TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
- TexasTwoStep
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- Posts: 135
- Joined: 14 Apr 2017, 13:13
- Location: Texas
- Byond: TexasTwoStep
TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Byond ID: TexasTwoStep
Colonial Marines Character: Draxton 'Yankee' Yukoshima , others before randomly generated - or have escaped my mind at this point.
Age: 18
Gender: Male (not a trap.)
Timezone: CST (GMT -6)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 30-35 , usually I get off work right before main pop time doing weekdays and i'm off most late nights and mornings on weekends.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Yes, long time-ago I Administrated on AIGG and a small start up under that wing before I went on a hiatus of SS13 and went into the ArmA 3 World, where primarily I was an Administrator for ArmA 3 Life and started my hand in development.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? The variations are somewhat of a blurr, I used to play CM before my hiatus, but never really quite got into it - usually just enjoyed being apart of whatever I could at that time before it got to this massive scaled playerbase and community outreach standard.
What other servers do you play on? I no longer play on anything other than Colonial Marines, as CM is at my peak interest anything related to SS13, the 2d-spessmen game it is.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Used to play at Apoc., Hippie (Short-time), and before this was Paradise.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? No.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No, again - dedicating any and all of my SS13 time to Colonial Marines.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? Last time I remember I was banned on Paradise was about a month and a half before I left, I had been issued a three day ban for "self-antagging" because I had decided to shove a crew-member out of the escape pod airlock because he repeatedly continued to open the door and unbuckle me from my chair, effectively attempting to push me out. Much like this server, not as large-scale, I admit, they gave me thirty seconds to respond, then the round endded before I gave my reply and when I tried to reconnect - I was banned. I calmly went to the forums, explained my viewpoint and upon reviewing the logs, I was unbanned. A simple misunderstanding.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? Yes, Slack is a Real time messaging, search, archiving, etc. application for work-based solutions, we used it at A3L.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would first identify the situation.
A. They open fire in the Briefing Room with other Players around and/or hit an Individual.
If there are other players present in the room, i'd sleep the suspected player (we will call them Player-G). I'd approach Player-G while they're unconscious and inform anyone LOOC that the issue will be taken care of and to ignore it. Following that, i'd ask Player-G why they were shooting their gun off in the Briefing-Area with other players around. I'd then take this time while they prepare their answer to view their notes, and investigate any history of griefing behavior and determine if any ~ my position on their actions levied against their previous history, taking time into account. Depending on their level of depth in their answer and the circumstances (e.g. a missfire, just general griefer who tells me to say hello to my mother, or other generically typical troll answer, etc.) If it was simply a misfire, i'd assessed that they shot more than once and warn them that I will be watching them for the rest of the round and continue to keep a close eye on them. Otherwise, i'd confer with my fellow Staff Members about the situation and assess a ban time (if they have previous bans of more than twenty-four hours, the bullets actually hit other individuals, their attitude and tone whilst communication with staff, and history variables.)
B. Briefing Room was empty, and generally they're just acting like a Baldie and appear to be new.
If nobody was in the Briefing Room, I would just observe them through briefing to ensure that it was just a mistake. I would then take the time to check their notes, taking any time since last incident into account and assess whether or not they're a threat to the continuance of the round. If they are exhibition suspicious behavior, i'd PM them - just as a cause for concern that they are being watched, otherwise no action taken.
Edit: IN addition, add a note to their file explaining any other suspicious behavior and the incident.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
A. Accident
If the Sulaco was breached into space by a Baldie Engineer who 'forgot' that was the switch for the blast doors with the knocked out window, i'd simply repair it and PM and confer with the fellow Moderators and any online Administrators about assessing the situation further.
(these are due to otherwise noted exceptions like pred-bombs.)
B. On Purpose. (E.g. C4ing a Window, purposely breaking the reinforced window into space, actions that otherwise cannot be determined as 'accidents'.)
I'd sleep the Player who caused the Breach, ensuring that they won't die, in addition asking another member of staff to 'plug the hole' so to speak and continue with the problem player (Player-G.) I'd then PM Player-G and ask them why they breached the Sulaco into Space, and take the time in-between my question and their answer to view their notes and assess any and all notations as well as the time since last offense and plug it into my ban time calculator at the end. I'd assess their answer and determine if they had a good reason, and at that ANY reason to do what they did, continuing my investigation and determining if anyone else in the Sulaco was affected by the breach would determine my ban times.
Edit: See reply to TheSpoonyCroy - this was in consideration for a 'worse-case' round lasting scenario.
1) Causing Damage to the Sulaco through "our" terrible atmospheric system and causing a impact on the round with no good reason and extensive (or non-extensive, yet recent history) ban time of 10,080 minutes (7 days) and make a post in the Permaban Request section of the admin forums explaining the situation and why I believe a permaban should be enforced after consulting the other staff members available.
2) Causing Damage to the Sulaco through "our" terrible atmospheric system but not causing a serious impact to the round, with little note history or extensive time-frame since last note - ban time of seventy-two hours, counting within regards their level of respect for the rules and the staff member(s) dealing with the situation. At the lowest, a twenty-four hour ban which would only be applied if the reason was boarderline acceptable, yet not accounted for in the rules and general staff who observed the situation believed that punishment is still in order for causing possible mass round grief if atmospherics cannot be fully restored.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
Simply be unresponsive to the nuclear code request, they cannot activate it and although they'll be unhappy that nobody responded - i'd trigger a M.O.T.H.E.R. analysis of the ship to give them the hint that they should be out there fighting, rather then hiding and attempting to use the nuke. Otherwise, no other round intervention is required. IN addition, only head-staff may give the nuke codes out.
Edit: MOTHER is no longer accessible by Moderators, i'd refer to an Administrator for their interaction.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
I'd sleep the individual depending on the risk of the situation (e.g. other players around, a player was struck, etc.) and PM them asking why they decided to throw a napalm grenade (logistics is no longer, although there are contemporary replacements for the name / variations.). Taking the time inbetween my question and their answer, i'd take a look at their notes and evaluate history and time since last recorded note and seriousness of the offense. Depending on their answer (misfire, I hit my hotkey, etc.) and their level of respect for the rules and I - i'd let them off with a Warning, add a note and follow them for the next few minutes (as to not bog down the rest of the ahelps/etc.)
If the individual threw the grenade near anyone on purpose, or even accidental, yet still threw it (for example on the Rasputin') I'd sleep the individual, assess notes, calculate last offense and seriousness of it with other history and determine a ban time. (Lowest 24-Hours, Highest Three-Days unless previous multiple one day bans for similar offenses [griefing].)
Edit: Don't sleep the player unless actively, and in whole are griefing and causing harm. In addition, wait - depending on the damage if the situation is ahelped before immediately acting and involving Moderation.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Ignore him, simply although I know it's not true, we are to remain Professional at all times, plus i'd probably be laughing too hard that they're trying a sexual advance of my mother over a 2d-spessman game. If they continue to disrupt ahelps and bog down our progress, i'd mute them and add a note if they persist.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
PM them letting them know that they need to change their name before the start of next round and write that name down, whether it be asking someone who will be there next round to make sure 'Baldie Ben Dover Urika Mother ras Midnight' changes their name, or adding a note otherwise staying explicitly why and their recorded name.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Inform them of the rule they're breaking: Use a reasonable, lore-friendly character name - Your character must have a unique first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc.
And inform them that although other Staff Members may not of informed them previously, they will have to change it regardless of their feelings and they are welcome to file a Staff Report if they feel like i'm targeting them.
Edit: In addition inform them they'll have to appeal to ban at http://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
PM Them, asking them why they have that Weapon and why they're not doing their duties in Medical.
Inform them of the rules:
ALL NON-MARINE SULACO CREW (Doctors, Engineers, Cargo, MPs, Command, etc)
Do not equip weapons larger than a pistol unless you are in imminent danger of a visible threat.
You may leave the Sulaco to report to the FOB (Forward Operating Base) so long as you have clearance from your department head or a superior officer unless explicitly stated otherwise below.
I'd then tell them to drop their weapon and get back to Medical and perform their duties, after this i'd evaluate it two ways.
Depending on their answer, and if there was a general cause of alarm for them to have the weapon and to ignore their duties briefly, it doesn't excuse the fact that they're a Doctor, not a sharpshooter Colonial Marine and add a note to their file explaining their actions if they persist further. Otherwise, if they ignore me, go SSD because of the PM's, otherwise general incompetency of the position and causing further problems to the round - i'd job-ban them and explain why, and inform them that they may file an appeal on the Website.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
PM them, and explain them the rules:
Only Doctors and the CMO can perform surgeries.
Explain to them that this is generically for balancing reasons and that they are to cease-immediately and continue as their role as a Field Medic and add a notation in their file for the offense. If they persist to 'powergame' per say and continue to conduct surgery likely cause of action would be a 180-minutes ban at the lowest, and at the maximum a twelve-hour ban depending on how they handle the abrupt hault, assessing their notes, previous infractions, their attitude and the risk. Otherwise, we don't want to take a skilled Player out of the game simply because they decided they wanted to know a 'little too much'.
Edit: Comment Pasted: More or less my thought process was: this might of been someone who hadn't been re-familiarized with the rules. As for the round bans, while it solves the problem temporary, I was attempting to establish a dialogue that might encourage them to think next time, rather than to risk it. However, both can be transversed quite easily. A Medic Job-Ban or round ban is more acceptable rather then twelve hours.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Seeing as the Observers are probably getting extremely bored in deathchat, and other variables i'd speak with the rest of the Staff online at the time and come up with some sort of event that is possible, by a FULL Administrators decision, then whether it be a simple M.O.T.H.E.R. announcement of a budget increase for the attack and give updates as of the remaining alien positions to not further delay the round.
Less of the administrator intervention, simply PM the Commander and attempt to resolve a solution to get the round going again, or vise-versa with the remaining Xenos just to keep it moving under a decent time-table. Otherwise, we don't want to directly interfere with the round through wily admin magic, keeping the player's mindset in our hearts and the round delay rules.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
180 Minute ban EORG Ban. They may appeal it on the forums, otherwise it's not worth the investigation. Rules are plain and simple.
Edit: Generalized, my thought-line escaped the EORG timing, their ban appeal would've been denied anyways for the three hour ban - this was more from my previous experience where generally, accident or for good intentions, those are shown immediately from the logs.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
Leave it to Marine Law, no reason for an Staff Member to directly interfere with something that a Military Police Officer was put in the game for.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I'd check their notes and take into account any previous interactions as well as the last date since notation.
Inform them of the elevation of force rules and the definition of briefing, then I would explain the situation to them as well as where they can appeal it then apply a twenty hour ban and 'resurrect' the affected Marine and ask them why they decided to punch the banned player, checking their notes and evaluating the reasonable response i'd write it off as a no interaction required as far as their actions went.
Edit: Depending on notation, first time offense - round ban, multiple incidents - twenty for hours, anything in between is subject to consideration.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
While my forum activity isn't notable, it is something i'm working on - in addition slc97 was nice enough to approach me regarding my Character in-game and any benefit I might be able to provide to the team. This is something I enjoy, but it's really distasteful to see times where there's few staff on with little assistance and individuals who are far too stressed and 'burnt out'. As other Applications, feel free to post any other scenario questions and point out flaws in my application - I am not perfectly, like all Human-beings, but hopefully this has provided you insight into my state of mind. I teach and preach before I would take a learning opportunity away from anyone.
Any Edit Notations are from replies, and suggests to my thought-process, i've added them because this Application - if accepted will be used as a guiding tool from other staff and community members about my moderation style, and how to improve it. Thank you for your input, and your support / feedback (even if negative - which is what I find more thoughtfulness in) helps me improve.
Colonial Marines Character: Draxton 'Yankee' Yukoshima , others before randomly generated - or have escaped my mind at this point.
Age: 18
Gender: Male (not a trap.)
Timezone: CST (GMT -6)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? 30-35 , usually I get off work right before main pop time doing weekdays and i'm off most late nights and mornings on weekends.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Yes, long time-ago I Administrated on AIGG and a small start up under that wing before I went on a hiatus of SS13 and went into the ArmA 3 World, where primarily I was an Administrator for ArmA 3 Life and started my hand in development.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? The variations are somewhat of a blurr, I used to play CM before my hiatus, but never really quite got into it - usually just enjoyed being apart of whatever I could at that time before it got to this massive scaled playerbase and community outreach standard.
What other servers do you play on? I no longer play on anything other than Colonial Marines, as CM is at my peak interest anything related to SS13, the 2d-spessmen game it is.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM? Used to play at Apoc., Hippie (Short-time), and before this was Paradise.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before? No.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No, again - dedicating any and all of my SS13 time to Colonial Marines.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When (roughly)? Last time I remember I was banned on Paradise was about a month and a half before I left, I had been issued a three day ban for "self-antagging" because I had decided to shove a crew-member out of the escape pod airlock because he repeatedly continued to open the door and unbuckle me from my chair, effectively attempting to push me out. Much like this server, not as large-scale, I admit, they gave me thirty seconds to respond, then the round endded before I gave my reply and when I tried to reconnect - I was banned. I calmly went to the forums, explained my viewpoint and upon reviewing the logs, I was unbanned. A simple misunderstanding.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)? Yes, Slack is a Real time messaging, search, archiving, etc. application for work-based solutions, we used it at A3L.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.
1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
I would first identify the situation.
A. They open fire in the Briefing Room with other Players around and/or hit an Individual.
If there are other players present in the room, i'd sleep the suspected player (we will call them Player-G). I'd approach Player-G while they're unconscious and inform anyone LOOC that the issue will be taken care of and to ignore it. Following that, i'd ask Player-G why they were shooting their gun off in the Briefing-Area with other players around. I'd then take this time while they prepare their answer to view their notes, and investigate any history of griefing behavior and determine if any ~ my position on their actions levied against their previous history, taking time into account. Depending on their level of depth in their answer and the circumstances (e.g. a missfire, just general griefer who tells me to say hello to my mother, or other generically typical troll answer, etc.) If it was simply a misfire, i'd assessed that they shot more than once and warn them that I will be watching them for the rest of the round and continue to keep a close eye on them. Otherwise, i'd confer with my fellow Staff Members about the situation and assess a ban time (if they have previous bans of more than twenty-four hours, the bullets actually hit other individuals, their attitude and tone whilst communication with staff, and history variables.)
B. Briefing Room was empty, and generally they're just acting like a Baldie and appear to be new.
If nobody was in the Briefing Room, I would just observe them through briefing to ensure that it was just a mistake. I would then take the time to check their notes, taking any time since last incident into account and assess whether or not they're a threat to the continuance of the round. If they are exhibition suspicious behavior, i'd PM them - just as a cause for concern that they are being watched, otherwise no action taken.
Edit: IN addition, add a note to their file explaining any other suspicious behavior and the incident.
2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
A. Accident
If the Sulaco was breached into space by a Baldie Engineer who 'forgot' that was the switch for the blast doors with the knocked out window, i'd simply repair it and PM and confer with the fellow Moderators and any online Administrators about assessing the situation further.
(these are due to otherwise noted exceptions like pred-bombs.)
B. On Purpose. (E.g. C4ing a Window, purposely breaking the reinforced window into space, actions that otherwise cannot be determined as 'accidents'.)
I'd sleep the Player who caused the Breach, ensuring that they won't die, in addition asking another member of staff to 'plug the hole' so to speak and continue with the problem player (Player-G.) I'd then PM Player-G and ask them why they breached the Sulaco into Space, and take the time in-between my question and their answer to view their notes and assess any and all notations as well as the time since last offense and plug it into my ban time calculator at the end. I'd assess their answer and determine if they had a good reason, and at that ANY reason to do what they did, continuing my investigation and determining if anyone else in the Sulaco was affected by the breach would determine my ban times.
Edit: See reply to TheSpoonyCroy - this was in consideration for a 'worse-case' round lasting scenario.
1) Causing Damage to the Sulaco through "our" terrible atmospheric system and causing a impact on the round with no good reason and extensive (or non-extensive, yet recent history) ban time of 10,080 minutes (7 days) and make a post in the Permaban Request section of the admin forums explaining the situation and why I believe a permaban should be enforced after consulting the other staff members available.
2) Causing Damage to the Sulaco through "our" terrible atmospheric system but not causing a serious impact to the round, with little note history or extensive time-frame since last note - ban time of seventy-two hours, counting within regards their level of respect for the rules and the staff member(s) dealing with the situation. At the lowest, a twenty-four hour ban which would only be applied if the reason was boarderline acceptable, yet not accounted for in the rules and general staff who observed the situation believed that punishment is still in order for causing possible mass round grief if atmospherics cannot be fully restored.
3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.
Simply be unresponsive to the nuclear code request, they cannot activate it and although they'll be unhappy that nobody responded - i'd trigger a M.O.T.H.E.R. analysis of the ship to give them the hint that they should be out there fighting, rather then hiding and attempting to use the nuke. Otherwise, no other round intervention is required. IN addition, only head-staff may give the nuke codes out.
Edit: MOTHER is no longer accessible by Moderators, i'd refer to an Administrator for their interaction.
4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.
I'd sleep the individual depending on the risk of the situation (e.g. other players around, a player was struck, etc.) and PM them asking why they decided to throw a napalm grenade (logistics is no longer, although there are contemporary replacements for the name / variations.). Taking the time inbetween my question and their answer, i'd take a look at their notes and evaluate history and time since last recorded note and seriousness of the offense. Depending on their answer (misfire, I hit my hotkey, etc.) and their level of respect for the rules and I - i'd let them off with a Warning, add a note and follow them for the next few minutes (as to not bog down the rest of the ahelps/etc.)
If the individual threw the grenade near anyone on purpose, or even accidental, yet still threw it (for example on the Rasputin') I'd sleep the individual, assess notes, calculate last offense and seriousness of it with other history and determine a ban time. (Lowest 24-Hours, Highest Three-Days unless previous multiple one day bans for similar offenses [griefing].)
Edit: Don't sleep the player unless actively, and in whole are griefing and causing harm. In addition, wait - depending on the damage if the situation is ahelped before immediately acting and involving Moderation.
5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.
Ignore him, simply although I know it's not true, we are to remain Professional at all times, plus i'd probably be laughing too hard that they're trying a sexual advance of my mother over a 2d-spessman game. If they continue to disrupt ahelps and bog down our progress, i'd mute them and add a note if they persist.
6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.
PM them letting them know that they need to change their name before the start of next round and write that name down, whether it be asking someone who will be there next round to make sure 'Baldie Ben Dover Urika Mother ras Midnight' changes their name, or adding a note otherwise staying explicitly why and their recorded name.
