Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

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Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by Steelpoint » 17 Apr 2017, 13:12

Your Byond Key: Steelpoint

Your Character Name: Alan Bentway

Accused Byond Key(if known): N/A

Character Name: Bill Carson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Aprox 11:00 to 11:30 AM CT Time

What rule(s) were broken: Utter failure to adhere to proper rules surrounding execution of Marines. (Not a CO thus not allowed to authorise execution of Marine under rules, failed to adhere to any of the execution rules in addition)

Description of the incident: Bill Carson late spawned in as a Bridge Officer around a hour into a round on Ice Colony. While I do think that Carson's behaviour as a BO was, simply put, very bad by any standard, but that is ancillary to this report.

Carson took command of Charlie squad at some point, after a disastrous order to charge underground resulting in most of Charlie being wiped out within twenty seconds, he began to vent frustrations towards the Charlie Specialist, Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine. Earlier on the Charlie Spec was separated from Charlie and was unable to meet up due to circumstances which I don't have access or much knowledge about.

At this point, Bill Carson began to order Marines to arrest the Specialist. That quickly gave way to Carson ordering any nearby Marines to immediately execute the Specialist. Eventually leading to the point where Carson offered a reward to any Marine who executed the Specialist.

Eventually someone did execute the Spec, which resulted in a gun fight and more chaos. This resulted in a loss of morale and in general was not only a bad call, but I believe to be in violation of the server rules.

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Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I managed to get these logs, they are not fully detailed due to me not having ghost ears on, so I don't have the full picture.

How you would punish the accused: I would suggest permanently banning the player from any command position, or at least for a long time.
This is war, survival is your responsibility.

Alan Bentway: Marine
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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Executions as BO

Post by Skelton » 17 Apr 2017, 13:29

I played Bravo SL Marcus McLeod during this round.

Charlie Specialist was ordered simply to cross the wastelands by themselves from LZ1 to Tcomms. When the Specialist and the Charlie SL raised a fuss over the matter the Charlie SL explained to command that the Spec would stay at LZ1 with Alpha until they could be escorted to Telecomms safely.

The Idea was that I would lead half my squad to meet the other half who had been seperated during the drop over at Engineering and I would offer to escort Charlie Spec during this time. Unfortunately Bravos orders were changed about 5 times from Guard LZ1 to Guard Telecoms to Guard Engineering and then back to LZ1 and finally to move to Engineering by a hectic Command Team and the matter of Charlie's Spec was dropped until Delta were massacred in an underground push.

Later in the round there was grumblings from Carson and some PFCs that the Spec had killed two squads with her failure to link up with Charlie and disobeyed orders and that people were actively trying to have her lynched at which point BO Bill Carson said that he'd promote anyone to the Specs Rank (I think he may have said Spec 2) if they killed her. I was then killed during an ill fated rescue attempt into Engineering. Upon Ghosting it was said that Carson had actively said he would have them murdered and the murder covered up but this I did not see for myself, just the fallout from that. At which point Admins/Mods deduced they either had not seen it personally or that it was an IC Matter.

This isn't the first time Carson has done this or something similar in the last 24 hours. He and another BO assaulted an MP who was trying to brig him for unlawfully assaulting the XO (who had been beaten under Carsons order as punishment for whatever reason). I believe in this circumstance the BO who assaulted the XO and the MP were KO'd via adminpowers and possibly handled.

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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by Commander Cookies » 17 Apr 2017, 13:32

Marine who executed Jardine? Here. As soon as we hit the Ice Colony, our SPC deserted our squad. I reported this to the staff and it was investigated for a job ban, but the staff memeber said Jardine? Went AFK. There was MULTIPLE times this round if you read logs, frustrations of not having a specialist was made known. When our squad was entirely wiped out, we needed that Spec. When I was the only one to escape the slaughter, I was in the remaining squad with Jardine? And the order came down to arrest her/him. They refused multiple times, told command to fuck off, all that. With all this frustration towards the specialist already built up and insubordination the call was rightly made. This marine was a horrible example of what a Specialist should display and lacked basic marine ability, resulting in the death of an entire squad. If anything this should be a job ban request on that player.

