Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Give a cool new feature to the feature junkies, and finally make researchers useful in a tangible way.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): A frame would be sent to cargo after the researcher gets the Corporate liason to request it, the delivery would include the berserker frame and the circuit boards the armor would take 15 plasteel sheets to construct, after that a stack of wires and a chem machine circuit board (For the adrenaline system) it would basically be a person permanently stuck in a mech with a heavy machine gun and flamer.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): New type of mech that can't be exited, once entered the operator would pass out until the researcher loaded 3 syringes of hyerzine into it, at which point it would activate for about 15 minutes as a pseudo power cell, the mech would go dormant after this time and in order to refill it a reasearchers ID card is required to unlock the panel.

if anything make it admin spawn only or WO only or MAYBE even a new ERT.