Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): While this would regardless, take up a T2/T3 slot in order to work, xenos will be able adapt to new strategies and become more flexible as a result. Given how the upgrade system works and how xenomorphs were genetically modified to be the perfect lifeforms, it's not far off to say an upgrade-evolution is off of lore of CM, all it can do is make gameplay more versatile. The recent commander whitelist has also created more Marine majors, leaving xenos with literally anyone able to takeover as Queen and screw over the round for xenos. Each caste and their tiers are either for assaults or defending the Hive (this is not a playstyle you should adopt in strategy game, due to strategy being botched one way or another that require defense or offense) Disabling APCs is a death sentence for xenos, just trying to kill an armed Marine in close quarters is impossible , and given how we strictly must rely on weeds to regain health and plasma as any evolution, it's just better to have forms that can do this tasks without harm.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): From a rank of Mature to Elite or Ancient, a xeno regains its ability to evolve, but as a different caste with some buffs and some debuffs, and much newer abilities (i.e ground pound, electric discharge, resin spew). I have a couple of ideas on hand:
A gorilla form of a Hunter, completed with a pair of fists and thick hide on its back. With the skill of smashing through rock, Enforcers provide safe passageways for the rest of the Brood and using their hulking fists, they can pick up a rock, and throw it with poor accuracy and a very slow "reload" time (a full minute). Marines hit with these stones are put to green health,and receive 5 brute damage, and will eventually go into critical status if hit 5 times. There are no special traits of this POS other than it's like a tank, loves Gurren Lagann, and can't be remotely useful for defending the Hive. Here is a picture of this abomination :

A direct evolution from an Elite Sentinel, a blitz is heavily darkened xeno that loses the ability to spit acid to replace it with an electric discharge (perfect for disabling APCs). All stats are the same as a Runner, meaning a Blitz is only good for temporarily halting the function of electronics, or basically shocking anyone who thinks it's a good to stand in a river they're not familiar with (the mechanic behind this, is that a Blitz CAN do this, but it SHOULDN'T, unless the idiot player wants to die in that salt water as a result of it electrocuting itself Guardian
Yes, this is essentially a praetorian, but given a prae is slow and is a fast firing spitter with the skill of emitting pheromones, a direct healer might work better for assaults. The Guardian is a a Mature spitter that's gone halfway into its evolution of becoming a Praetorian, neurotoxic acid are replaced by a recovery mixed acid spit that instantly heals a damaged xenomorph, by 50. The spit rate is very slow, taking up to 8 before it fully depletes plasma, and to compensate for this ability, plasma regen is just as slow. Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Lots and lots and lots of coding. Reworking how the upgrade system works, new sprites, and more pages on the wiki.