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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by MrJJJ » 17 Apr 2017, 13:34

I would like to confirm when i late-joined the round, i saw the charlie radio, and that Janina was apparently killed, with bill asking how she died, and then some argument about if the BO was talking about detaining or killing, i only commented that she must have been a bitch if she was shot, since i had no clue the fuck was happening and just assumed she was guilty.

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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by Steelpoint » 17 Apr 2017, 13:38

I was present for the massacre of Charlie squad, as I was a Charlie Medic. From what I could gather, it appears that during the initial chaos of the first landing our Specalist was split up from the squad somehow and ended up back to LZ1. From my recollection the Specialist wanted to return to the squad but did not want to go alone across the entire map to link up by themselves.

I should note that even if we did have a Specialist during the massacre, it would have made no difference. For context, most of Charlie was squished inside the Research elevator, when we hit bottom we were met with half the Xeno team banging down the door. It would've been impossible for a SADAR to have been used in that circumstance. Of the entire squad of almost a dozen or so people, only one got out unscratched and everyone else was dead or in critical.
This is war, survival is your responsibility.

Alan Bentway: Marine
Kwei Ikthya-de: Predator

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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by Commander Cookies » 17 Apr 2017, 13:38

Skelton wrote:MP's should have been sent in this instance, not blue on blue. And it is not up to Carson as to whether they can have someone executed as he is only a BO with a CO onboard the ship at the time. Your Spec was cut off from the rest of your Squad and would have happily rejoined the group had they not been asked to walk alone from LZ1 which even your own SL protested.
No, our Spec wasn't "cut off." They were incompetent as fuck and costed us a key class that's in high demand. Job ban worthy.

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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by coroneljones » 17 Apr 2017, 13:42

Was present as the CO this round, I did not exactly see the order to KILL the spec, but I did see the arrest order, though I likely missed the previously mentioned kill order since I had all channels on and was listening to them.

Janine continuously refused to support Both Delta, and their squad, they went with Bravo to engineering to support delta push the underground, they remained in engineering and allowed delta to go down and get swarmed by the aliens, saying they "refused suicidal orders"
Later, Charlie went down via the research elevator, and their spec was told to regroup with their squad and assist them, Cue another failure to go down with their squad, allowing them to get swarmed, another "refusal to follow suicidal orders"

Soon after, we ordered the arrest of the Spec, that was roaming the colony alone since the start of the round, leaving their squad and never joining up with them, since we couldnt risk MPs, I asked the nearby marines to arrest them, then Carson took command of the arrest situation, and I continued the coordination of the other squads until I learned that a marine shot and killed Jardine, Shortly after Carson Copy pasted Apprehend Orders for Jardine, on all squad channels.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 17 Apr 2017, 15:38

Ok checked the logs.This was a clusterfuck especially near the end.

So lets get down to business, I can confirm Janina at least wasn't intentionally being a rambo. They had a lapse of 4 minutes, this is where they went afk to head to the restroom (they spoke about this when the player in question was reported by another player for being a rambo). Even though this really has no place in Carson's report, this is just incase the player of Janina gets dragged into this.
Logs here:

