USCM Records: Battle log 312,Mark Sturmovik

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Mister Jeether
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USCM Records: Battle log 312,Mark Sturmovik

Post by Mister Jeether » 12 Mar 2017, 19:29

Name: Mark Sturmovik

Nicknames: Blitz,Madman,Manhunter



Status: Active

Facility: USS-Sulaco

Blood Type:A+

Homeworld: Earth

Relation with Weyland-Yutani: Opposed (IC events might change this)

Relation with USCM: Loyal (IC events might change this)

Backstory:(2124) Mark was borned in Germany,Monich,in 2116,His father was a russian scientist and archeologist,Pyotr Sturmovik,while his mother was a German Weyland-Yutani Doctor,Sarah Schwitzer,due to job needs,Mark and his parents were transfered to LV-512.When he was eight years old,His father discovered a new kind of life in one of his expeditions in the caves,he brought it to the colony and studied it,soon,the whole colony knew about his discovery.

(2125)When Weyland-Yutani knew about the discovery,they sent a team with the objective to eliminate whoever had the intelect and information about the new life form.Mark parents were brutally murdered infront of him,while the team was taking all the samples of the lifeforms and Mark with them.They made a therapy for Mark to forget everything he saw,Mark soon got out of the treatment,but he never forget what he saw,while W-Y made sure that he wouldn't tell anyone about what happened in LV-512,He was transfered to a planet called LV-194,While they were always watching him closely,being spyed all the time.

(2135)Soon,Mark escaped LV-194 to LV-328,Due to his financial situation,And his love since he was a child from being in the army,He enlisted in the USCM,when he was 19 years old,in 2135,He got dispatched to the newest USCM vessel: USS-Sulaco.

(2150)USS-Sulaco receives a distress from a W-Y Archeology site.

Likes: Buckshot,Riot shields,Competent Command,Competent Marines,Premium Cigars,Cigarettes,Vodka,Pulse rifles,Smartguns,SADARs.

Dislikes: Coward marines,Incompetent Command/MPs,Incompetent marines,Feweh.

Battlebuddy's:Shotgun with gyro,Xur Dergens,John Murry and Xo Yung.
I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to research.

Muh medals:

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Re: USCM Records: Battle log 312,Mark Sturmovik

Post by Martzin » 17 Mar 2017, 00:40

I once rescued you from being the only living marine on the colony as a BO. was a good round.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: USCM Records: Battle log 312,Mark Sturmovik

Post by PreacherCini » 20 Apr 2017, 17:49

Lots of fun playing under you when you play XO. You always seem to inspire the marines on the ground.
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