This is simple.
I ask for an automated 2-hour timer. After 2 hours, the server posts a vote asking Yes or No if people want a round end (Most efficiently by doing a server restart. However abrupt it sounds, people dont want you to instead call in HIT to kill everyone and wait another hour for HIT to track down all the people who retreat to the Nostromo).
It's not too hard to code this in, and I can even go retrieve SS13 scripts for you that will start a restart vote and I can [try] to recode it to be automated every 2 hours.
No one likes a 4 hour round, unless you've been alive for 4 hours. Today, me and a few other people were chatting about it, and some guys were killed in like, the first 20 minutes by either xenos hunting for survivors, losing their squad, or just bullshit stuff. Everyone or at least most people in dead chat agreed waiting more than 2 hours to play was fuckin' annoying and I can almost guarantee the majority of people loving 4 hour rounds were alive the entire time. Kill them at the beginning and see how they feel.
Hopefully I got my point it, please accept this. This server does not provide an environment fit for rounds lasting more than 2 hours. Unless you add a 30-minute respawn timer for everyone to be able to rejoin as a Marine (which would be fucking amazing), there's no point to not accept this of you want to make being dead less of a dreadful thing to be.
2 hour round timer.
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
I really think a way to resolve this would be marine reinforcements on the hour, which would allow a wave of marines to spawn from current ghosts. Seeing as aliens have a respawn, marines might as well have one as well (though slower, since they aliens are supposed to have a numbers advantage.) I think that either adding a 1 hour respawn timer or a hourly respawn wave would be a good fix to keep the round fun for those who die early, as well as not robbing those who survive of the fun of a long round.
Last edited by Caroes on 25 Feb 2015, 19:33, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
I like Caroes idea, but thats just restarting the problem giving more marines.
One of the first to rise.
-Katzu Miri-
RIP May 19, 2016
-Katzu Miri-
RIP May 19, 2016

- coroneljones
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
If you die within the first few minutes you will probably respawn as a xeno...or if your squad is competent get cloned or defibed.
Alot of times the most interesting things happen late round...imagine...30marines holding briefing in a last stand against 20 fully evolved xenos....only to get the restart vote....aliens would probably vote on it to not suicide run into the mg,and the dead would also probably vote restart.,that would be a possibility
Alot of times the most interesting things happen late round...imagine...30marines holding briefing in a last stand against 20 fully evolved xenos....only to get the restart vote....aliens would probably vote on it to not suicide run into the mg,and the dead would also probably vote restart.,that would be a possibility
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

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RE: 2 hour round timer.
I contest this. If you die within the first few minutes, sure, you'll respawn as xeno, have fun.coroneljones wrote: If you die within the first few minutes you will probably respawn as a xeno...or if your squad is competent get cloned or defibed.
Alot of times the most interesting things happen late round...imagine...30marines holding briefing in a last stand against 20 fully evolved xenos....only to get the restart vote....aliens would probably vote on it to not suicide run into the mg,and the dead would also probably vote restart.,that would be a possibility
I can't tell you though, how many people were in deadchat who didn't respawn as xenos many times (usually due to xenos harming) and soldiers who either had mental interface errors, heart tissue damage, or were just left on the Nostromo.
In theory it sounds all cool and like a good idea but in practice it's a shitty and unworking system then for the most part doesn't reward.
And if you happen to be a marine who got shot by Captain (which happened last round) or die due to friendly fire and get left out good fucking luck.
And late round, as in 2-hours in, it usually plays out as a few marines fighting a few regular xenos who camp and hide like they did yesturday every damn round. Rarely was there a round where the xenos were all evolved and DOING SHIT and it was tense and the marines were actually TRYING TO KILL THEM.
It sounds all tense and shit but in practice again, it doesn't work (trust me, I've observed and been part of rounds where xenos either hide out and dont evolve to Queen, or are evolved but marines dont do shit or keep retreating to the Sulaco resulting in shitty four hour rounds).
The point of a restart is to restart it for the 20 people who are dead. The 10 marines alive (which is usually how it plays out) shouldn't have precedence over the 20 dead people because "its a tense moment", because they always retreat back or wait for xenos to actually attack (and xenos get wrecked).
Respawn timers are a better idea, but please not hourly respawns, I can respawn and get killed immediately after boarding Nostromo. 30 minute would be less boring and I wouldnt have to wait a full damn hour to play again, knowing that rounds can go on for many hours.
Last edited by Czardoc on 26 Feb 2015, 15:15, edited 1 time in total.
- slayerplayer99
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
It's on debate with dev team, most likely won't happen until later. Not a guarantee
- Sailor Dave
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
If you could propose a better solution than respawns or a restart vote, I'd be interested. I don't think respawns are a good idea because all it will do is draw things out even more. Maybe some solution to force them to engage or not hold back in the Sulaco/hive.
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
-1, currently bay has a restart vote, and everyone Always votes yes, it's always so annoying, and I can only predict the same issues would happen here.
Last edited by Dabbster on 28 Feb 2015, 18:32, edited 1 time in total.
- apophis775
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RE: 2 hour round timer.
No. Maybe, a 3 or 4 hour timer in the future, but I'd need more research.
Besides, from what I gather, we have pretty much 24/7 staff coverage usually, and any staff member can restart the server.
Besides, from what I gather, we have pretty much 24/7 staff coverage usually, and any staff member can restart the server.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine