Survivor update. (Input needed)

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Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by wastedfate » 05 Feb 2017, 00:19

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): With the input received it seems like most of the ideas worked well, while some of the more experimental ones still need some thoughts. The only changes suggested are ensuring the marines do not forcefully evacuate survivors, and adding equipment based off of whatever job they worked in the colony.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): This would really flesh out the survivor role a lot more, and make it more enjoyable for most.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Many players are either having trouble surviving without hiding in a locker for 30 minutes, or finding that once they have fortified an area and successfully survived the marines show up and use any means necessary to evacuate them, in extreme cases the marines will shoot unarmed survivors into critical condition to forcefully evacuate them.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): #1 is to simply ensure that the marines do not forcefully evacuate survivors. This can be accomplished by adding a rule, changing marine law, or simply making the occasional announcement reminding the marines that it is not allowed. This allows the survivors to continue playing AS a survivor, instead of being forcefully removed from the role by the marines thirty minutes into the round.

#2 is to potentially add gear to their starting loadout depending on what role they start as. This would really flesh out the role that they are randomly assigned, whereas currently, it's just a uniform. If they are a chef, perhaps they start with a meat cleaver, and some food, if they are an engineer, perhaps they start with a toolbelt. This would also lower the difficulty of being a survivor for newer players, ensuring they are not ambushed with no means to defend themselves or fortify, while keeping the survivor role very difficult to complete.

Thank you all for the input, which was received both on the forum, and in private.
Last edited by wastedfate on 08 Feb 2017, 04:35, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by Snypehunter007 » 05 Feb 2017, 00:32

I understand this is a work in progress suggestion but please do not make a megapost. You may link between suggestions but do not post a mega post.

I like the idea of #2 very much. Instead of having survivors just make up there role and seem like glorified Assistants, they actually would feel immersed in the role they are assigned with all of the gear and clothing additions that would come from it.

#3 seems nice but it seems more like an event unless the suggestion itself changes.
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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by Swagile » 05 Feb 2017, 00:33

I think the biggest thing that needs changing is the fact that being a survivor is really boring the moment your rescued.

You don't need to make things difficult as good survivor players know where to get gear and how to get it FAST before xenos come.

But once your rescued, your left in a lurch where your basically just a quasi-marine without all the cool things that come with being a marine.

TL;DR its way more fun to keep dodging (or even actively provoking marines) that it is to be rescued. Id rather be hugged as a survivor and come back as a xeno than be rescued due to how boring and extremely unreliable it is to wait for rescue.

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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by nerocavalier » 05 Feb 2017, 00:51

#1: Survivors can already stay if they want to. They're by no means forced to go up unless the marines are particularly insistent.

#2: What exactly do you mean here? Survivors can already spawn with toolbelts (Engineer) or a revolver (Colonial Marshall).

#3: Interesting event and would be great for RP except PMCs guns are hilariously lethal to T2s and T3s and would utterly devastate a young hive if the players decided to rush them. Even if they don't, they can do a massive amount of damage to aliens when they try to nab the survivors.
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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by SovietKitty » 05 Feb 2017, 01:00

Survivor used to be my favorite role, but most of it feels like a game of 'hide and hope the marines deploy within 30 minutes.' Hide in a locker. Or just hope they don't find you worth their time. Survivors are such a flexible role from a roleplay perspective.

I have nothing else to add that hasn't been said other than the addition of starting with hugger protection might not be so useful when hugger combat is changing, and I feel survivors will be even less worthy of chasing now that huggers are being changed.
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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by flying_loulou » 05 Feb 2017, 06:33

Can be nice, I agree with snypehunter.

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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by wastedfate » 08 Feb 2017, 04:30

I received a lot of input, most of it was received in private messages, for some reason... I've updated the original post with the ideas that were difficult, experimental, or unpopular removed. Hopefully it is well received. Thank you all for your time.
nerocavalier wrote:#1: Survivors can already stay if they want to. They're by no means forced to go up unless the marines are particularly insistent.
They will drag you, handcuff you, and sometimes shoot you to get you to go up.

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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by nerocavalier » 08 Feb 2017, 16:04

wastedfate wrote:They will drag you, handcuff you, and sometimes shoot you to get you to go up.
nerocavalier wrote:unless the marines are particularly insistent.
Troublesome, as usual.

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Re: Survivor update. (Input needed)

Post by Mook476 » 08 Feb 2017, 21:50

+1 Flesh out the survivor!
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