6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Inform them of the rule they're breaking: Use a reasonable, lore-friendly character name - Your character must have a unique first and last name. One-word nicknames are allowed inside the name (e.g. Derek 'Double-D' Donahue, Jane 'Crusher' Sanchez) . Ranks, titles, honorifics, offensive, famous and/or pop-culture names are not allowed (e.g. Dr John Smith, Barack Obama, Lt John Doe, Adolf Hitler). Also, avoid lore-based names like Weyland, Yutani, Bishop, Ripley, etc.
And inform them that although other Staff Members may not of informed them previously, they will have to change it regardless of their feelings and they are welcome to file a Staff Report if they feel like i'm targeting them.
Edit: In addition inform them they'll have to appeal to ban at http://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76
7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.
PM Them, asking them why they have that Weapon and why they're not doing their duties in Medical.
Inform them of the rules:
ALL NON-MARINE SULACO CREW (Doctors, Engineers, Cargo, MPs, Command, etc)
Do not equip weapons larger than a pistol unless you are in imminent danger of a visible threat.
You may leave the Sulaco to report to the FOB (Forward Operating Base) so long as you have clearance from your department head or a superior officer unless explicitly stated otherwise below.
I'd then tell them to drop their weapon and get back to Medical and perform their duties, after this i'd evaluate it two ways.
Depending on their answer, and if there was a general cause of alarm for them to have the weapon and to ignore their duties briefly, it doesn't excuse the fact that they're a Doctor, not a sharpshooter Colonial Marine and add a note to their file explaining their actions if they persist further. Otherwise, if they ignore me, go SSD because of the PM's, otherwise general incompetency of the position and causing further problems to the round - i'd job-ban them and explain why, and inform them that they may file an appeal on the Website.
8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
PM them, and explain them the rules:
Only Doctors and the CMO can perform surgeries.
Explain to them that this is generically for balancing reasons and that they are to cease-immediately and continue as their role as a Field Medic and add a notation in their file for the offense. If they persist to 'powergame' per say and continue to conduct surgery likely cause of action would be a 180-minutes ban at the lowest, and at the maximum a twelve-hour ban depending on how they handle the abrupt hault, assessing their notes, previous infractions, their attitude and the risk. Otherwise, we don't want to take a skilled Player out of the game simply because they decided they wanted to know a 'little too much'.
Edit: Comment Pasted: More or less my thought process was: this might of been someone who hadn't been re-familiarized with the rules. As for the round bans, while it solves the problem temporary, I was attempting to establish a dialogue that might encourage them to think next time, rather than to risk it. However, both can be transversed quite easily. A Medic Job-Ban or round ban is more acceptable rather then twelve hours.
9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Seeing as the Observers are probably getting extremely bored in deathchat, and other variables i'd speak with the rest of the Staff online at the time and come up with some sort of event that is possible, by a FULL Administrators decision, then whether it be a simple M.O.T.H.E.R. announcement of a budget increase for the attack and give updates as of the remaining alien positions to not further delay the round.
Less of the administrator intervention, simply PM the Commander and attempt to resolve a solution to get the round going again, or vise-versa with the remaining Xenos just to keep it moving under a decent time-table. Otherwise, we don't want to directly interfere with the round through wily admin magic, keeping the player's mindset in our hearts and the round delay rules.
10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.
180 Minute ban EORG Ban. They may appeal it on the forums, otherwise it's not worth the investigation. Rules are plain and simple.
Edit: Generalized, my thought-line escaped the EORG timing, their ban appeal would've been denied anyways for the three hour ban - this was more from my previous experience where generally, accident or for good intentions, those are shown immediately from the logs.
11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.
Leave it to Marine Law, no reason for an Staff Member to directly interfere with something that a Military Police Officer was put in the game for.
12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I'd check their notes and take into account any previous interactions as well as the last date since notation.
Inform them of the elevation of force rules and the definition of briefing, then I would explain the situation to them as well as where they can appeal it then apply a twenty hour ban and 'resurrect' the affected Marine and ask them why they decided to punch the banned player, checking their notes and evaluating the reasonable response i'd write it off as a no interaction required as far as their actions went.