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[09:20:22]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Some ice shithole
[09:24:58]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Wow
[09:26:59]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Oh great
[09:27:02]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Where are you guys
[09:27:38]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Im at kitchen
[09:27:42]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Or bar
[09:28:30]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : :c hey guys whered you go
[09:28:40]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Bar
[09:28:42]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Topside
[09:29:04]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : You guys are top of bottom side
[09:29:26]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Top or
[09:29:35]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Hey?
[09:29:59]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Anyone can drop by bar or something? its above cargo area
[09:30:28]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : No
[09:30:30]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Im above
[09:30:44]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Im sayin g third time
[09:30:57]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Fuckin bar near the lz
[09:31:08]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Nobodys there
[09:32:35]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Hell
[09:33:41]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Anyones at lz1
fastforward for a bit
[09:51:07]SAY: Terrell Vega/Terrell's Ckey : Jardine, you there?
[09:51:43]SAY: Terrell Vega/Terrell's Ckey : Jardine, command wants you to make your way to engineering to support delta, do you think you can make it there?
[09:54:56]SAY: Terrell Vega/Terrell's Ckey : Astra, take the rasp down to lz1, meet up with jardine
[09:55:16]SAY: Terrell Vega/Terrell's Ckey : Jardine, wait for astra
Fast forward a bit, to once Carson is now in the game and becomes the overwatch for Charlie squad. Seems Jardine's player is having issues with the orders give, probably being ordered to head down the ladder and seems they were pretty blatant about it (speaking in open squad comms) leading to their first confrontation with Carson shown here:

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[10:14:25]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : ALRIGHT SQUAD GET TO RESEARCH
[10:14:28]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : ON THE DOUBLE
[10:14:46]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Surface
[10:14:52]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Move the FUCK out
[10:15:07]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : CO sending all charlie to research
[10:15:38]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Get him in, yeesh
[10:15:51]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Well you went down
[10:15:58]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : The ladder has limited place around it
[10:16:16]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Co gotta be goddamn messed up
[10:16:25]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Killing marines
[10:16:38]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : So CO orders got jessica killed
[10:16:50]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Shut your mouth Sergeant
[10:16:55]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : I hear your tone
[10:17:00]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : And I don't like it
Shortly after that conversation, this is when Carson gives out his initial arrest report (believe this is in sec comms but have no way to confirm)

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[10:18:56]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Mark Janina Jardin for arrest - she is not regrouping with the SL and is a rambo
[10:19:02]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Crime is insubordination
Now this is when Jones gets into the mix. With it started with an announcement and this is where we end up seeing Elliot Renold, the player who ends up killing Jardine.

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[10:29:17]SAY: Coroneljones/(Jack Knight) has made Command Announcement: Command Announcement - To all squads, Charlie spec, Janine Jardine, who is wielding a SADAR, has failed to assist delta as ordered, allowing the whole squad to be captured, and refuses to assist or regroup with their squad, prior at T-Comms, and now when they were sent to flank at Research, allowing them to also be killed or captured.  Report this marines location, attempt to aprehend if possible. - Jack Knight (Commander)
[10:29:26]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Charlie sir...Charlie
[10:29:43]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : FUCK YOU CO
[10:29:47]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Jardine.
[10:29:48]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : I KILLED A FUCKING BIG RED ALIEN
[10:29:50]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Youre under arrest.
[10:29:52]EMOTE: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : <B>CDR Jack Knight</B> sighs.
[10:29:53]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : I KILLED A BIG RED ALIEN
[10:29:57]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : I have Jardine infront of me.
[10:29:59]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : She sat at LZ1 when her squad was at T-Comms
[10:30:01]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Shut the fuck up coward
[10:30:01]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : AND DIDNT GO TO ELEVATOR TO DIE
[10:30:11]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : YOUR A FUCKING COWARD
[10:30:13]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Refused to regroup, refused to assist Delta at engineering, and now refused to assist her squad at research
[10:30:17]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Janina you are scum and will be delt with
[10:30:17]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : YOU NEVER GO DOWN HERE
[10:30:25]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : She was atengineering
[10:30:30]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Command, I have Jardine infront of me, hes refusing to comply.
[10:30:31]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : I will make sure you are fucking shot for your cowardice
[10:30:31]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : I WANT TO SEE YOU COME DOWN HERE AND GET USEFULL
[10:30:32]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : They were to follow you, and they did
[10:30:40]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Once delta went down, she was ordered to follow and assist
[10:30:47]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Nah fuck him
[10:30:47]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : She sat in engineering and then ran off
[10:30:49]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Your SPC fucked off and ignored the SL's order to regroup
[10:30:51]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : He left our squad and got us fucked.
[10:30:51]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Do you even listen to engineer?
[10:30:54]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Or other people?
[10:30:56]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Decided she wanted to be a rambo bitch
[10:31:06]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : I ts hard to fucking regroup when your squad is nowhere nearby
[10:31:09]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : LT, I have Jardine infront of me, what should I do
[10:31:15]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Restrain
[10:31:19]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : And send them back to the sulaco
[10:31:21]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Drop your shit.
[10:31:22]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Shoot her if she resists to restrain
[10:31:26]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Fuck off
[10:31:29]EMOTE: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : <B>CDR Jack Knight</B> sighs.
[10:31:31]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : You shoot me, and youl lbe crimer too
[10:31:33]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : She was at engineering
[10:31:39]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Shes refusing to drop her weapon
[10:31:40]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : And did not support delta as ordered
[10:31:40]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Well
[10:31:42]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : She was on the otherside for the entire time
[10:31:42]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Then ran off
[10:31:43]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : The idiot is just braindead
[10:31:45]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Like BO
[10:31:48]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Made no effort to regroup
[10:31:48]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Hes listening to him
[10:31:50]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Permission to open fire?
[10:31:50]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : She was then ordered to head back to her squad and support them
[10:31:51]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Knock some sense into him
[10:31:55]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Negatory, Renold
[10:31:58]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : BO lost his fucking brain
[10:32:03]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : So i tried
Shortly after that conversation seems Carson and Jones have a private discussion on what needs to be done to the Spec and it is quite clear Jones is opposed to murdering the spec and just wants them apprehended as shown here:

