DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
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- Byond: DankAnimeme
DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
Your Byond ID:
Character Name:
James Wanderer
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Timed Ban
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
1 Week
Remaining Duration:
1 Week
What other servers do you play on?
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
I was banned in /tg/ a while ago, but not currently
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Killed an MP who was arresting people during a boarding
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
First thing, yes I did kill the MP
Second thing, I was justified
When we were first boarded he arrested me for murder, despite the fact that the worst thing I did was throw a knife at a CT(after escalation) said CT survived however so it was not murder. Another MP released me and I went back to protecting the Sulaco.
A bit later we are defending the cafeteria he pushes me while I am using a flamethrower, and ends up on fire. I apologize and go to get an extinguisher, he tries to shoot me with buckshot and ends up crippling a BO.
Even later we are defending the ladders. The aliens are in Maine and he is still obsessed with enforcing the law. A marine pushes him and he tases said marine, leaving him totally immobilized and at the mercy of the aliens. He does not even attempt to arrest the guy. At this point me and the other marines are tired of his shit. We rough him up a bit and explain the situation. He goes gets healed and goes right back to screwing with us. At this point we are fairly sure he is grieving so we kill him. Another marine even saying in LOOC "he is briefing report him."
Feweh then comes in and asks why I killed him. I am in the middle of combat and give a quick response while I move my character to relative safety. But before I can give the complete story, Feweh calls me a shitler and bans me.
The reason I am telling this story is to get all the details I could not provide in a hastily typed A-help on paper. I feel we did what we could to make this man see reason, and could not.
IC: He is a seemingly insane cop who refuses to look at the bigger picture, we can define him later if we survive
OOC: He is probably griefing and the round is almost over, he will not have to wait long anyway.
My point is this, if I deserve a Ban it should not be for a full week.
Character Name:
James Wanderer
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Timed Ban
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
1 Week
Remaining Duration:
1 Week
What other servers do you play on?
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
I was banned in /tg/ a while ago, but not currently
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Killed an MP who was arresting people during a boarding
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
First thing, yes I did kill the MP
Second thing, I was justified
When we were first boarded he arrested me for murder, despite the fact that the worst thing I did was throw a knife at a CT(after escalation) said CT survived however so it was not murder. Another MP released me and I went back to protecting the Sulaco.
A bit later we are defending the cafeteria he pushes me while I am using a flamethrower, and ends up on fire. I apologize and go to get an extinguisher, he tries to shoot me with buckshot and ends up crippling a BO.
Even later we are defending the ladders. The aliens are in Maine and he is still obsessed with enforcing the law. A marine pushes him and he tases said marine, leaving him totally immobilized and at the mercy of the aliens. He does not even attempt to arrest the guy. At this point me and the other marines are tired of his shit. We rough him up a bit and explain the situation. He goes gets healed and goes right back to screwing with us. At this point we are fairly sure he is grieving so we kill him. Another marine even saying in LOOC "he is briefing report him."
Feweh then comes in and asks why I killed him. I am in the middle of combat and give a quick response while I move my character to relative safety. But before I can give the complete story, Feweh calls me a shitler and bans me.
The reason I am telling this story is to get all the details I could not provide in a hastily typed A-help on paper. I feel we did what we could to make this man see reason, and could not.
IC: He is a seemingly insane cop who refuses to look at the bigger picture, we can define him later if we survive
OOC: He is probably griefing and the round is almost over, he will not have to wait long anyway.
My point is this, if I deserve a Ban it should not be for a full week.
- Jay Burns
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Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
Will look through the logs when I get back home, expect them in 6 hours
- Registered user
- Posts: 136
- Joined: 12 Sep 2016, 11:08
- Byond: DankAnimeme
Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
It just occurred to me
I "Murdered" a medibot
I "Murdered" a medibot
- Jay Burns
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- Posts: 409
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- Location: Some place on earth
Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
As you can see this is James attacking the CT (CT did shoot Garth powalski around 8 times) the CT nearly gets stabbed to death, I'm talking like another stab have of done it so i can see why the MP would want your ass.
James ahelping for permission to kill the CT
From this, we can see the aliens invaded around the 19:46 mark.
MP stunbatoning and trying to arrest James, we can see its roughly 3 minutes after invasion.
MP stunbatoning, Jame's reaction and the sorry at the end to the RO
MP shooting James twice with a shotgun (possible FF I cant be sure)
James machetes the MP to death
Admin PMs
from what im looking at, he gets LYNCHED for trying to arrest James, also after looking at the logs said MP only tasered 1 person apart from James.
Right that is all of the relevant logs related to the incident
Code: Select all
[19:23:34]ACCESS: Login: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer)
[19:24:41]ATTACK: Ronan Downie () was hit by a the M11 throwing knife, thrown by James Wanderer (dankanimeme)
[19:24:46]ATTACK: Ronan Downie () was hit by a the M11 throwing knife, thrown by James Wanderer (dankanimeme)
[19:24:57]ATTACK: Evangeline Harrold () was hit by a the M11 throwing knife, thrown by James Wanderer (dankanimeme)
[19:25:37]ATTACK: Ronan Downie () was hit by a the M11 throwing knife, thrown by James Wanderer (dankanimeme)
[19:25:45]ATTACK: Ronan Downie () was hit by a the M11 throwing knife, thrown by James Wanderer (dankanimeme)
Code: Select all
[19:34:06]ADMIN: HELP: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer): A CT flashed me can I set him on fire? - heard by 6 non-AFK admins.
Code: Select all
[19:46:00]ATTACK: James Wanderer (dankanimeme) shot the Young Hunter (179) () with a the rifle bullet
Code: Select all
[19:49:38]ATTACK: /() stunned DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) with the the stunbaton.
