Character Name: Tarvysh DeGroot
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Time ban
Admin who banned you (if known): nescaucomtoddy then Feweh raised it to week
Total Ban Duration: 1 week
Remaining Duration: 6 days and few hour
What other servers do you play on? Goon,TG,CM...
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): ... cbe6cb.png then after I post it on reddit *(because if I post staff complain it will get instantly deleted)* ... 86e8f7.png
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable)

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): basically this happend (from my side and I also made it more edible for you from internet):
Joined in as MT named "Tarvysh DeGroot" (changed i/y so nobody cant see the similarities on the *first* look between "Tarvish DeGroot" and "Tarvysh DeGroot")
Talk to CE over radio about !!!THEORETICAL!!! use of SM as "Two-Stage, Sub-Kiloton Yield SM Delamination Weapon" (the *!!!THEORETICAL!!!* is really important there because I was only talking about it as SUGGESTION !! I wasnt doing anything with SM and I was in engineering just to get gloves and multitool also if you want to know where did I get "not so original" idea ...viewtopic.php?f=94&t=9008)
Then CE and other MT/people shat their pants or what and called admin (nescaucomtoddy)...
Admin start talking to me about who did I kill (Shelon *something* or what) and why did I damaged SM ?
The hell ? (fact: I didnt even touched or walked into SM room this round, I only took gear from lockers and then I get to the chemisty down in hangar...)
Then admin whip out his shitty rulez about how we cant reference-name us...(do you think you would know instantly who is Tarvysh DeGroot without instantly trying to find out everyone else names by googling ? maybe I could change it more but how could I when I was still in game ?)
then he goes on where he say that it his job to ban rule-breakers and such...
*I was entire time arguing with him in hangar, MEANWHILE in engineering someone is !INTENTIONALLY! fucking with SM...*
"I AM NOT EVEN HERE DO YOU EVEN HAVE EYES ??" (really he kept accusing me of fucking up with SM even I wasnt there but I was coming from chemistry in hangar up to the engineering SM room to see WHO IS THE REAL GRIFFON ?!?)
Suddenly when I opened the door, a hot air roasted me lightly, so I close it after I get up ...