Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

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Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Xenosandbox » 12 Jan 2017, 17:23

Byond ID: Xenosandbox the second

Colonial Marines Character: Patience 'Patient' Priebe

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: CST/ Texas

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
3-5 on weekdays 4-8 on weekends.

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
A bit I have managed the forums and admins for a few of my own projects and also for Absolution in it's last few weeks.
Also I have been admin on some small servers getting some experience dealing with people and such but I'm still learning.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
A few like the TG remake by carbon hell and some other random things I've found on the HUB.

What other servers do you play on?
Mostly VG and TG

What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?
About 3 hours ago before my computer updated and I didn't get to submit this, I chuckled then felt utter horror at two hours lost making this.

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Technically I'm one of the hosts of R13 but I lack any control over that project or any of the other ones I started I've always been an idea guy and team organizer,
I see myself as a quality consultant, but if I am still considered staff at any of my old positions I have no knowledge of it and will formally resign if I find out.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No I'm pretty sure I have not.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)?
To be fair I have had a number of bans either for good reasons or mistakes on my part I'm just going to list them.
3-4 day bans on Absolution
2 day bans on TG to my knowledge
Permaban on hippie for a misunderstanding on my end
Possible permaban on aurora for improper suicide reasoning (never logged back in to see if I got banned at all)
and a few bans on servers at the bottom of the hub mostly Russian servers I joined and observed to see what they had and got banned for speaking English in D-chat I think.

Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Nothing five minutes can't solve I'm looking through it now for future reference.

Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.

1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.

If he just miss clicked a few times and didn't harm anyone I will let the MP's handle it and leave a small note, if he is completely bald and this
is his first round ever I will try to convince him to figure the game out on a less action filled server and leave a small note, but if he is ignoring me
and harming other soldiers I may take further action.

2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.

I would probably let another staff member handle it until I know properly how to handle atmos issues. But if it was done to harm the server or ruin the game
(grief) I will ask permission of a higher staff member if any are on and speak with the person(s).

3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.

Twenty marines is more than enough to handle four aliens, I would probably not respond since they could obviously take them and only senior staff can give the codes.

4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.

I believe both the marine and researcher are responsible here, I would warn the researcher and if it their first time doing such a thing give them a note and then
speak to the marine and depending on his intentions and whether or not he is relatively new I would leave a note or more if he is genuinely just trying to ruin the game.

5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.

Not respond and leave a note letting others who deal with him know he has a tendency to be venomous, and then try to see if his ahelp is a legit issue.

6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.

Explain to him that he needs to change his name in his character setup and to pick a new name (if I can change it) or cryo.

6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.

Apologize and tell them that there is nothing I can do since it is a rule and even people who have done similar in the past does not excuse them for all time against said rules.

7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.

If he is bald and this is one of his first rounds ever I would suggest he cryo or (if you still can) get a job change from the CO until he has more experience before he causes more harm.
Unless we are boarded an experienced player should know better and I will ask them to not derelict their duty, and leave a note.

8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.

Tell him that IC he doesn't know how to do surgery and link him to the rules, if he persists I will warn him further before leaving a note and if it is very bad a day ban.

9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?

Nothing, I don't think mods should influence the game very much outside of making sure things are running smoothly rules wise, if it is seriously hindered a higher staff member should handle it unless I am told otherwise.

10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.

Ban him for end round grief (I believe that is 1-3 hours) Of course only after informing him of what he did wrong and leaving a note.

11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.

Mp's can handle that if it's a real issue.

12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.

Explain proper escalation and link the rules to them, perhaps leave a note or just leave it at a warning and then I would ask a higher up staff member what to do with the dead marine if I should do anything.

Any additional information you'd like to add?

I have some bad notes and I don't want to lead anyone on I have been bad before I have also done good RP I'm a mixed bag and I make mistakes like any person so
I'm going to list my two worst notes (to my knowledge) so everyone who reads this knows I have fucked up and I am capable of feeling sorry for fucking up / bettering myself.

1. I flamerd a CL on accident and killed him.

2. In one of my first few rounds as marine on WO I miscalculated the IR beacon and killed my entire squad, apologized a lot and accepted my job ban from SL (really very sorry for that)

I gave it my best, if it isn't enough please give me some tips to be better in the future, cheers.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Tristan63 » 12 Jan 2017, 17:32

You are a notable person in both the previous AA4 and CM community, I know you personally as being a great person and are fully cabable of being a moderator. You easily earn my support.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by XenonDragneel » 12 Jan 2017, 17:37

I've seen you in-game, but I just recommend to play more CM for now... but I do have to say a


EDIT: I just change the vote of +0.5 to +0.3 I didn't read more clearly... I know you can improve this... plus your date of joining the Forum was last month... you seem a bit new afterall...
Last edited by XenonDragneel on 12 Jan 2017, 19:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Casany » 12 Jan 2017, 18:40

The answers could all use a little tweaking, since none are THAT good or specific, so Ima go -1 for now
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Sad_Corn » 12 Jan 2017, 20:45

Neutral for now
On May 17, 2016, a group of farmers dug up the diary of an ear of corn named Watson. Here are his entries.

Day 76:
They took Lawrence, dear god Lawrence... They ripped him off the stalk and smeared him in butter, just like Tyler and Jodie. They shipped him off to the popcorn factory...
I wonder what his wife will say.

