Emma Mccain Report

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Emma Mccain Report

Post by Swagile » 17 Feb 2017, 23:22

Your Byond Key: Swagile

Your Character Name: Luca Paytner

Accused Byond Key(if known): N/A

Character Name: Emma Mccain

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Friday, February 17th, 2016; Around 9:00 PMish (dunno when round started tbh).

What rule(s) were broken:
1. Don't be a dick.
7. No griefing.

Description of the incident: So I was a Combat Medic this round and was healing people due to a failed river assault on LV when I noticed I was down to a quarter of my supplies. I radio'd in for supplies several times, asking for a ground doctor + medvend due to the amount of people we were losing to hugger combat + collapsed lungs.

I saw that the XO was groundside fighting instead of coordinating supplies + medical and was upset about this so I radio'd about it several times. When we finally retreated to the Sulaco due to being pushed back, I was told I am under arrest for insubordination. Now I was following orders and was healing people as much as possible the entire time, so I was wondering why I was being insubordinate but wasn't given much of a reason at the time except "your a dumb cunt" by the XO. I was reasonably upset about this and was quite vocal about this on radio when my radio was removed; which I screamed about as well. I kept disarming the MP that came in to take my radio till he finally got it after three times of taking it off, but by then people were talking about freeing me.

After my five minute sentence and going to the Canteen, I find out I am still set to arrest and the CO wants to perma brig me. Even though my radio was taken from me from within my cell because I wasn't given a proper reason for my insubordination charge, I was to be perma brigged. I kept talking about MP's wanting to silence me, and was yakety saxing around after one of the MP's tried to arrest and cuff me.

Things heated up on radio comms with people either wanting to kill me, or support me, but no one did anything yet because things hadn't gone over the top yet... until Briefing.

Briefing hit and the CO started talking about executing me, and a station wide announcement was made (my memory is a bit muddy, but it was either before or after CO's briefing announcement) that I was to be executed and anyone who helped me would also be executed.

This all came from a insubordination charge to a perma brig charge to then a execution just because I didn't like the fact that Command wasn't doing a good job with the supply + medical chain. A mutiny happened but people were banned because I didn't ask in LOOC with five other marine (which is bullshit when the CO can just order the execution of any marine without ahelping it, but ANYWAY).

Im making this report because the mutineers were banned, so we couldn't handle it ICly, hence id like punishment to be put forth against the CO.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): N/A, too much chat logs for me to recover the important bits.

How you would punish the accused: A strict talking to, or a CO removal if this wasn't their first time being bad command.

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 17 Feb 2017, 23:40

Okay, give me a bit and I'll look into this.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 17 Feb 2017, 23:55

Hey Luca first of all you need to understand that "being a dick" and an IC Personality are far away from being the same things, i kinda understand your anger for getting arrest but i hope you didin't forget that you started riots outside the bridge several times on your first time jailed, and as far i remember the Executive Officer ordered your first arrest or am i wrong?
So before complaining about me check your actions i'd say you are the one responsible for the "mutineers" ban since you were the ones making them start the RIOT via general comms.
Oh the MP's never used any lethal even when your "friends" fired with lethals uppon them.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Feweh » 17 Feb 2017, 23:57

This sounds like a whole fuck ton of IC issues, bordering potential ban for not properly starting a mutiny.

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Martzin » 18 Feb 2017, 00:02

Emma McCain wrote:Hey Luca first of all you need to understand that "being a dick" and an IC Personality are far away from being the same things, i kinda understand your anger for getting arrest but i hope you didin't forget that you started riots outside the bridge several times on your first time jailed, and as far i remember the Executive Officer ordered your first arrest or am i wrong?
So before complaining about me check your actions i'd say you are the one responsible for the "mutineers" ban since you were the ones making them start the RIOT via general comms.
Oh the MP's never used any lethal even when your "friends" fired with lethals uppon them.
I do admit, Luca's attempts at a mutiny were rather plain and obviously just pushing a mutiny for a mutiny's-sake, but there were no riots at Brig. Marines were on edge grouped up around there, some(like me) running into brig to check on her. Seeing her state which was mild compared to the exaggerations said on Comms, i realized this whole situation was ridiculous.

So I told everyone to calm down and spread the word she was out and only had a 5-minute sentence. Then, at that 2nd briefing, you went full 1984 and ordered her execution publicly as well as the brigging of any marine who defied this order. And that's when I lost my shit.

You see Emma, Luca was just fuel for the mutiny. I was the one who tried shooting you through the glass during briefing and starting that shoot-out in the briefing room.
No regrets though, you were honestly a shitty commander that round. Though it should be mentioned after realizing I had just started an unauthorized mutiny I ahelped twice and on the 2nd one was denied...

