In the Grim Darkness of Lazarus Landing

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In the Grim Darkness of Lazarus Landing

Post by Skane10634 » 01 Jan 2017, 01:12

In the grim darkness of Lazarus landing, the god-emperor, Bill Carson, fearing the fact his marines can no longer suicide charge due to the speed nerf, has gone SSD in the command chair, His sons the Bridge officers have broken into the liaison's office stealing his alcohol, whilst the liaison screams at the BOs and gets the inquis- Military police to arrest them, now the Squad leaders lead the marines into battle in a hopeless battle against the galaxy devouring tyran-xenomorphs.

TL;DR, Discuss similarities between CM and warhammer 40k.

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Re: In the Grim Darkness of Lazarus Landing

Post by Martzin » 01 Jan 2017, 01:18

The fact most marines are like Imperial Guardsmen.

-Shitty training

-Poor armor(helmets are worthless REEEE)

-Many of them die before the 1-hour mark
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: In the Grim Darkness of Lazarus Landing

Post by shitpostmemelord » 01 Jan 2017, 01:32

The predators will spawn foulish things of unspeakable evil in the depths of their cave holdings. Thousands of Tyranid xenomorphs and daemonic hellhounds will besiege the FOB for a hundred hours, with no reprive and no resupply, will the Guardsmen Marines survive?
Only the call of the Catachan Bears and the PMC Scars will reinforce the hold on the planet, but even with the help from the God-Emperor himself making landfall, the squad Tech Engineers will fail to hold the fort for long. Constantly besieged from all sides, and with no speed to retreat, will the flashlights of humanity stand against the onslaught?

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Byond: desolane900

Re: In the Grim Darkness of Lazarus Landing

Post by Desolane900 » 01 Jan 2017, 03:59

Here's something that isn't similar. CM has no Commisars REEEEEEEEEE
(Forums have messed up video cropping so double click the video to actually watch it)

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Re: In the Grim Darkness of Lazarus Landing

Post by Skane10634 » 01 Jan 2017, 04:11

Desolane900 wrote:Here's something that isn't similar. CM has no Commisars REEEEEEEEEE

SLs function as commissar, see field execution

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