Reporting: Executive Office Harold Luxurios for rule breaking execution

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Reporting: Executive Office Harold Luxurios for rule breaking execution

Post by Gromoi » 04 Jan 2017, 07:22

Your Byond Key: Gromoi

Your Character Name: Boris Karamazov

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Harold Luxurios

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5:30am

What rule(s) were broken: Execution Order

Description of the incident: Came in to surgery and told me to hurry up in surgery, miffed me a bit so we argued, ended with me refusing to be CMO under him and bringing myself in to be detained (with the intent to have an RP moment where I come back incase I was needed in medbay). He comes in an executes me 'for mutiny'. There was no proof of mutiny, and my sentence of 'neglect of duty' is not long enough to be executed for

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Didn't take any, didn't realize how execution orders worked until some people mentioned it wasn't allowed, looked at rules and realized they were right

How you would punish the accused: Job ban from CO & XO until he reads the rules and understands what he is allowed to and not allowed to do.

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Re: Reporting: Executive Office Harold Luxurios for rule breaking execution

Post by Nubs » 04 Jan 2017, 10:22

Ah geez, *this* guy.

I am unsure if this was the same round, but i late joined as an ro and harold was a bo. He was acting very odd for a Bo. The Xo kept calling him to the bridge, but he kept hanging round ro, trying to get into ro, or trying to grab attachments. He ordered several special ops crates for seemingly no reason, and mostly ignored the Xo's repeated requests to come to the bridge and do his job. At one point he stole weapons from a shipment that was supposed to go to marines, then 'hijacked' the rasp and went down to the planet. He later recalled the rasp up with only him on it during a massive alien assault on lz1, resisted arrest when he arrived back on station, then suicided as soon as mps caught up with him.

All these events occurred yesterday (03/01/2016) at around.. 20:00 GMT i think, can't fully remember.
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Re: Reporting: Executive Office Harold Luxurios for rule breaking execution

Post by Jay Burns » 04 Jan 2017, 10:59

looking into it now

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Re: Reporting: Executive Office Harold Luxurios for rule breaking execution

Post by Jay Burns » 04 Jan 2017, 11:06

alright, seems he has played BO a few times, each time we have gotten an Ahelp about him, also he didn't follow proper execution procedures, so i think a Job-ban from Command staff would be appropriate.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Reporting: Executive Office Harold Luxurios for rule breaking execution

Post by Feweh » 04 Jan 2017, 12:39

3day ban for blatant grief and overall command job ban