Even the XO was against you though realizing how you were making the situation worse. Still though, I hope you can get past this and be a good CO soon... it'd be a shame if anybody had to lose a status or banned, for what I see as a rather reasonable mutiny after the marines constantly getting hit with waves of shit and just being tired by it all...
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Feb 2017, 00:06

Hi, I am that korean dude!

I was send to the Ground to become a Ground Commander. The commander or Command didn't told me to pack up the supply and put em on the dropship... that wasn't my job but either anybody didn't even told me. I wasn't being a Rambo Commanding Officer.. I was actually talking and fighting.. I did such like "PUSH EM!" "ALL SQUAD REGROUP!" etc... let's talk about that Commander... I was trying to be nice and heading my way to bridge but Commander randomly set you to arrest for some reason I have no idea why! I just told MP to arrest you for 2 minute(JUST TWO!). Later on you attempt to start a mutiny... which cause an Perma and Execution.. so I put you in perma. A mutiny getting bigger and bigger and I explain why I put you in perma on announcement and it calm the whole station down, and set you free! Then later this Commander told all marine to go to briefing and said that she is going to /Execute you/(I am not exactly sure if this is true.. but this is what the marine in general comm are saying), I repeated over and over for the commander to listen to me but she kept ignoring me. The marine are crazy all over this general comm there was nothing I can do so I ahelp if I should behead the Commander or not(The Mod said "NO")... because she or he is causing this mutiny worse and when she came to bridge she blame on me that I caused the mutiny worse... later on the round marine joined on my side and be friendly with them...

This is all I could do to explain what have happened..

I have feared that I put the community down and make me look like a terrible XO or a commanding officer on that round. I NEVER wanted to be involved of dramas! I always wanted to be a competent Commanding Officer!

I put HUGE trust on this Commander till this round... fucked alot of thing up. I am against that Commander. I think she need to be removed from Commander and play a little more command role other than CO. She or he isn't prepared. I'm sorry Emma McCain... I put alot of trust in you to be a High Commanding Officer of the game... now you did really bad for about three round straight as a Commander. I think she need to be removed from Command role for now. I am sorry

I really wish I wasn't XO this round.. I felt really bad about myself... now they aren't going to trust me as a Commanding officer... EVER... even Squad lead... *sigh*

Sorry... :(
Last edited by XenonDragneel on 18 Feb 2017, 00:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 00:07

Martzin wrote:I do admit, Luca's attempts at a mutiny were rather plain and obviously just pushing a mutiny for a mutiny's-sake, but there were no riots at Brig. Marines were on edge grouped up around there, some(like me) running into brig to check on her. Seeing her state which was mild compared to the exaggerations said on Comms, i realized this whole situation was ridiculous.

So I told everyone to calm down and spread the word she was out and only had a 5-minute sentence. Then, at that 2nd briefing, you went full 1984 and ordered her execution publicly as well as the brigging of any marine who defied this order. And that's when I lost my shit.

You see Emma, Luca was just fuel for the mutiny. I was the one who tried shooting you through the glass during briefing and starting that shoot-out in the briefing room.
No regrets though, you were honestly a shitty commander that round. Though it should be mentioned after realizing I had just started an unauthorized mutiny I ahelped twice and on the 2nd one was denied...

Even the XO was against you though realizing how you were making the situation worse. Still though, I hope you can get past this and be a good CO soon... it'd be a shame if anybody had to lose a status or banned, for what I see as a rather reasonable mutiny after the marines constantly getting hit with waves of shit and just being tired by it all...

There was riot at the brig yes they threw grenades i had to lockdown the brig .
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Martzin » 18 Feb 2017, 00:10

XenonDragneel wrote:Hi, I am that korean dude!

I was send to the Ground to become a Ground Commander. The commander or Command didn't told me to pack up the supply and put em on the dropship... that wasn't my job but either anybody didn't even told me. I wasn't being a Rambo Commanding Officer.. I was actually talking and fighting.. I did such like "PUSH EM!" "ALL SQUAD REGROUP!" etc... let's talk about that Commander... I was trying to be nice and heading my way to bridge but Commander randomly set you to arrest for some reason I have no idea why! I just told MP to arrest you for 2 minute(JUST TWO!). Later on you attempt to start a mutiny... which cause an Perma and Execution.. so I put you in perma. A mutiny getting bigger and bigger and I explain why I put you in perma on announcement and it calm the whole station down, and set you free! Then later this Commander told all marine to go to briefing and said that she is going to /Execute you/(I am not exactly sure if this is true.. but this is what the marine in general comm are saying), I repeated over and over for the commander to listen to me but she kept ignoring me. The marine are crazy all over this general comm there was nothing I can do so I ahelp if I should behead the Commander or not(The Mod said "NO")... because she or he is causing this mutiny worse and when she came to bridge she blame on me that I caused the mutiny worse... later on the round marine joined on my side and be friendly with them...

