Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

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Sars Clayton
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Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by Sars Clayton » 15 Feb 2017, 02:40

Your Byond ID:Tidal7

Character Name:Sars "kitty" Clayton

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Permanent

Admin who banned you (if known):Host AKA Apop.

Total Ban Duration:Right so roughly about infinity times infinity.

Remaining Duration:To infinity and byond!

What other servers do you play on?None. CM is luve, CM is lefe.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?Think I got a week ban on here before but thats about it. (excluding the smaller bans)

Reason for ban : T8DEC16 - ERP and accumulation of negative account notes

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):N/A

Your appeal, including evidence :So hi mins, uh so I'm pretty sure its been about three months now since the ban. it was was really crappy cause this server is amazing and like I didn't do much else with my spare time before I got banned (kinda sad, meh) but I'm appealing the ban now cause birthdays in three days which I thought would give staff plenty of time to consider the ban and ya I might get to play on here again by my birthday.

Things are much better with me, got a awesome job, new girlfriend, that kinda crap, I'm alot happier now which more importantly makes me not as much of a total ass which lead to me getting banned in the first place.

I really felt like a douche for just the all roundness of the way I was caring on/behaving/treating staff on certain occasions. I missed the server alot and not in the creppy ex girlfriend kinda way. Fantastic staff, the people are good too.

I've reflected my behaviour this whole time and regret it that much honestly. The checking up on the forums every now and then to see whats new has just made me feel that much worse, knowing what I'm missing out on and such.

I've thought of ways of dealing with tense/heated situations where most my notes come from, and the simplest most basic I could think of, is just walk away, go do something else, cause you can always come back another day.

I don't expect anything from this appeal but I know the staff are nice and I trust them to pass judgement properly so I hope you guys/gals consider me back, under very close watch but anythings better than nothing :)

Tried to keep this short as I could, I am genuinely sorry, to staff and players.

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Re: Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by slc97 » 15 Feb 2017, 07:34

ERP is unappealable.

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Re: Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by Sars Clayton » 16 Feb 2017, 02:07

The ERP is question being me saying once noah gave the SM a blowjob in OOC, thats it, I don't see how that qualifies as a EROTIC ROLEPLAY, way more of a offensive/stupid remark that noah got upset over, which might I add he wasn't. how is that worth a permanent unappeable ban.

Also I work in a hospital engineering workshop, and a blowjob is where you almost finish work and before you go to set down you blow yourself off with the air gun. Or in other cases when a piece of equipment or a machine isn't working and someone fixes it or improves it, the person gave the equipment/machine a blowjob. So I can even argue its not even offensive cause I'm pretty sure noah/or one of the staff has had construction experience so they'd know exactly what I mean from my point of view.

I was NOT being some creepy neckbeard trying sneakily ERP with noah or break rules. The SM is a machine how can you possible ERP with a fictional machination. last thing I wanted was a perma ban at the time.

The whole ERP thing was taken waaay out of context, where phrasing was the problem.

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Re: Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by slc97 » 16 Feb 2017, 12:43

The note and permaban filed for you claims ERP. ERP cannot be appealed.

The vast majority of people recognize the phrase "blowjob" as sexual, derogatory slang. Not as engineering terminology.

You also managed to amass 30-40 notes within a 3 month period of time on the server.

We appreciate and accept your apology, however we do not tolerate the slightest bit if ERP, and we do not allow people banned for it to return to the server.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by Feweh » 16 Feb 2017, 12:45

ERP aside your note history is so awful that you'd still be denied.

The amount of warnings and bans you have is incredible. It amazes me that you never improved despite it all.

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Re: Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by freemysoul » 16 Feb 2017, 17:18

Yeah I have a Mechinical Engineer degree, and I've NEVER heard of the term "blowjob" used in engineering EVER.

In addition to this, the entire staff TIME AFTER TIME gave you chances to improve, Infact I was the VERY last person to tell you to shape and stop breaking rules then you go do this.

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Re: Ban Appeal: Tidal7 AKA Kitty

Post by Feweh » 18 Feb 2017, 16:34

