[Floodlight] Sound

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Byond: Swagile

[Floodlight] Sound

Post by Swagile » 21 Mar 2017, 20:59

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): There should be a scratching sound associated with breaking lights, similar to how you can hear a xeno breaking open a door.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Gives advanced warning for marines so they can go out and stop them instead of only hearing about it when its all said and done. And can even be bait to get marines out of fortifications and then suddenly get ambushed by xenos, etc.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Read above.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding, sound.

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Re: [Floodlight] Sound

Post by KingKire » 22 Mar 2017, 23:54

+1, yah. This would definitly help marines respond a little quicker, which isnt bad overall.
Gaze upon me,
for I have wandered deep into the ancient tombs of knowledge to which lie madness and sorrow, cleansing a path for all those who walk behind me...


But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

~Furthermore, I consider that Floodlights should no longer be destroyed.~