This is all I could do to explain what have happened..

I have feared that I put the community down and make me look like a terrible XO or a commanding officer on that round. I NEVER wanted to be involved of dramas! I always wanted to be a competent Commanding Officer!

I put HUGE trust on this Commander till this round... fucked alot of thing up. I am against that Commander. I think she need to be removed from Commander and play a little more command role other than CO. She or he isn't prepared. I'm sorry Emma McCain... I put alot of trust in you to be a High Commanding Officer of the game... now you did really bad for about three round straight as a Commander. I think she need to be removed from Command role for now. I am sorry

I really wish I wasn't XO this round.. I felt really bad about myself... now they aren't going to trust me as a Commanding officer... EVER... even Squad lead... *sigh*

Sorry... :(
I still think you're a good XO, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Emma McCain wrote:
There was riot at the brig yes they threw grenades i had to lockdown the brig .
Are you sure? I recall seeing the brig blast doors getting locked down while I was talking with Luca telling her to calm down, though I dont remember anything like flashbangs getting hit. From my POV, it seemed like MPs were getting pushy and just wanted the marines to get out by then, seeing they had stun-batons and were stunning some guys...
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by 4thsurviver » 18 Feb 2017, 00:11

I was a MP that round. I was the one that changed Luca's status to arrest after the initial command to arrest her for insubordination and disorderly conduct. After the 5 minute sentence I was elsewhere and forgot to remove the arrest status. I think that was a major decisive factor in escalating things.

I noticed a lot of tension that round between multiple parties, the XO and CO didn't get along that round either and at one point we had to respond to a murder attempt on the CO's life. I didn't take note of what sparked the incident in the briefing room but had I heard the execution order I would have asked for CO to stand down.

I would ask other MPs and the XO for their reports on the round. I think this was a case of everyone escalating things over a simple misunderstanding but I could be wrong.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 00:11

XenonDragneel wrote:Hi, I am that korean dude!

I was send to the Ground to become a Ground Commander. The commander or Command didn't told me to pack up the supply and put em on the dropship... that wasn't my job but either anybody didn't even told me. I wasn't being a Rambo Commanding Officer.. I was actually talking and fighting.. I did such like "PUSH EM!" "ALL SQUAD REGROUP!" etc... let's talk about that Commander... I was trying to be nice and heading my way to bridge but Commander randomly set you to arrest for some reason I have no idea why! I just told MP to arrest you for 2 minute(JUST TWO!). Later on you attempt to start a mutiny... which cause an Perma and Execution.. so I put you in perma. A mutiny getting bigger and bigger and I explain why I put you in perma on announcement and it calm the whole station down, and set you free! Then later this Commander told all marine to go to briefing and said that she is going to /Execute you/(I am not exactly sure if this is true.. but this is what the marine in general comm are saying), I repeated over and over for the commander to listen to me but she kept ignoring me. The marine are crazy all over this general comm there was nothing I can do so I ahelp if I should behead the Commander or not(The Mod said "NO")... because she or he is causing this mutiny worse and when she came to bridge she blame on me that I caused the mutiny worse... later on the round marine joined on my side and be friendly with them...

This is all I could do to explain what have happened..

I have feared that I put the community down and make me look like a terrible XO or a commanding officer on that round. I NEVER wanted to be involved of dramas! I always wanted to be a competent Commanding Officer!

I put HUGE trust on this Commander till this round... fucked alot of thing up. I am against that Commander. I think she need to be removed from Commander and play a little more command role other than CO. She or he isn't prepared. I'm sorry Emma McCain... I put alot of trust in you to be a High Commanding Officer of the game... now you did really bad for about three round straight as a Commander. I think she need to be removed from Command role for now. I am sorry

I really wish I wasn't XO this round.. I felt really bad about myself... now they aren't going to trust me as a Commanding officer... EVER... even Squad lead... *sigh*

Sorry... :(
XO the things got worste when you wanted to remove Luca's headset , he started to complain and scream starting an unrest , so yeah i've allowed to remove it don't forget that. That was your call.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 00:13

4thsurviver wrote:I was a MP that round. I was the one that changed Luca's status to arrest after the initial command to arrest her for insubordination and disorderly conduct. After the 5 minute sentence I was elsewhere and forgot to remove the arrest status. I think that was a major decisive factor in escalating things.

I noticed a lot of tension that round between multiple parties, the XO and CO didn't get along that round either and at one point we had to respond to a murder attempt on the CO's life. I didn't take note of what sparked the incident in the briefing room but had I heard the execution order I would have asked for CO to stand down.

