Crew Manifest

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Crew Manifest

Post by OliverCarswell » 12 Feb 2015, 09:19

Suggestion Title: Crew Manifest for LO's and SL's

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

A new device that spawns in a locker or on a table, that SL's and LO's can pick up, to view the manifest easier.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

In the recent removal of PDA's, it could be a huge timesaver if SL's and LO's can view who is assigned where, and make the LO line a quicker thing to do, and for SL's, (provided the medical huds are used) they can view the status of their team members, if they are deceased or whatever.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

The item would be resprited version of the medical scanner, or any small item. Ideally, it could be worn on the ear if possible. If you equip it in your hands, click on it, you'll get a screen of the actual crew manifest. Other than that, it has no other uses.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

I am no coder, which is why I think it'd just need a new sprite, and be put in an item, and put in the map.

Other than that, no clue.

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by Nalsur » 12 Feb 2015, 09:21

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by xomega000x » 12 Feb 2015, 11:44

yus yus yus.

This was already suggested, but not in a format.
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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by TopHatPenguin » 12 Feb 2015, 12:13

My only criticism of this is that can't they just ask for it to be printed out the squad leaders I mean... and the Lo's well they already have a computer but I do like the idea overall as I have gotten into playing a Lo recently.
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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by OliverCarswell » 12 Feb 2015, 13:08

OsalaaWooki wrote: My only criticism of this is that can't they just ask for it to be printed out the squad leaders I mean... and the Lo's well they already have a computer but I do like the idea overall as I have gotten into playing a Lo recently.
A Crew Manifest that's printed doesn't update, and if you're in an LO Line, you don't wanna return after ten minutes to ask for a paper with the goods on it.

It's best to just carry something portable at that point.

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by Rahlzel » 12 Feb 2015, 16:05

Or, we just give PDAs back to LOs and Commanders. (Obligatory "I told you so" @ Apophis ;) )

I don't see a need for spriting and coding a whole new object.

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by UnknownMurder » 12 Feb 2015, 16:25

Or we can just do nothing about it.

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by MrGabol100 » 12 Feb 2015, 16:56

UnknownMurder wrote: Or we can just do nothing about it.
Or we can, because it's needed, maybe?

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by Rahlzel » 12 Feb 2015, 16:59

MrGabol100 wrote: Or we can, because it's needed, maybe?
Yeah... uh... what was that about, Unknown?

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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by apophis775 » 14 Feb 2015, 15:05

I believe something is in the works.
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RE: Crew Manifest

Post by apophis775 » 09 Mar 2015, 16:01

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
