Marine activation of cameras, or furthermore, secondary objectives.

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Marine activation of cameras, or furthermore, secondary objectives.

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 04 Mar 2017, 10:37

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
The addition of a side objective for marines to achieve, or multiple if your feeling creative. Main idea, in Tcomms or perhaps security, is a console that allows marines, if they restore power to it, to activate cameras across the colony. Command can then view these instead of relying fully upon SL helmets and comm spam. Additional ideas below.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
-More variation per round as command has to actually choose what to do.
-Command is not blind in long late round games with everyone dead and comms down.
-Something for marines to do and a reason to enter areas of maps not commonly used.
-Allows marines that do seemingly "Arbitrary" things in not the "Best" spots give them essentially upgrades.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
So, essentially, in Security/Tcomms, or wherever you feel fit, the Marines can restore power and activate the "Colony Surveillance System". Then link it to the Sulaco. This will turn on cameras all across the map, which command can then access and view through. Thoughts on Xenos meta slashing at round start, perhaps make it so they extend out of the wall or are unslashable for some reason until activated. This will then allow command to view secured Marine areas through the cameras, and know which are compromised due to being slashed afterwards. At beginning of round, command is informed about the layouts of the colony and so on, so they would know some of these things would be an asset, and they have to pick and choose which, if any, to focus on.

Additional idea to expand upon this, more side objectives along this vein of thought. Another example being research, similiar to Security, would allow if Marines secure it and mess with the Consoles, to upload all "Discovered data on hostile lifeforms" or something. This will send basically a message to command detailing Xenomorphs and what they are capable of, to whatever extent is seen fit. Perhaps over time it sends more? Allowing marines to sorta "meta" beyond survivors getting lost in translation and squads not reporting. This would also be a reason to go to research on Ice Colony.

I believe more ideas can come from this and reasons to do things not optimally or encourage adaptability. I don't believe this will change balance too much besides making the rounds more interesting, and giving opportunities for LORE/RP opportunities. Use your imagination.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Probably some coding, mapping too for cameras, I imagine a camera network is added to the maps if not already present, and linked to a console in a room. Probably some writing for Research documents to make them sciencey and stuff, or maybe it's written by a panicked survivor.
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Re: Marine activation of cameras, or furthermore, secondary objectives.

Post by Karmac » 04 Mar 2017, 10:38

from the staff members I've talked to alot of people do want this implemented, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon and admin events are probably the best we're going to get for a while.
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Re: Marine activation of cameras, or furthermore, secondary objectives.

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 04 Mar 2017, 10:57

Carmac wrote:from the staff members I've talked to alot of people do want this implemented, but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon and admin events are probably the best we're going to get for a while.
Hm, perhaps, but I figured it couldn't hurt to add. Don't need a million side objectives, just a few reasons to go to those areas rarely used, I also believe it would make the colony feel more "Alive." Like research isn't just a place that exists with random computers, it has stuff!

Though I suppose this is more intended for Ice then LV, I'm hoping maybe to change some of the typical fronts, but LV... the west is kinda completely unused, I'm sure something similar can happen there. Why I said use imagination.
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Re: Marine activation of cameras, or furthermore, secondary objectives.

Post by Casgair » 04 Mar 2017, 11:20

If it were possible to stay alive as a survivor more than 5 minutes, it might be cool to have some secondary objectives on the map for their sake more so than the Marines, really.
