Squad Leader Weapon Change

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Byond: Steelpoint

Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by Steelpoint » 24 Apr 2017, 09:57

Summary: I don't know if this suggestion has been made before so forgive me if I missed it, searching found nothing on my screen.

My suggestion is to add to the Squad Leader vending machine a token that lets the SL spawn either a M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle, or a M4RA Battle Rifle. Each of these will spawn with several magazines for the weapon.

Benefits: Right now the Squad Leader is one of the most important roles in game, yet it seems like it's very chronically short staffed in comparison to other roles.

If you go SL you get a fancy looking helmet that blocks one extra facehugger, and a oft unused Orbital Strike beacon which is near useless half the time. But at the cost you suffer the stress of leading a squad of monkeys, inability to wear Doner armor and in general you get no real benefit for playing the role aside from someone's thanks and a lot of stress and frustration.

I believe that offering greater weapon variety to Squad Leaders would see a massive uptake in people playing the role. This may be a double edged sword, on one hand you may attract more competent/vet players to the role instead of them playing a more engaging role such as engi/med or even standard, but on the other hand you may attract people who just want the fancy gun.

You would also have to deal with ammo resupply and cargo.

Details: Token in SL vendor that lets SL get either a M41AE2 or M4RA, also comes with ammo for the rifle. Cargo would also need a way to order more ammo for these two guns.
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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by Snypehunter007 » 24 Apr 2017, 10:02

This HAS been suggested before but it is usually under "Make SL's better". Most of them have been denied due to the general consensus that adding more weapons to SLs will encourage ramboing.
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Byond: Steelpoint

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by Steelpoint » 24 Apr 2017, 10:28

I see.

I want to enjoy playing as a Squad Leader but I don't feel usually very satisifed when playing as one. I get to lead a Squad but I get no real perks to it.

As a Standard I can go hog wild on whatever weapons I can use. As a Engineer I can make large and elaborate FoBs at my own discretion. As a Medic I can heal and save people even from the most critical of injuries.

But as a Squad Leader I get to lead some people around, or attempt to, and get a shiny helmet. I'm far more limited in my playstyle as I cannot afford to die and I spend most of my time yelling at command to send me stuff, so I have to play conservatively outside of large pushes and even then...

Perhaps having unique weapons is not the way forward, but I do think the SL needs more of a hook to bring people in.
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Byond: Skelton_UK

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by Skelton » 24 Apr 2017, 11:49

I'd like to encourage a scope over the binocs but that always gets shot down as well.

I all honestly I don't think it makes any sense the SL having a different weapon. They're just smarter grunts.

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Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 24 Apr 2017, 19:50

This has been shot down numerous times

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Byond: Swagile

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by Swagile » 24 Apr 2017, 20:59

SL is like playing Queen on Xeno side.

No one wants to do it 90% of the time, and the ones that do or do it because no on else wants to are 90% incompetent. And the competent ones are ignored by the marines / xenos either directly or indirectly.

On the xeno side, directly ignoring gets you a bannu, but xenos are better at indirect ignoring. SL's don't even get this perk; ive never really seen any marines get banned for going rambo into the jungle instead of listening to the SL's orders.

Giving the SL some cool shit is a step in the right direction, but devs won't approve an extra gun being given to them unless its a holdout pistol so they can suicide at round start for ever being chosen for this shitty role.

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Byond: TexasTwoStep

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by TexasTwoStep » 24 Apr 2017, 21:11

I think this would encourage Squad Leaders to be on the frontlines, maybe not something we always want, but need. I'd supports some sort of consideration for SL's.


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Byond: CrimsonAerospace

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 24 Apr 2017, 22:55

I'd...like to maybe see us test it, see how SL's act with better weaponry.

Overall, Neutral though. This may just end up making SL's a sham-job for baldies because YAY SNOWFLAKE WEAPONS.
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Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by OatzAndHoes » 25 Apr 2017, 06:04

Steelpoint wrote:I see.

I want to enjoy playing as a Squad Leader but I don't feel usually very satisifed when playing as one. I get to lead a Squad but I get no real perks to it.

As a Standard I can go hog wild on whatever weapons I can use. As a Engineer I can make large and elaborate FoBs at my own discretion. As a Medic I can heal and save people even from the most critical of injuries.

But as a Squad Leader I get to lead some people around, or attempt to, and get a shiny helmet. I'm far more limited in my playstyle as I cannot afford to die and I spend most of my time yelling at command to send me stuff, so I have to play conservatively outside of large pushes and even then...

Perhaps having unique weapons is not the way forward, but I do think the SL needs more of a hook to bring people in.
If you feel that SL isn't satisfying because you don't get cool gear then the role is not for you. The entire point of SL is to try and stay alive and lead your men because they are your number one weapon, not the gun you have. Giving them better guns is just going to encourage people to pick SL for the fancy gun instead of because they want to lead their troops. Imagine if medics got heavy pulse rifles from their vendors. Sure a lot more people would play medic, but those players wouldn't be healing people because they'd be too busy trying to score kills with their fancy gun while marines around them die. This would also prevent medics who enjoy and are good at their jobs from getting the role because it would be filled with rambos picking it for that sweet gear. Same thing with SLs. To be honest I'd be happy with changing RO regulations to give SLs only 2 attachments to discourage players from picking it for the gear.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Squad Leader Weapon Change

Post by forwardslashN » 25 Apr 2017, 14:55

This has been suggested and denied. Duplicate.
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