[19:49:45]ATTACK:/() attempted to handcuff DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer)
[19:49:47]ATTACK: /() attempted to handcuff DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer)
Code: Select all
[19:52:07]ATTACK: /() attacked DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) with taser gun (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:52:11]EMOTE: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : <B>PFC James Wanderer</B> screams!
[19:52:11]ATTACK: /() stunned DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) with the the stunbaton.
[19:52:36]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : XO I AM GETTING BRIGEGD BY A DUMB CUNT OF AN MP
[19:52:46]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : TELL HIM TO LET ME GO
[19:52:48]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : DUDE
[19:52:53]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : ARE YOU RETARDED
[19:53:01]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : THOSE ALIENS WILL KILL US
[19:53:42]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : HELLO
[19:53:55]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : SOMEBODY COME TO THE BRIG
[19:54:06]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : I AM GETTING ARRESTED BY AN AUTISTIC MP
[19:54:10]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : MP
[19:54:18]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : THEY ARE SCUTTLING THE SHIp
[19:54:24]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : LISTEN TO THE FUCKING RADIO
[19:54:28]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : WE NEED TO LEAVE
[19:54:31]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : MP
[19:54:33]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : HELP
[19:54:46]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : I AM CUGGED
[19:54:50]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : CUFFED EVEN
[19:54:53]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : Thanl you
[19:55:59]SAY: James Wanderer/DankAnimeme : SORRY
Code: Select all
[19:56:16]ATTACK: Alan Whitman () shot James Wanderer (dankanimeme) with a the shotgun buckshot
[19:56:18]ATTACK: Alan Whitman () shot James Wanderer (dankanimeme) with a the shotgun buckshot
Code: Select all
[19:57:45]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked /() with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:57:46]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked /() with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:57:48]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked /() with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:29]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/() with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:31]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/() with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:32]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/() with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:35]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
Code: Select all
[19:59:12]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(Aiden Richard)->DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer): are you serious? why did you just kill that mp?
[19:59:25]ADMIN: PM: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer)->Feweh/(Aiden Richard): He was trying to arrest everybody who acidentally ffed
[19:59:36]ADMIN: PM: Feweh/(Aiden Richard)->DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer): my god youre a shitlord
[19:59:46]ADMIN: PM: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer)->Feweh/(Aiden Richard): Everybody nearvy aggread he was griefing
[20:00:05]ADMIN: PM: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer)->Feweh/(Aiden Richard): He was tazing people for trying to defend from xenos
from what im looking at, he gets LYNCHED for trying to arrest James, also after looking at the logs said MP only tasered 1 person apart from James.
Code: Select all
[19:57:02]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:04]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:05]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:14]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:17]SAY: Alan Whitman/ : F-F-Fucker
[19:57:32]ATTACK: (Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) disarmed Alan Whitman ()
[19:57:34]SAY: Alan Whitman/ : H-H-Help
[19:57:35]ATTACK: (Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) disarmed Alan Whitman ()
[19:57:37]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) disarmed Alan Whitman ()
[19:57:39]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) disarmed Alan Whitman ()
[19:57:44]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:45]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked /(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:57:45]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:45]SAY: Alan Whitman/ : J-Jesus
[19:57:46]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked /(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:57:46]ATTACK: (Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched Dawsinn/(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:47]EMOTE: Alan Whitman/ : <B>SSGT Alan Whitman</B> screams!
[19:57:48]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked /(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:57:52]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:53]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:54]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:57:56]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched /(Alan Whitman)
[19:58:02]ACCESS: Logout: *no key*/(Alan Whitman)
[19:58:02]ACCESS: Login: /(Alan Whitman) f
[19:58:08]ATTACK: /(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched *no key*/(Alan Whitman)
[19:58:10]ATTACK: 7/(Kale 'Rooster' Enderly) punched *no key*/(Alan Whitman)
[19:58:29]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:31]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:32]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
[19:58:35]ATTACK: DankAnimeme/(James Wanderer) attacked *no key*/(Alan Whitman) with M2132 machete (INTENT: HURT) (DAMTYE: BRUTE)
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- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
Seeing these logs in full and all your notes out now.
The fact that you sent an ahelp asking to set a MP on fire blows my mind. The stupidity in this appeal is mind blowing, especually given how awful your history is.
Drew a bunch of swatstickas in the snow as a xeno. Told him to knock it off. by X (X) on Wed, March 1st of 2017
Like seriously? Its like a constant flow of being shit with you.
Im debating elevating this to a perma at this point. To not be bias though, ill let apop have his input.
You are however, out of control. Youre constantly yelling ingame, causing problems and being very immature.
The fact that you sent an ahelp asking to set a MP on fire blows my mind. The stupidity in this appeal is mind blowing, especually given how awful your history is.
Drew a bunch of swatstickas in the snow as a xeno. Told him to knock it off. by X (X) on Wed, March 1st of 2017
Like seriously? Its like a constant flow of being shit with you.
Im debating elevating this to a perma at this point. To not be bias though, ill let apop have his input.
You are however, out of control. Youre constantly yelling ingame, causing problems and being very immature.
- apophis775
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Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
Perma him.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- Registered user
- Posts: 136
- Joined: 12 Sep 2016, 11:08
- Byond: DankAnimeme
Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
Ok now that I actually see the notes, I understand I have a bad history. I understand I am not the best player. I want to improve, and I like playing here. Please make this Ban a few months, a year even. Give me time to prove that I will change. I can change and I want too. Please let me prove that I can.
- apophis775
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Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
You'll have to appeal the ban once it converts to the Perma. We've been taking a stronger stance on "Stupid bullshit" lately.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: DankAnimemes Ban Appeal
This is denied and if its not boosted to a permaban, consider it your last warning.