrote:Have it be set to a certain health % and last for [insert arbitrary number] seconds/until healed to a certain percentage. If blood trails became a tracking mechanic then you should have some form of control on whether or not risking the bleed is worth doing x, i.e a hunter deciding if pouncing that marine is worth the breadcrumb trail he may end up having if shot to half-hp or whatever.
which % health it should trigger.