LordZalgo's Permanent Ban Appeal

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LordZalgo's Permanent Ban Appeal

Post by Zalgo » 30 Jan 2017, 05:50

Your Byond ID: lordzalgo

Character Name: Johnathan Hall during the incident, I usually played as Elijah Conrad or Aleksander Brutin when I played more often.

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban

Admin who banned you (if known): Mordrehel

Total Ban Duration: 1 week, was told it would lead into a Perma.

Remaining Duration: 1 week, presumably forever if left unchallenged.

What other servers do you play on? /tg/ Sybil and Basil, Hippie, Goon LLJK US 2, Yog in the past.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I had a ban from Yogstation back in September o' 2015. https://forums.yogstation.net/index.php ... cism.7106/

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Banned by host: Reason: ERP - Emoted a erotic messages. Evidence may be found in 2017/01/30 (monday) logs

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): Not applicable.

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Right, so I'm gonna preface this with an apology if any part of this seems lacking or rushed. Spent about a half hour writing up the original appeal. I went to preview it to make sure everything looked alright, but then the forum asked me to log in again. Afterwards, I was at the main page, and backing up back to the appeal form caused what I had typed to be replaced with the default appeal template. Suffice to say, it's gone. Trying to recreate it best I can, but apologies if it's not the best this time.

First off, I wanna say that I wasn't wrongly banned or anything like that. No abuse of power or something similar here; I'm just a guy that got too salty when I lost and posted an emote that I shouldn't have. I have screenshots taken of the incident from probably too far ahead all the way to the ban, so if you want a screenshot of any specific moment in the chat, I can provide it on request. I assume whoever will be handling this appeal will be checking the logs from the incident regardless, so that's why I'm just leaving one screenshot here instead of a dozen.

So, short and simple version of what happened: I got captured as marines tend to, got thwarted at any attempt to escape imprisonment as marines tend to when there's an abundance of xenos to watch the nests, and began screaming at the xenos since it was the only thing I could reasonably do at that point, just generally shouting insults and obscenities. The Ravager watching me comes in and emotes hugging and smiling at me, before a series of cheek-caressing and dancing on top of me ensues. That's all fine and good I reckon, but I had gotten salty from all of the gloating. With my last escape attempt failed, the Ravager clapped at me, and I suppose I wasn't a big fan of the implied snark at the time. So, I posted a less-than-flattering emote in response.


I know, I know. It's dumb, it's childish, but at the time I thought it was a silly retort to all of the gloating going on. I perished to the larva in my chest immediately after that, and a little while afterwards I got my first bwoink from Mordrehel explaining the no-tolerance ERP policy. Of course, I've read all of the rules before, multiple times. This is not an excuse I'm trying to use, but I believe a contributing factor to this moment of unrestrained salt was the fact that I haven't played at CM for at least a few months. I've recently returned this week to see what's changed and to maybe get back into it, but I'd taken a break to play other server and other games in general for a few months at least. Most other servers I frequent don't have as strict policies in this area because rather than being treated as a genuine case of ERP, it'd be seen as a low brow insult, which was my, admittedly petty, intention for it. My main case in this incident in which I believe I would be warranted a second chance is that this was not intended to be an erotic engagement in which I'd be deriving any sexual gratification from the emote, and I wasn't attempting to intentionally make the Ravager exceedingly uncomfortable. I figured they would have just blown it off as a dumb remark, as players tend to, but I was informed during my messaging with Mordrehel that they were indeed bothered by my emote. If you were truly disturbed and/or offended by my action, Ravager 97, I apologize for having a negative impact on you.

Regardless of whether or not this is a genuine case of ERP, I would like to publicly apologize for breaking the server rules and to restate that I was indeed at fault. I should've just been the better player and cleared my chat bar. I would additionally like to assure the staff team that if I'm allowed to return to the server, I'll be making a conscious effort to avoid incidents like this moving forward. I enjoy playing CM, and I would rather not jeopardize my chances to continue playing further.


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Re: LordZalgo's Permanent Ban Appeal

Post by Mordrehel » 30 Jan 2017, 06:03

Hum, I'll say that this particular player was very reasonable when I spoke with them albiet a little upset when they were told a perma-ban was possible. Which was, reasonable considering the possible ban length.

Also, no other notes to speak of- Not sure if that acquits him but at the very least I can say this player doesn't have bad intentions.

Credit goes to NobodySpecialzz for this beautiful image

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Re: LordZalgo's Permanent Ban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 30 Jan 2017, 11:31


ERP is non appealable as per our rules.

No ERP - ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY - ERP, or Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response from the receiver(s). It may involve two or more people or be done in front of spectators. This includes reading stories about ERP but not participating directly (WGW). Both consensual and nonconsensual ERP will be met with a PERMABAN. This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." However, these actions can be handled IC as Neglect of Duty or Sexual Assault per Marine Law. Bottom line: If you're not sure if it's ERP or not, or you don't want to be permabanned, just don't do it.

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Re: LordZalgo's Permanent Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 30 Jan 2017, 17:30

We have a zero tolerance policy for ERP.

That being said, some stuff does blur the line. However, this doesn't fit into that. This is "ERP" and fits into sort of the same realm as when people make those copy-paste emotes that they use on specific people that are basically short one-sided ERP emotes designed to "imply" that the one character forced the situation on the other. Frequently it's used to do this such as "I grab X in my arms and we begin to slowly carass and undress each other...etc".

I understand you were intending to just be snarky and were trying to show your frustration, but we do have players under the age of 18, so we have to take a VERY STRONG stance against "excessive sexual content". In the past, people who have implied they were masturbating have had a range of "warning" to "permabanned" depending on what the emote was.

When it's not intended to engage someone or solicit a sexual response from them, it can be a bit of a grey-line, but usually we will toss anything sexually explicit into the ERP category and we rarely make exceptions.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