I would ask other MPs and the XO for their reports on the round. I think this was a case of everyone escalating things over a simple misunderstanding but I could be wrong.
Execution was just an threat ICly trying to make the marines calm their asses and execution order was never given on the MPs channel.
So yes how Feweh said IC issue.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 00:18

Jroinc1 wrote:You told him you were going to kill him, as the CO? The one role with the IC authority to do so? That's more than a casual threat, in my opinion.
There are no rules against making threats :/ specially when half of the ship wants to starts an mutiny because some medic crying for being arrest for 5 minutes.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Feb 2017, 00:28

Emma McCain wrote:XO the things got worste when you wanted to remove Luca's headset , he started to complain and scream starting an unrest , so yeah i've allowed to remove it don't forget that. That was your call.
It got worse because she is screaming on comm about mutiny and being abused... I told you and the MP to remove the headset but thing got worse. If you remove the headet then it wouldn't go fucking crazy.

By the way how are you NOT scared of the mutiny attempt... You should be well aware of what-the-fuck-you-are-doing.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 00:31

XenonDragneel wrote:It got worse because she is screaming on comm about mutiny and being abused... I told you and the MP to remove the headset but thing got worse. If you remove the headet then it wouldn't go fucking crazy.

By the way how are you NOT scared of the mutiny attempt... You should be well aware of what-the-fuck-you-are-doing.

I wasn't scared because there was NO mutiny they were a simple bunch of marines that listened an field medic crying on general comms because he got arrested for five minutes, and i had a good mp ammount.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by ZDashe » 18 Feb 2017, 00:56

I found the relevant logs regarding your initial imprisonment:

Luca Paytner (Medic) expressing her dissatisfaction,

Code: Select all

[20:54:20]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Tons of infected because none of Command send down fucking GROUND DOCTORS!
[20:54:27]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Command is confirmed fucking shit.
[20:54:35]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Xo literally only signed up for the job to get a smart gun.
Alexa Mason (PO) replying to Luca's dissatisfaction with command,

Code: Select all

[20:54:38]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : Watch your tongue corporal!
[20:54:43]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Shut the fuck up, PO.
[20:54:49]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : You weren't down there healing on diminished supplies.
[20:55:12]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : I had no backup supplies and unresponsive Sulaco Command with XO going rambo with a SMARTGUN PLANETSIDE.
[20:55:20]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : MP, please arrest CPL Luca Paytner insubordination
[20:55:34]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : For insubordination, sorry
So it was the PO who first placed the order on Luca's arrest..

Bran 'Survivor' Jast (MP), Kevin Murry (MP), Emma McCain (CO) speaks amongst each other,

Code: Select all

[20:55:46]SAY: Bran 'Survivor' Jast/4thsurviver : Disorderly conduct then
[20:55:47]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : What squad?
[20:55:59]SAY: Emma McCain/Deadrise142 : He's a medic
[20:56:00]SAY: Bran 'Survivor' Jast/4thsurviver : 10 minutes unless command wants more
[20:56:09]SAY: Emma McCain/Deadrise142 : 10 is enough
[20:56:50]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : Well it's both Disorderly conduct and Insubordination so I'd say 20 minutes?
[20:57:03]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Do we know location and squad?
Meanwhile... Emma McCain was busy commanding the marines while the announcements were made by CO,

Code: Select all

[20:57:04]SAY: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Well Marines we lost the planet and this battle BUT the war ain't over please get yourselfs patched up and head towards the requisitions and grab some explosives and ammo than make your way to the briefing room , WE ARE GOING to finish tihs WAR as victorious orrah - Xo Yung Kyunseok (Executive Officer)
Kevin Murray (MP) arrests Luca Paytner,

Code: Select all

[20:57:13]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Halt
[20:57:15]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Luca
[20:57:23]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : You are wanted for arrest for insubordination
[20:57:27]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Get down
[20:57:34]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Are you going to arrest me while the XO was shooting shit up Planetside with a smartgun instead of Commanding?
[20:57:37]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Are you REALLY.
[20:57:40]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : GOING TO ARREST ME.
[20:57:50]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : I was told insubordination
[20:57:52]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : By CO
[20:57:53]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Yeah.
*events here omitted for brevity sake*

Next command announcement made by CO,

Code: Select all

[21:05:02]SAY: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Okay who's starting a damm riot infront of the BRIG will be shot , back to your regular duties and leave the brig in piece or you will be considered a mutineer. McCain out - Xo Yung Kyunseok (Executive Officer)
*events here omitted for brevity sake*