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[10:32:05]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Sir we must put this SPC down before its too late
[10:32:07]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Attempt to nonlethally aprehend with cable cuffs
[10:32:13]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : Only return fire if she starts it
[10:32:15]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : She may spew a mutiny
[10:32:27]SAY: Jack Knight/Coroneljones : If she starts it, shes getting it
Now this is the point when Carson really wanted to get Jardine off the field as shown here:

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[10:32:39]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Take her down Elliot or you will be fucking taken down
[10:32:48]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : ALger get Janina
[10:33:01]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Somewhere on the planet
[10:33:06]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Find the bitch and detain her
Now charlie squad gets set as rogue as shown here:

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[10:33:35]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : She ignored the SL
[10:33:44]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Failed to st ay with the squad
[10:33:57]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Well
[10:34:01]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : If i were with my squad
[10:34:02]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Jacob take her down now - Jacob dies 13 seconds after this message, no clue by what but going to assume boiler acid cloud (no attack logs but only screams
[10:34:05]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : I would be as dead as they are
[10:34:14]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : AND MAYBY IT WOULD BE BETTER
[10:34:23]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Perhaps your SADAR would of saved them...WHICH IT WOULD OF
[10:34:26]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : BECAUSE I WOULDNT HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU FUCKIN IDIOTS
[10:34:30]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : NO IT WOULDNT
[10:34:45]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : BECAUSE IF I SHOT IT IN ELEVATOR
[10:34:53]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : I WOULD BLOW UP EVERYONE
[10:35:00]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : INCLUDING US
[10:35:08]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Your excuses are pathetic
[10:35:13]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Oh yeah, and then waste good ammo that could kill people
[10:35:20]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : No
[10:35:21]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Im still alive, and still killing people
[10:35:28]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : This squad is rouge until Janina is captured
[10:35:30]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Instead of taking a few down and dying
[10:35:35]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : YOUR MOM IS ROGUE
Carson saying whoever shoots Jardine gets a promotion

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[10:39:58]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Your a fucking autist
[10:40:07]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Theperson who shoots this SPC get 2 rank promotion
[10:40:13]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : So a PFC becomes a SGT
[10:40:14]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : You cant order that
[10:40:20]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : I just did
[10:40:20]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Its a fucking war crime
[10:40:33]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : WE-YU will execute you
[10:40:41]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : No because I'll cover it up
[10:40:45]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Hah
[10:40:58]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Good luck covering it, marines are covering for me
[10:41:11]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Even the PO is against you now