Day 120: My brother says the VEGANS are protesting for more anti-meat bullshit. They want more of us to die. FUCKING HEATHENS.

Day 153: The ants are eating me from the inside out. They are popping out my kernels and taking them back to the nest. I feel them moving inside me. Julia says the pesticides will end our misery.

Day 300: Sweet Release. I can hear the planes flying over now. They are dropping the gas, it feels so good, sweet release-


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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Mordrehel » 12 Jan 2017, 22:35

Your responses frequently lead to asking a higher staff member to tell you what you need to do. However, many times mods are online without an admin or senior staff to speak of especially during lowpop and when they are around they quite often have things to do besides catch up on what your issue is (normally takes about half the time you took investigating in the first place). Some of these questions are intended to show creativity in what you could do on your own, being ambiguous is fine but there is a line where you have to have some answer given they aren't around.

With this in mind and the fact that you have two notes in the past week I'm going with a -1 for now.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by NescauComToddy » 12 Jan 2017, 22:45

Patience,I Think that You still need to Learn somethings Before becoming a Moderator.Firstly,Why so many Damn notes?I Wouldn't recommend that.Also,about the Dependency Of another staff Member,shows That you still need to Learn some Mechanics.I Also think You should be A Little more Harsh With some Dirty players.Some answers are Imcomplete,But we can Pass It.For now,I will stick Neutral.Also,I Would also like to say that your forum activity Is lacking,Meaning that The staff Don't really Know you.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Eenkogneeto » 12 Jan 2017, 22:48

I recommend applying for Mentor before you go straight to moderator, It would help cut down on a lot of the confusion you seem to have about most of these questions and how to handle them, Aswell as show you are earnest about your desire to become staff.
A lot of good points by Mord of course, I frequently am alone staffing on the server for 5 hours at a time.
For now, based on given answers and personal interactions I have to say -1.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Xenosandbox » 12 Jan 2017, 23:06

Mordrehel wrote:Your responses frequently lead to asking a higher staff member to tell you what you need to do.
That is only due to the fact that I would need time if I were to be accepted to fully get a grip on how the staff operates I'm not going to lie and say I instantly know how the team wants their server to run, and I would rather not go off the deep end and assume I have more authority than I would posses.

Tl:Dr: I don't wan't to over do it so I would ask questions and learn how to do things over time no mod joins instantly knowing how to do everything.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Xenosandbox » 12 Jan 2017, 23:09

NescauComToddy wrote:Patience,I Think that You still need to Learn somethings Before becoming a Moderator.Firstly,Why so many Damn notes?I Wouldn't recommend that.Also,about the Dependency Of another staff Member,shows That you still need to Learn some Mechanics..
I'm not sure how I would learn the mechanics of being a moderator without applying for and becoming a trial moderator, and 2-3 notes total is not a lot in my opinion just because I had a spout of mistakes close together doesn't exactly mean I'm a terrible person.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Rain7x » 12 Jan 2017, 23:10

I like you as a player, but in my opinion you're a bit too new for a moderator, however, I would support you as a mentor, -1 for now.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Xenosandbox » 12 Jan 2017, 23:11

[quote="Eenkogneeto"]I recommend applying for Mentor before you go straight to moderator, It would help cut down on a lot of the confusion you seem to have about most of these questions and how to handle them,[quote]

Feweh has said over on the announcements page not too long ago that there is no need for more mentors, and I like to see myself as lenient less than confused but that may just be point of view.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by XenonDragneel » 12 Jan 2017, 23:13

I recommend to play the game more...you must know your way into the game, players, and rules.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Xenosandbox » 12 Jan 2017, 23:19

XenonDragneel wrote:I recommend to play the game more...you must know your way into the game, players, and rules.

I've been playing CM for over a year, I only made a forum account to see more of this side of CM and to gain the ability to apply for a position like this.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by XenonDragneel » 12 Jan 2017, 23:37

Xenosandbox wrote:I've been playing CM for over a year, I only made a forum account to see more of this side of CM and to gain the ability to apply for a position like this.
I believe that you also need to be forum active to be apply the position of the Staffs. Not just game bud.
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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by slc97 » 13 Jan 2017, 07:58

I'm not going to say anything about your forum activity, because I was relatively forum inactive when I applied.

As for you working on other servers, that'd have to stop. If you work for CM, you only work for CM. No outside consultations or work on any other SS13 servers.

I personally like you, but your answers aren't great. I would fit you over into a mentor position before a moderator position so that you get a better understanding of staffing procedures. -1.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by NescauComToddy » 13 Jan 2017, 11:56

Xenosandbox wrote:I'm not sure how I would learn the mechanics of being a moderator without applying for and becoming a trial moderator, and 2-3 notes total is not a lot in my opinion just because I had a spout of mistakes close together doesn't exactly mean I'm a terrible person.
You aren't Terrible.And,the Mechanics are GAME Mechanics,Not Mod mechanics.I Recommend you learn everything the game Offers before Trying to Become a Mod.2-3 Notes aren't 6 notes to 6/12 Questions.

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Re: Xenosandbox the second Moderator Application

Post by Feweh » 14 Jan 2017, 15:47

After further discussion with head staff, this is denied.