Subsequent command announcement made by the XO,

Code: Select all

[21:11:03]SAY: TeenGowen/(Xo Yung Kyunseok) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Marine. This is your Executive Officer. I would like to explain the whole situation of why I throw Luca  Paytner in permabrig.. Now.. here is the reason why.. I came to the planetside to assist all the brave combat marine that die down there.. If I die with this, this wouldn't been happening.. there are 25 alien down there.. 25! I throw her in brig at first and said to set her time only for 2 minutes.. now he attempt a mutiny.. thats five minute for some reason but I thrown her to perma.. I will free her if we all be friendly and win this fight! I don't care about humans around me... I care about freedom.. and taking the colony back...now can we all be friendly? Just for one minute? Please? I push my hardest to kill some of them... let's focus on this mission...  - Xo Yung Kyunseok (Executive Officer)
As the mod online during the time, no marines made any ahelp requesting for proper mutiny procedures, as staff was wondering where the mutiny was coming from,, people were already stirring up trouble on their own:

Code: Select all

[21:22:08]ADMIN: MOD: Shyguychizzy/(Shyguychizzy) : I don't think a mutiny was a pproved was it?
[21:22:27]ADMIN: MOD: Shyguychizzy/(Shyguychizzy) : Lmao. Mutiny happening against CO and I am not getting mutinied?
[21:22:37]ADMIN: MOD: ZDashe/(Ray 'Zero' Robinson) : no mutiny was approved, nobody ahelped
[21:25:25]ADMIN: PM: Redempter/(Alexa Mason)->Shyguychizzy/(Shyguychizzy): I need help to shut it down so people stop speying nonsense on the general channel
First random marine who actually ahelped to ask for permission to mutiny after shit already hit the fan, was Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz

List of all ahelps in chronological order within event timeframe,

Code: Select all

[21:21:06]ADMIN: HELP: UnarmedBastard/(Ramon Mckendrick): metadefence detected west chow hall - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[21:22:29]ADMIN: HELP: Darklizard45/(Elite Queen): do you mean us? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[21:23:46]ADMIN: HELP: Redempter/(Alexa Mason): I've been ordered to cut the comm but have no idea how this thing work, can someone help please? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[21:25:22]ADMIN: HELP: Martzin/(Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz): Uhh it appears ive already triggered a mutiny... so can there be a mutiny? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[21:26:06]ADMIN: HELP: IAMMagikarp/(Evan Coughlin): can i kill the ro for shooting mps - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:27:51]ADMIN: HELP: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain): Jesus Christ Z the ship is shooting each other im sending another IC message. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:28:17]ADMIN: HELP: TeenGowen/(Xo Yung Kyunseok): can i behead the fucking CO - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:28:28]ADMIN: HELP: Swagile/(Luca Paytner): So uhh... CO wants to execute me for mutinying when all I did was disapprove of XO going down with a smartgun and shooting xenos instead of controlling supply chains and getting medics a ground doctor + medvend. I got brigged for 5 minutes for mentioning it and my radio removed, and later they tried to trump on charges on me when I spoke out again without mentioning mutinying. The "execute Luca" thing and MP's coming in with full gear is why shooting is going on. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:29:33]ADMIN: HELP: Jeether/(Mature Crusher (228)): Is this a mutiny yet? or it's just griefing? - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:29:41]ADMIN: HELP: DankAnimeme/(Elite Crusher (11)): Meanwhile the xenos are just making egg puns - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:30:52]ADMIN: HELP: Maqre/(Friedrich Hofmann): Socialist revolution in CM when? - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:31:13]ADMIN: HELP: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain): Well they are realling going hard im keeping the MPs with non lethals even if they are firing lethals - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:31:46]ADMIN: HELP: Martzin/(Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz): Seeing there's an admin now, I apparently started a mutiny, so I'd like to know if this mutiny's official... CO is bat-shit insane and MPs are ruthless, so there's my reasons in a nutshell. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:33:37]ADMIN: HELP: Carl Trent/(Mature Larva (394)): Hey guys I'm asking if the aliens are allowed to build on the LZ, they seem to have covered the outlining area of the ship and even I think a bit farther in it too. Thought it hurt the atmos - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:33:44]ADMIN: HELP: Kiroking/(Malcolm 'Holdout' Allister): Hey can I settup a turret on the rasp Because I know aliens are down their and may be waiting? - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:35:05]ADMIN: HELP: Swagile/(Luca Paytner): I already ahelped my case but no one is responding. I think you guys are busy tho so thats why. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
My OOC warnings to the server in chronological order,

Code: Select all

[21:22:19]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : first and final warning about metadefences. Things will start disappearing in 1 minute if no action is taken
[21:25:23]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : anyone found stirring up trouble when no proper IC reason is found, will be banned at this point
[21:25:27]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : Final warning
[21:25:59]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : I say again in case you missed my message, Marines who stir up trouble without a valid IC reason will be banned if this continues
[21:26:51]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : A reminder that NO MUTINY was approved by staff, and starting one without staff approval is against the rules
[21:29:04]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : Here we go, bans are being handed out already
[21:34:26]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : I hate to use OOC chat, but apparently there's people who are still not familiar with our server rules, so i'm gonna state it here once and for all
[21:34:46]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : Under Marine specific rule 3. Do not mutiny, unless... - Mutiny is not allowed unless a Mod or Admin (not a Mentor) clears it via Adminhelp.
p.s. I can dig up more logs, but I want to avoid clutter and get the facts right for everyone to see. Keep in mind, this is a player report against Emma McCain, and keep all relevant info pertaining to her.
Last edited by ZDashe on 18 Feb 2017, 01:08, edited 2 times in total.

