Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): A overhaul of the armament and gear of the HIT (Heavy Infantry Team) to better fit the Aliens universe. Instead of being Hardsuit-clad energy-gun carrying super-soldiers, they could resemble a special-forces branch of the Colonial Marines. Instead of being armed with laser guns, they could be given advanced/customized M41A Pulse Rifles(with special ammo?) and reinforced marine armor.
Think of the A-team if they were enlisted in the Colonial Marines.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): The current HiT doesn't really fit too well with the theme of the server. They look like time-travelers from the far future. I've had a couple of my friends complain that they look out of place. I tend to agree.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
They could still be referred to as the HiT, or they could have their name changed. I'm thinking of something along the lines of Colonial Marines Special Reconnaissance (CMSR) or Colonial Marine Shock Troops (CMST).
They could be armed with M41As loaded with special ammunition that deals toxic or burn damage. Alternatively, they could be armed with advanced M41As (perhaps a experimental model?) that deals increased damage.They could also be given some additional special equipment to compensate for their loss of energy swords and shields. (grenades, machetes, poisoned combat knives, C4?)
Their armor could be a variant that makes them resemble marines, but sets them apart.
Maybe give them a couple of enhancements to represent their superior fighting capabilities? Maybe some minor stun and damage resistances?

Not really a refined idea by any measure, so feel free to propose alternatives.