Garth Powalski - terrible SL

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Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by Szunti » 13 Dec 2016, 07:47

Your Byond Key: Szunti

Your Character Name: Edgar Pindell

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Garth Powalski

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 7:00 AM

What rule(s) were broken:
Rule 0.2 Follow the Roleplay Guidelines. Violations may result in administrative action.

Description of the incident:
I was BO. Commander ordered the FOB to be at Hydro. Whole alpha squad told immediately "that FOB is tcomms, ignore the commander". I told them it's an order a couple of times, then they faked they comply. We ordered beacons from requisitions because hydro is far from the landing zones, etc. Later I found out they made the FOB in tcomms instead. Garth Powalski didn't have the SL helmet. Later I was told he doesn't use it. So, I asked them to report. They said nothing. With the help of the RO we sent the helmet, but it was a rare occassion where he actually talked and told me he is busy, and don't care about consequences. I saw him a couple of times, I expect more from an experienced player, I don't think someone with a no helmet policy should play SL.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Server dropped me off, so I don't have.

How you would punish the accused: SL jobban

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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by Karmac » 13 Dec 2016, 07:57

aww jeez man, you're really hurting my feelings here.

But to be perfectly honest, I knew from roundstart that I should be ignoring command, the Commander meta-grudged me and almost refused me attachments, and then when I heard all squads but Charlie would be going to Hydro, I knew I had to take action or get a lot of marines in trouble for meta-rushing, so I stole control of the ground operation out from under him and faked following his orders for a good while. The no-helmet thing is my own challenge, it promotes me talking to Command staff and staying out of the line of fire a lot more.

Apologies if you took offense to any of this.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by Casany » 13 Dec 2016, 07:59

This seems perfectly reasonable. If anything you should be punished for trying to constitute a metarush
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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by TheMusician321 » 13 Dec 2016, 08:01

I was there, I was the PO.

You ordered us to pretty much meta rush Hydro, then 20 minutes in order us to go to tablefort, if anything Garth should be praised cause he stopped us all from meta rushing.
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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 13 Dec 2016, 08:04

Ordering FOBS at hydro at roundstart is about as Meta as it gets.

From and IC standpoint your want a base near a landing zone...I can see no RP reason a base needs to be at hydro before boots hit the ground, it is too far from anything to be considered useful to marines with no knowledge, other then killing aliens.

Garth if you're going to go SL you need to use the helmet, I can see that going against 0.2 but that's it really.

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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by Karmac » 13 Dec 2016, 08:08

LocalizedDownpour wrote:Garth if you're going to go SL you need to use the helmet
You're killing me here boss, but if them's the rules, I guess I gotta.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 13 Dec 2016, 08:12

Carmac wrote:You're killing me here boss, but if them's the rules, I guess I gotta.
The helmet isn't for you, it's for the Bridge staff mainly...hell, if the cam was in the armor I'd say fuck it wear a beret like a real man.

But that's literally the only thing you did 'wrong' in my eyes and it's pushing it, I wouldn't bwoink you for it personally but you know...if I had to say you did something wrong it's that.

Other then that good work preventing a meta rush.

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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by Szunti » 13 Dec 2016, 08:35

I was the BO. The plan came from the CO. It wasn't evident to me that hydro FOB must be a metarush. In a lowpop round, when you have 8-10 marines you don't have the luxury to have a FOB defense and an assault group. Having them concentrated in a central location could work better. Or similar reasoning.

The announcement about tablefort made it clear it's a metarush, but CO was probably a newbie. I was in the best position to stop it, I agree. And I failed to notice it and suggest a different plan to the commander. You can blame me for that.

EDIT: Ignoring us, the hostilitiy from alpha and not wearing helmet made me think you don't care at all about players playing commanding roles and never intended to follow orders. For this round the reasons you gave are fine for me. If you are not that kind of player, sorry for the accusation.

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Re: Garth Powalski - terrible SL

Post by Feweh » 13 Dec 2016, 10:15

Nice work Garth.
Resolved as he stopped a potential meta-rush.
