Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

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Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Aetsuki » 18 Feb 2017, 22:32

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Have comms within the caves/xeno nest get static-y and unreliable. Later in the round, around 12:40+-ish have a command report that states, "A radio beacon has been launched to extend communications caves further north of the colony." Or something of the like. Alternatively, have an orderable and placeable signal relay that marines can install, unacideable and undestroyable. Have this event reenable comms in the area.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Mechanical implementation to discourage meta-rushing the hive, as well as giving xenos a chance still even if a lone runner or something of the like leads marines back to the hive. Ontop of this it makes early cave assaults not impossible, but difficult to coordinate outside of line of sight.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Beyond the previous bit, moderator staff+ should have the ability to early launch or deploy the relay to enable comms should the need arise.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): I'm not entirely familiar, but I'd imagine it might be possible to make a tile for the mapping client to fill into the caves and give it some trait that scrambles comms, as well as creating a new item or event to spawn the beacon. Alternatively cargo could be able to order the equipment and send it down with the marines, but that poses the problem of protecting the people establishing it.

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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Enceri » 19 Feb 2017, 01:25

As much as it would try to stop meta rushing marines, that doesn't mean it'll stop the Rambo marines/specs who DON'T talk in comms, no matter what.

I do like the idea though, so i'm going to drop my +1.

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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 19 Feb 2017, 01:33

I swear I've seen this same exact suggestion some time ago
Yep 2 infact with similar concepts ... 83&p=83659 ... 04&p=91763

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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Casgair » 19 Feb 2017, 01:56

Eh, I'm feeling -1 for this because beyond the caves generally being more difficult territory to begin with, it's hard/annoying enough to deal with potentially getting Marine Minor from a few xenos running around the cave area as it is.

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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Sneakyr » 19 Feb 2017, 02:25

-1. The caves are when the marines need coordination, flanks, and comms the most - it's already hard enough to dig out the entrenched xenos, doesn't need to be harder.
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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Aetsuki » 21 Feb 2017, 00:42

Then perhaps its as simple as a mechanic in place to automatically unlock the cave signals with some fluff from a MOTHER report. The intent here isn't to permanently scramble comms in caves, but rather discourage say, delta squad running into the cave 15 minutes in because a runner decided to play peekaboo.

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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 06 Mar 2017, 07:11


Goodness its difficult enough to get any kind of coordination when assaulting the caves, a change like this would weaken the already brittle command structure which exists most rounds. Additionally nerfing the marines ability to assault the inner caves is kind like buffing them defending the Sulaco. If the aliens have been pushed far enough into the caves where radio interference would be an issue they should probably lose that round and on the flip side if the marines are pushed back to the Sulaco they should lose the round.

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Re: Scrambled/Hindered Comms in Caves

Post by Anticept » 06 Mar 2017, 17:30

Combine it with that radio backpack suggestion and you would turn this into a +1

But for now, -1
Commander Jason 'Ratchet' Sullivan, USS Sulaco.

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