The point where Jardine is put down by Renold:

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[10:41:12]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Jarine
[10:41:16]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : What
[10:41:20]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Im going with people
[10:41:21]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Sorry bud, I need that promotion
[10:41:30]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : All youll get
[10:41:35]ATTACK: Elliot Renold (Elliot's Ckey) shot Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine (Janina's Ckey) with a the shotgun buckshot
[10:41:35]SAY: Janina 'Bullseye' Jardine/Janina's Ckey : Is jail - Saying this after their head was blown clean off via shotgun....
[10:41:43]SAY: Elliot Renold/Elliot's Ckey : Got'em LT.
After that, seems the other people of Charlie didn't take a liking to Renold killing one of them

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[10:41:49]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Elliot Renold (Elliot's Ckey) with a the submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=143;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:41:50]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Elliot Renold (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=143;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:41:50]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Hailee Ackerson (driskal) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=143;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:41:51]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Elliot Renold (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=143;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:41:53]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Unknown (as Elliot Renold) (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=143;Y=159;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:41:54]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Unknown (as Elliot Renold) (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=141;Y=159;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:41:56]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Attention attention all marines on this channel CHARLIE SPC Janina Jardine is to be detained on sight. She is armed and dangerous and wanted for a serious war crime. The one who turns her in will be promoted two full ranks.
[10:42:04]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Unknown (as Elliot Renold) (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=137;Y=161;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:42:05]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Unknown (as Elliot Renold) (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=137;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:42:06]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Unknown (as Elliot Renold) (Elliot's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=137;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500001c]'>PM</a>)
[10:42:07]ATTACK: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) shot Unknown (as Elliot Renold) () with a the armor-piercing submachinegun bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=137;Y=160;Z=1'>JMP</a>)
[10:42:09]ATTACK: Alex Karson (alexd01) shot Lou 'Architect' D'angelo (Lou's Ckey) with a the armor-piercing rifle bullet (<A HREF='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=140;Y=158;Z=1'>JMP</a>) (<a href='?priv_msg=[0x500005c]'>PM</a>)
[10:42:10]EMOTE: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo/Lou's Ckey : <B>CPL Lou 'Architect' D'angelo</B> screams!
[10:42:10]SAY: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo/Lou's Ckey : Motherfucker
[10:42:18]SAY: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo/Lou's Ckey : I surrender
[10:42:18]SAY: Susato Takahashi/Mikotoba : Elliot Renold has gone rogue, he killed Janina!
[10:42:20]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Attention attention all marines on this channel CHARLIE SPC Janina Jardine is to be detained on sight. She is armed and dangerous and wanted for a serious war crime. The one who turns her in will be promoted two full ranks
[10:42:23]SAY: Bill Carson/Carson's Ckey : Attention attention all marines on this channel CHARLIE SPC Janina Jardine is to be detained on sight. She is armed and dangerous and wanted for a serious war crime. The one who turns her in will be promoted two full ranks
[10:42:24]SAY: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo/Lou's Ckey : But I did what he deserved
[10:42:29]SAY: Lou 'Architect' D'angelo/Lou's Ckey : You dont shoot your people.
but with that you can see the controversial announcement took place after Janina's death

So with all the relevant logs in place, I'll mostly leave the decision up to the heads. From my point of view at least, it seems Carson probably in the wrong to offer a promotion for shooting one of their troopers and the person who plays Elliot Renold might have to explain a few things since shooting someone in the face to get a promotion seems a little heavy handed and at least from what I can tell there was no resistance from Jaanina before they killed. I do admit there is alot filler content here but I feel it shows this incident was something that was building as the round progress.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Bill Carson - Illegal Execution as BO

Post by Feweh » 20 Apr 2017, 21:42

Leaving this IC.

Bill technically cant order anyone to execute someone else... However... he didnt actually do the killing.