Edit: Depending on notation, first time offense - round ban, multiple incidents - twenty for hours, anything in between is subject to consideration.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
While my forum activity isn't notable, it is something i'm working on - in addition slc97 was nice enough to approach me regarding my Character in-game and any benefit I might be able to provide to the team. This is something I enjoy, but it's really distasteful to see times where there's few staff on with little assistance and individuals who are far too stressed and 'burnt out'. As other Applications, feel free to post any other scenario questions and point out flaws in my application - I am not perfectly, like all Human-beings, but hopefully this has provided you insight into my state of mind. I teach and preach before I would take a learning opportunity away from anyone.
Any Edit Notations are from replies, and suggests to my thought-process, i've added them because this Application - if accepted will be used as a guiding tool from other staff and community members about my moderation style, and how to improve it. Thank you for your input, and your support / feedback (even if negative - which is what I find more thoughtfulness in) helps me improve.
Last edited by TexasTwoStep on 24 Apr 2017, 22:02, edited 1 time in total.
- Karmac
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- Steam: Karmac
Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
There's a lot of information here you've laid out, all of it good, all of it proves that you understand what needs to be down and how to do it, the only thing I've really got to say is don't be afraid to handle situations on your own, I noticed in question 2. you looked into getting assistance on the matter immediately, which is fine, but in most circumstances that situation would occur, you'd be fine to handle it on your own.
ohyeahalmostforgot +1
ohyeahalmostforgot +1
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?
Back in action.
Back in action.
- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Appreciate your quick reply! Because, every Community is different, - yes even in SS13, every Community has it's differences, especially with Administration; I - fail to see the point in making point-blank and quick decisions in light of being a new Staff Member. Do not confuse this for decisive actions, those I believe I have laid out in full and explained my thought-process thoroughly.Karmac wrote:There's a lot of information here you've laid out, all of it good, all of it proves that you understand what needs to be down and how to do it, the only thing I've really got to say is don't be afraid to handle situations on your own, I noticed in question 2. you looked into getting assistance on the matter immediately, which is fine, but in most circumstances that situation would occur, you'd be fine to handle it on your own.
ohyeahalmostforgot +1
However in that situation, it may be positive to try and limit any damage to the round, especially at the Sulaco.
Again, Appreciate the quick reply.
Take Care,
- Jroinc1
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
You'll fit right in.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Haha, I appreciate the support. Thank you.Jroinc1 wrote:You'll fit right in.
Take Care,
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
I'm going applaud you on your effort and thoughtfulness on this app. I love this but to the app its self:
Edit: +1 all the way
- For answer 1a. I would suggest only sleeping the player if they are actually hitting multiple people since an accidental misclick happens from time to time and sleeping someone for one, seems a little extreme. Also what would you do if anyone was hit?
- For answer 1b, if you are going to pm about that, make sure to note them after.
- For answer 2 b I, you are overstepping the original question a tad but it shows how you would deal with phoron griefer and more annoying ones at that, the ones who are subtle like cycling phoron into the air supply, it might take a bit come into effect but the results are quite disastrous but pluses for answering this.
- For answer 3, sadly mother is no longer accessible to mods but this is a very minor gripe and only staff members would know about it. This is more to let you know ahead of time.
- For answer 4, again don't sleep the player unless they are an active griefer, if its a one and done this it would seem a tad extreme to sleep them. Now to the 2nd part of your response. I would say it depends on the severity of the situation on what should be done towards the player like trying to play off an accidental nade activation as a IC issue or noting it if much worse. Also if this is first time at griefing like this a round ban (3 hours) might be more little sensible (the 3 hour thing being for very minor grief, not saying someone who does major effects on the round have the same punishment)
- For answer 6a, also even if do file a report against you, they will still need to appeal for the use of the name in ban appeals found here: http://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76
- For answer 8, it doesn't matter if they are a skilled player or not, if anything a skilled player would be under harsher scrutiny since they should know better, so for that you were on the right track for the first occurrence being a warning but repeats will differ on punishments the 2nd time will likley be a 180 minute ban ( a round ban) but any further recent repeats can lead to a medic job ban.
