Character Name:Ben 'The Truck' Tobey
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 3 day ban
Admin who banned you (if known)

Total Ban Duration:3 days
Remaining Duration:2 days
What other servers do you play on? none
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?n/a
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): improper escalation of force and id theft, shot at cl because he wouldnt join mutiny, attacked mp who came to help
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Long RP story so I will start from the top because this was honestly one of the best, most exciting, and hilarious rounds I have ever played.
So the game begins and I am a maintenance tech. We have an accidental explosion of phoron in the beginning which burns me half to death and kills two techs. I eventually fix the problem and talk to the admin about bringing the other techs back because we honestly didn't mean to (we think someone was smoking or something). The problem is solved and the admin agrees and we bring the other techs back.
Later in the game after about an hour I will admit I was messing with a door in medical and was arrested for it (since no one would open the door for me I thought I would open it myself). I served my time of 10mins, BUT then one of the cops power tripped and decided for the explosion at the beginning of the game (over and hour ago) i should serve 50 mins more for manslaughter (which is almost a full or half round)(during this time the other techs needed my help for the repairs from the explosion as well). Instead of being a baby and adminhelping I tried to resolve it with the other techs and mp cooperation and since the admin had fixed the problem it wasn't anyone's fault. After being beat, tased, etc in my cell we finally got one of the other cops to get me out (since Pierre the mp was just griefing me hard and they realised that). I don't mind when someone griefs me if we are RPing so I went along with the whole thing, however, he took my ID away and demoted me so I couldn't use nearly any of the doors on the ship except for maybe briefing, cafe, and showers. I continued to role play and not complain to the admins about it and demanded my id be returned by the staff. I brought an SMG with me for protection after Pierre had refused to return it to me and against another false arrest. Again Pierre spotted me and instantly called for my arrest just for having the gun for protection (I explained why I had it and he wanted me arrested regardless). Chased me into a vent and I RPed to defend myself and shot back this time. From here I was eventually arrested and put in solitary with no mic to serve out the rest of the round at Pierre's command. It was pretty lame and I was going to sign off because of the cop power tripping that had continued(I had been beaten several times and locked up for 1hr earlier), but one of the other techs saved me and we escaped my improper detainment. Since I had no ID I could not go anywhere on the ship basically so I grabbed some tools from the ground and began to hack doors to the downstairs after RPing about how the MPs can't even hold me in solitary with a jacket. Once downstairs I wanted to finish out the round being able to move around the ship so I took the ID from a dead marine on the Rasp. He was permadead and wasn't going to need it and considering the cops stole mine, demoted it, stole it again, and continued to chase me it should have been allowed under RP since I was a fugitive from police brutality and false crimes. When the aliens were on board I checked with the Liaison if he was interested in a mutiny (the liaison has orchestrated a coup before and the MPs were ridiculous) and revealed my true identity to him. He declined and locked me in his office and called the MPs so I told him to let me out or we have a serious problem. He instead pulled out a gun on me and shot at me so a firefight began promptly. Eventually, an MP showed up and fired on me so I fired back and considering I was already a wanted fugitive at large it was still under RP. I was killed in action RIP. The liaison and MP were given medical attention and I watched for a little longer in ghost before leaving the room. During this time I think pixie messaged me and I didn't know (apologies). Summary of the story is that I was griefed hard by one of the MPs and forced into being a fugitive that round so instead of being a baby and admin complaining everything I decided to RP it and continued to for the rest of the game as that is what leads to dynamic rounds that are new and fun. The ID was used since I had none and was a fugitive, the liaison started the confrontation by locking me in and pulling a gun and forced the firefight when calling the MPs to come finish me and firing upon me himself lol.
I have to say this is one of the best games I have ever played in general. I hope you guys understand the things I was banned for were totally under RP and had to be used to continue playing and stay alive if the liaison didn't want to get shot he shouldn't have called the MPs to kill me, locked me in a room, and pull a gun on me lol. I was already running from the MPs because of Pierre's hardcore griefing policy (which I played along with) and had orders to shoot me on sight so I was under RP to fire back at the MP who came to the liaison's office. If you don't want to lift the ban so be it, but RPing like this is what makes every round different from the last and I believe thats why people play this game. Cheers m8s