Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
- Umguaxinim02
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
Your Byond ID:
Character Name:
I don't remember
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
Remaining Duration:
What other servers do you play on?
Yogstation, Hippie, International fallout 13
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
I am not banned in any of these
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Banned by host: U23DEC16 - Banned, disrespect to staff, generally a horrible person to talk with, and constant griefer
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):I was depressed because I had just finished my dating, so I decided to drink and play ss13 (it was a dumb idea I know), however, I was very sad and did not want to know anything else. Sorry, I know you have no reason to forgive me. But it's the only thing I beg. And I know that my apologies have not changed at all, but I beg. I was an idiot and I see it now, so I decided to wait three months to create this topic. But I feel that my debt is not yet complete, but I humbly beg for mercy and my debt to be diminished (all but perma). Thanks for understanding and once again, sorry ... (I love this server)
Character Name:
I don't remember
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
Remaining Duration:
What other servers do you play on?
Yogstation, Hippie, International fallout 13
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
I am not banned in any of these
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Banned by host: U23DEC16 - Banned, disrespect to staff, generally a horrible person to talk with, and constant griefer
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):I was depressed because I had just finished my dating, so I decided to drink and play ss13 (it was a dumb idea I know), however, I was very sad and did not want to know anything else. Sorry, I know you have no reason to forgive me. But it's the only thing I beg. And I know that my apologies have not changed at all, but I beg. I was an idiot and I see it now, so I decided to wait three months to create this topic. But I feel that my debt is not yet complete, but I humbly beg for mercy and my debt to be diminished (all but perma). Thanks for understanding and once again, sorry ... (I love this server)
- Aetsuki
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- Posts: 173
- Joined: 30 Jul 2016, 01:55
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
I've looked into this. Overall you were awful in PMs, but your note history isn't exactly one that seems to warrant a permaban.
Slc's initial response to your situation
At this point Slc looks into the name you gave him and find it out to be accidental FF. By that point however you were disconnected. When you reconnected you ahelped again, which was responded to by Apop initially.
The permaban was pushed through because Apop had mistaken your incident of staff disrespect to be around the time of your ahelps.
When it had really been seven hours earlier. Considering your note history:
This wasn't really warranting of a permaban. I'm for having this lifted, so long as you make sure to remain more calm when being dealt with and speaking to staff ingame.
Slc's initial response to your situation
Code: Select all
[19:48:35]ADMIN: HELP: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): OH MAN A RED GUY KILL ME - heard by 7 non-AFK admins.
[19:50:02]ADMIN: PM: Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): You wanna stop?
[19:50:14]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell): BAN THE GUY
[19:50:21]ADMIN: PM: Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): Ban what guy?
[19:50:24]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell): MY GOD I DON'T BELIVE
[19:50:26]ACCESS: Login: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta) from || BYOND v510
[19:50:54]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell): RAHKUL
[19:51:25]ADMIN: PM: Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): Okay. You're gonna stop with this caps lock bullshit, you're gonna stop yelling fuck you admins, and you're gonna calmly explain to me what happened.
[19:52:54]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell): the idiot took fright with the c4 and shoot me with a shotgun!!
[19:53:05]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell): and now i'm dead
[19:53:08]ADMIN: PM: Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): Jump back in your body
Code: Select all
[19:57:30]ADMIN: HELP: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): i'm dead - heard by 8 non-AFK admins.
[19:57:41]ADMIN: PM: Apophis775/(unknown)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): Congratulations?
[19:58:20]ADMIN: PM: Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): You got accidentally FFed. It sucks, but it happened.
[19:59:07]ADMIN: PM: Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell)->Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta): I'm not gonna revive you for it, and I'm not gonna ban someone for accidental FF. However, if you ever start yelling FUCK YOU ADMINS again in dsay, I will gladly ban you for disrespecting staff. We have an understanding?
[19:59:14]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Apophis775/(unknown): nooo...you said that you would revive me because the guy gavce me a shotgun shot
[19:59:33]ADMIN: PM: Umguaxinim/(Jhon Sparta)->Slc97/(Dom 'Decker' Parnell): BAN THE GUY MY GOD
Code: Select all
[11:59:54]SAY: Ghost/Umguaxinim : I HATE YOU ADMINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Code: Select all
Warned to change name next round, Bruce by -(-) on Tue, July 5th of 2016
Banned by whistles | Duration: 120 minutes | Reason: Name change failure. Unable to speak English in a english server too. by -(-) on Thu, July 7th of 2016
Killed nested and infected host. Stated it did not know. Warned. by -(-) on Fri, July 8th of 2016
Spammed Admin PMs with allcaps demanding things to a case related to him by -(-) on Sun, September 25th of 2016
Wheelchair + Fire Extinguisher = Dumbass by -(-) on Sun, October 30th of 2016
Warned for name Jhon Connor. Reference to Terminator movies John Connor. by -(-) on Wed, November 2nd of 2016
Shot people because he didn't realize he was hallucinating, warned. by -(-) on Thu, December 15th of 2016
Warned for disrespecting staff in dsay. Yelling "FUCK YOU ADMINS" by -(-) on Fri, December 23rd of 2016

- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
So you were drunk everytime there?
- Umguaxinim02
- Registered user
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
- Umguaxinim02
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
but i want stop
- Umguaxinim02
- Registered user
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
I was an idiot, but I try to improve ;-;
- Umguaxinim02
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
The friendly fire made me very angry
- Umguaxinim02
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
feweh i really love your photo ;-;
- Umguaxinim02
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- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
Just as I hated when friendly fire happened, I miss it, and it may seem cliché, but today I miss it, and I see what I've missed
- Rob606
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Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
Stop with the spam. All of these posts are low effort and could have been put into comment as a response.
Gristle McThornbody
- Umguaxinim02
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- Posts: 10
- Joined: 02 Jan 2017, 11:41
- Byond: UmGuaxinim
- Feweh
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- Posts: 4870
- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
- Byond: Feweh
Re: Apologies for playing drunk and depressed on the server
Dont olay CM drunk or depressed.
Dont olay CM drunk or depressed.