Musical Fun.

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Musical Fun.

Post by Troydav98 » 18 Dec 2016, 20:45

Hello all I am Troydav98, and also know as the Traveling Sax Guy on TS and Discord. I go to random TSs and Dicords to play for people. If you would like for me to play for a TS or a Discord then please leave me the TS ip or Discord Invite in the comments below. Until then, SAX MAN AWAY!!!!
DEAD: Drone(564): Says" And Charles's noble stand with a scaple against a Ravenger"

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Re: Musical Fun.

Post by Troydav98 » 03 Jan 2017, 00:25

Just a shameless bumb
DEAD: Drone(564): Says" And Charles's noble stand with a scaple against a Ravenger"

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