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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 18 Feb 2017, 00:59

Well, from what I am reading in the logs, I am getting this:

- Swagile is arrested for insubordination by the XO Xo Yung.

- You announce that "[20:58:44]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : I am being arrested by orders of the XO because he's shit command."

- From there, the two of yall argue about his effectiveness as a XO while on the planet.

- Xo Yung then orders for the MPs to take your headset. At this point you had not started abusing your headset privileges and the order was unwarranted.

- At this point you begin to start yelling over the radio about the XO ordering you radio to be taken. The marines begin to split between the two sides. This continues for several minutes, devolving into just shouting over the headset about needing help because "[21:01:49]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : MY RADIO IS BEING TAKEN!" and "[21:02:06]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : THEY ARE TRYING TO SILENCE ME!"

- The XO continues to tell the MPs to take your headset off and you somehow confused it to the the CDR saying it:
"[21:02:44]SAY: Xo Yung Kyunseok/TeenGowen : MP I swear to GOD TAKE HER RADIO OFF"
"[21:02:45]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : CO ORDERED RADIO OFF!"

- The MPs finally come in to take your headset and you resist by disarming them and the MPs eventually stunbaton you once. At this point you now claim you are being abused in your cell.

- At around 21:06 a riot breaks out outside of the brig and the CDR orders it to be put down.

- At some point you (Swagile) leave the brig and begin yelling at other marines telling them the MPs never gave you back your headset and that the XO was trying to silence you.

- You and Xo start talking back and forth, once again, arguing.

- It hits a climax when Xo says, "[21:13:57]SAY: Xo Yung Kyunseok/TeenGowen : Luca I said once more time.. please just focus on this mission... I don't want anybody brigged". Your response: "[21:14:11]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : WOW IS THAT ANOTHER THREAT, XO!"

- I assume you start yelling over common "[21:14:14]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : XO IS THREATENING US!" "[21:14:20]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : HE'S TELLING US TO SHUT UP OR GET BRIGGED!"

- After this the CDR orders your perma arrest for a mutiny. I don't see an execution announcement however. All I see when it comes to people siding behind Swagile is arresting them, not execution.

This is all for now in summary.
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
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Byond: Deadrise142

Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 01:01

ZDashe wrote:I found the relevant logs regarding your initial imprisonment:

Luca Paytner (Medic) expressing her dissatisfaction,

Code: Select all

[20:54:20]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Tons of infected because none of Command send down fucking GROUND DOCTORS!
[20:54:27]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Command is confirmed fucking shit.
[20:54:35]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Xo literally only signed up for the job to get a smart gun.
Alexa Mason (PO) replying to Luca's dissatisfaction with command,

Code: Select all

[20:54:38]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : Watch your tongue corporal!
[20:54:43]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Shut the fuck up, PO.
[20:54:49]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : You weren't down there healing on diminished supplies.
[20:55:12]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : I had no backup supplies and unresponsive Sulaco Command with XO going rambo with a SMARTGUN PLANETSIDE.
[20:55:20]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : MP, please arrest CPL Luca Paytner insubordination
[20:55:34]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : For insubordination, sorry
So it was the PO who first placed the order on Luca's arrest..

Bran 'Survivor' Jast (MP), Kevin Murry (MP), Emma McCain (CO) speaks amongst each other,

Code: Select all

[20:55:46]SAY: Bran 'Survivor' Jast/4thsurviver : Disorderly conduct then
[20:55:47]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : What squad?
[20:55:59]SAY: Emma McCain/Deadrise142 : He's a medic
[20:56:00]SAY: Bran 'Survivor' Jast/4thsurviver : 10 minutes unless command wants more
[20:56:09]SAY: Emma McCain/Deadrise142 : 10 is enough
[20:56:50]SAY: Alexa Mason/Redempter : Well it's both Disorderly conduct and Insubordination so I'd say 20 minutes?
[20:57:03]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Do we know location and squad?
Meanwhile... Emma McCain was busy commanding the marines while the announcements were made,

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[20:57:04]SAY: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Well Marines we lost the planet and this battle BUT the war ain't over please get yourselfs patched up and head towards the requisitions and grab some explosives and ammo than make your way to the briefing room , WE ARE GOING to finish tihs WAR as victorious orrah - Xo Yung Kyunseok (Executive Officer)
Kevin Murray (MP) arrests Luca Paytner,

