zskninoh wrote:How is that not meta? How the hell doXenos know that all the planetside comm traffic is routed through that particular installation? I can understand them slashing APCs and what not, as Xenos are somewhat aware of items such as power (What do you mean *they* cut the power? How could they cut the power, man? They're animals!) but not to the extent that it has been recently done.
They would know what power is, just not how it works in technical terms.
They are known to be intelligent creatures, and considering they know that when generators in engineering go online, the APC's they have slashed are filled with a charge that hurts, and things start turning on, they'd realize that power = bad for them.
If they attack tcomms when no one is guarding it and its disguised as a broken APC, then sure its metagame. But if you wall off an area the xenos know shouldn't be walled off, is it any wonder that the xenos would acid it down and destroy anything they can get their hands on in said room? Especially considering the xenos know that you waste resources to build said walls, so why waste resources on a certain area unless your guarding something important?
If this rule DOES go through, it should only be done for if the marines leave tcomms completely unguarded and disguised as a broken APC but xenos still slash it, not when marines so blatantly wall it off and/or guard it with marines to show its importance to the xenos.