Admins banned 1 of my friends falsely without speaking to them.

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Byond: Lordawesome001

Admins banned 1 of my friends falsely without speaking to them.

Post by lordawesome001 » 15 Apr 2017, 19:49


Character Name:/Andrew Knight

Type Of Ban (timed Bans):

Admin who banned you (Apophis775):

Total Ban Duration[24 hours/b]:

Remaining Duration[5 hours/b]:

What other servers do you play on[Yogstation/b]?

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them[ no/b]?

Reason for ban (Banned Reason - Griefing, Turning of lower deck power for no other reason other to greif. ):

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (My friend does not know what a apc is or how to work one if he did like unlocking it. He was told that He was the one that turned of the power without contest even though not only did he not mess with the power if their was a log it wasn't checked properly. He was walking around RPing when accused and banned with no chance to say it wasn't him and that he does not how to shut off all of the lower decks power. I understand that yesterday was a little heated with 100 or so griefers last night but I promise my friend was not among them.):

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Re: Admins banned 1 of my friends falsely without speaking to them.

Post by Aetsuki » 15 Apr 2017, 19:55

So why isn't he appealing?

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Byond: Lordawesome001

Re: Admins banned 1 of my friends falsely without speaking to them.

Post by lordawesome001 » 15 Apr 2017, 20:04

Hes a college boy and i told him would do it for him while he was at school. I guess you can say i am asking admins to be a little less ban button happy too.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Admins banned 1 of my friends falsely without speaking to them.

Post by Feweh » 15 Apr 2017, 20:15

Do not appeal bans for other players, its in our rules.