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[20:57:13]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Halt
[20:57:15]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Luca
[20:57:23]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : You are wanted for arrest for insubordination
[20:57:27]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : Get down
[20:57:34]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Are you going to arrest me while the XO was shooting shit up Planetside with a smartgun instead of Commanding?
[20:57:37]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Are you REALLY.
[20:57:40]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : GOING TO ARREST ME.
[20:57:50]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : I was told insubordination
[20:57:52]SAY: Kevin Murray/Drkbowers : By CO
[20:57:53]SAY: Luca Paytner/Swagile : Yeah.
*events here omitted for brevity sake*

Next command announcement,

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[21:05:02]SAY: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Okay who's starting a damm riot infront of the BRIG will be shot , back to your regular duties and leave the brig in piece or you will be considered a mutineer. McCain out - Xo Yung Kyunseok (Executive Officer)
*events here omitted for brevity sake*

Subsequent command announcement,

Code: Select all

[21:11:03]SAY: TeenGowen/(Xo Yung Kyunseok) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - Marine. This is your Executive Officer. I would like to explain the whole situation of why I throw Luca  Paytner in permabrig.. Now.. here is the reason why.. I came to the planetside to assist all the brave combat marine that die down there.. If I die with this, this wouldn't been happening.. there are 25 alien down there.. 25! I throw her in brig at first and said to set her time only for 2 minutes.. now he attempt a mutiny.. thats five minute for some reason but I thrown her to perma.. I will free her if we all be friendly and win this fight! I don't care about humans around me... I care about freedom.. and taking the colony back...now can we all be friendly? Just for one minute? Please? I push my hardest to kill some of them... let's focus on this mission...  - Xo Yung Kyunseok (Executive Officer)
As the mod online during the time, no marines made any ahelp requesting for proper mutiny procedures, as staff was wondering where the mutiny was coming from,, people were already stirring up trouble on their own:

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[21:22:08]ADMIN: MOD: Shyguychizzy/(Shyguychizzy) : I don't think a mutiny was a pproved was it?
[21:22:27]ADMIN: MOD: Shyguychizzy/(Shyguychizzy) : Lmao. Mutiny happening against CO and I am not getting mutinied?
[21:22:37]ADMIN: MOD: ZDashe/(Ray 'Zero' Robinson) : no mutiny was approved, nobody ahelped
[21:25:25]ADMIN: PM: Redempter/(Alexa Mason)->Shyguychizzy/(Shyguychizzy): I need help to shut it down so people stop speying nonsense on the general channel
First random marine who actually ahelped to ask for permission to mutiny after shit already hit the fan, was Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz

List of all ahelps in chronological order within event timeframe,

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[21:21:06]ADMIN: HELP: UnarmedBastard/(Ramon Mckendrick): metadefence detected west chow hall - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[21:22:29]ADMIN: HELP: Darklizard45/(Elite Queen): do you mean us? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[21:23:46]ADMIN: HELP: Redempter/(Alexa Mason): I've been ordered to cut the comm but have no idea how this thing work, can someone help please? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.
[b][21:25:22]ADMIN: HELP: Martzin/(Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz): Uhh it appears ive already triggered a mutiny... so can there be a mutiny? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.[/b]
[b][21:26:06]ADMIN: HELP: IAMMagikarp/(Evan Coughlin): can i kill the ro for shooting mps - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.[/b]
[21:27:51]ADMIN: HELP: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain): Jesus Christ Z the ship is shooting each other im sending another IC message. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[b][21:28:17]ADMIN: HELP: TeenGowen/(Xo Yung Kyunseok): can i behead the fucking CO - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.[/b]
[b][21:28:28]ADMIN: HELP: Swagile/(Luca Paytner): So uhh... CO wants to execute me for mutinying when all I did was disapprove of XO going down with a smartgun and shooting xenos instead of controlling supply chains and getting medics a ground doctor + medvend. I got brigged for 5 minutes for mentioning it and my radio removed, and later they tried to trump on charges on me when I spoke out again without mentioning mutinying. The "execute Luca" thing and MP's coming in with full gear is why shooting is going on. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.[/b][b]
[21:29:33]ADMIN: HELP: Jeether/(Mature Crusher (228)): Is this a mutiny yet? or it's just griefing? - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.[/b]
[21:29:41]ADMIN: HELP: DankAnimeme/(Elite Crusher (11)): Meanwhile the xenos are just making egg puns - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:30:52]ADMIN: HELP: Maqre/(Friedrich Hofmann): Socialist revolution in CM when? - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:31:13]ADMIN: HELP: Deadrise142/(Emma McCain): Well they are realling going hard im keeping the MPs with non lethals even if they are firing lethals - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[b][21:31:46]ADMIN: HELP: Martzin/(Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz): Seeing there's an admin now, I apparently started a mutiny, so I'd like to know if this mutiny's official... CO is bat-shit insane and MPs are ruthless, so there's my reasons in a nutshell. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.[/b]
[21:33:37]ADMIN: HELP: Carl Trent/(Mature Larva (394)): Hey guys I'm asking if the aliens are allowed to build on the LZ, they seem to have covered the outlining area of the ship and even I think a bit farther in it too. Thought it hurt the atmos - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[21:33:44]ADMIN: HELP: Kiroking/(Malcolm 'Holdout' Allister): Hey can I settup a turret on the rasp Because I know aliens are down their and may be waiting? - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.
[b][21:35:05]ADMIN: HELP: Swagile/(Luca Paytner): I already ahelped my case but no one is responding. I think you guys are busy tho so thats why. - heard by 4 non-AFK admins.[/b]
My OOC warnings to the server in chronological order,

Code: Select all

[21:22:19]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : first and final warning about metadefences. Things will start disappearing in 1 minute if no action is taken
[21:25:23]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : anyone found stirring up trouble when no proper IC reason is found, will be banned at this point
[21:25:27]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : Final warning
[21:25:59]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : I say again in case you missed my message, Marines who stir up trouble without a valid IC reason will be banned if this continues
[21:26:51]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : A reminder that NO MUTINY was approved by staff, and starting one without staff approval is against the rules
[21:29:04]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : Here we go, bans are being handed out already
[21:34:26]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : I hate to use OOC chat, but apparently there's people who are still not familiar with our server rules, so i'm gonna state it here once and for all
[21:34:46]OOC: Ray 'Zero' Robinson/ZDashe : Under Marine specific rule 3. Do not mutiny, unless... - Mutiny is not allowed unless a Mod or Admin (not a Mentor) clears it via Adminhelp.
p.s. I can dig up more logs, but I want to avoid clutter and get the facts right for everyone to see. Keep in mind, this is a player report against Emma McCain, and keep all relevant info pertaining to her.
Well you could dig the parts at General comms about Luca asking the Marines to "free" him from the brig, anyway im out of this discussision to much for one night.
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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Snypehunter007 » 18 Feb 2017, 01:07

While Swagile didn't exactly ask for marines to "free" them, she did ask for help several times.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Feb 2017, 01:10

There is one major part of this situation... can you explain the situation of what the Commander was doing in briefing and what she said?
When u talk sh** to the IB

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Emma McCain » 18 Feb 2017, 01:14

XenonDragneel wrote:There is one major part of this situation... can you explain the situation of what the Commander was doing in briefing and what she said?
No needs for log digging , anyway i've ICly lied for the marines that the Corporal was getting executed for mutiny if they were going to keep that rate i they would have the same fate, still IC lies XO.
Executions are only valid after the announcement with the Reason for the Execution and the execution way sooooooooooooooo.
Yeah stop bitching against me.
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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Swagile » 18 Feb 2017, 02:21

Pretty sure there was a command announcement stating that I was to be executed and anyone helping me will also be executed.

But the execution threat was broadcasted in briefing to all the assembled marines (most of the marine population at the time).

Also my ahelp after the mutiny warnings was missed; I ahelped what was going on so mods knew whats up and why everyone was going crazy.

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Feweh » 18 Feb 2017, 02:22

Leaving this as an IC issue.
As thats what it is.

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by Swagile » 18 Feb 2017, 02:24

Feweh wrote:Leaving this as an IC issue.
As thats what it is.
Not an IC issue as those who tried to solve it ICly were banned.

Hence the report.

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by slc97 » 18 Feb 2017, 09:19

Swagile wrote:Not an IC issue as those who tried to solve it ICly were banned.

Hence the report.
Then make a ban appeal, or if you believe the staff member in question acted reprehensibly, a staff complaint. The issue between you and Emma McCain is completely IC.

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Re: Emma Mccain Report

Post by ZDashe » 18 Feb 2017, 09:32

The players who were banned were those who ignored my OOC warnings and started using lethals, and were not even remotely involved with the mutiny - A griefer who shot up briefing and a BO who went straight to the bridge and shot the CO in her face way after the briefing shootout happened.

All the other marines who randomly returned fire and shot each other in briefing, I left those as IC issue despite my repeated warnings. You may also notice that all the self-proclaimed "Mutineers" such as yourself and Murdoch 'Mack' Machowicz were not given punishment as I showed you guys leniency for at least ahelping to display your intent to mutiny.

Regardless, this player report is being made with regards to the CO in question, and the players who were banned are unrelated in this issue as they were never directly involved in the RP, and were merely blatant rulebreakers.