- For answer 10, EoRG bans can't be appealed.
- For answer 12, if its first time for Improper escalation a round ban would be alot more reasonable compared to twenty hours (if its not the first time escalate it from there). Also for question you might want to check the server logs as well to see what started the "fight", a player's perspective be slightly biased
Edit: +1 all the way
Last edited by TheSpoonyCroy on 25 Apr 2017, 23:22, edited 1 time in total.
- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Howdy, appreciate the feedback, i'll just address my thoughts and give you an open dialogue.TheSpoonyCroy wrote:I'm going applaud you on your effort and thoughtfulness on this app. I love this but to the app its self:I do see this quite the detailed application and I do like you accounted for many variables, so I'll give you neutral heavily leaning toward +1 but I'll see if any other staff members give you a scenario to look into. I do see you are a little heavy on the ban time though
- For answer 1a. I would suggest only sleeping the player if they are actually hitting multiple people since an accidental misclick happens from time to time and sleeping someone for one, seems a little extreme. Also what would you do if anyone was hit?
- For answer 1b, if you are going to pm about that, make sure to note them after.
- For answer 2 b I, you are overstepping the original question a tad but it shows how you would deal with phoron griefer and more annoying ones at that, the ones who are subtle like cycling phoron into the air supply, it might take a bit come into effect but the results are quite disastrous but pluses for answering this.
- For answer 3, sadly mother is no longer accessible to mods but this is a very minor gripe and only staff members would know about it. This is more to let you know ahead of time.
- For answer 4, again don't sleep the player unless they are an active griefer, if its a one and done this it would seem a tad extreme to sleep them. Now to the 2nd part of your response. I would say it depends on the severity of the situation on what should be done towards the player like trying to play off an accidental nade activation as a IC issue or noting it if much worse. Also if this is first time at griefing like this a round ban (3 hours) might be more little sensible (the 3 hour thing being for very minor grief, not saying someone who does major effects on the round have the same punishment)
- For answer 6a, also even if do file a report against you, they will still need to appeal for the use of the name in ban appeals found here: http://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76
- For answer 8, it doesn't matter if they are a skilled player or not, if anything a skilled player would be under harsher scrutiny since they should know better, so for that you were on the right track for the first occurrence being a warning but repeats will differ on punishments the 2nd time will likley be a 180 minute ban ( a round ban) but any further recent repeats can lead to a medic job ban.
- For answer 10, EoRG bans can't be appealed.
- For answer 12, if its first time for Improper escalation a round ban would be alot more reasonable compared to twenty hours (if its not the first time escalate it from there). Also for question you might want to check the server logs as well to see what started the "fight", a player's perspective be slightly biased
1a. Your suggestion is quite note-worthy and practical, my thought-line was to reduce the amount of harm done to any other players, thus making it a easy clean-up for the round to continue with minimal delay (thinking of the time-dependant slots like the survivors for ex.) I'll implement that if I do continue past this Application. AS for the hit - I'd gather the player who was hit's input, more than likely if it was an accident, and they don't want to be bothered further - a simple note will be sufficient, otherwise: with no previous note history, or time gap in between the last notation and the offense of that notation, would help deter me on what course I should head - rather it's a small timed ban for the interference, a clear history of griefing and maybe something pushed them over board - more extensive time would obviously be assessed.
1b. Again, quite note-worthy and practical, especially to keep an eye on them for future situations.
2b. My apologizes, I was thinking more on the scale of an intentional breach with the main intent as griefing, the lesser - accidents, rather would obviously (with exceptions) be handled more similarly to a simple quick-fix.
3. Ah, well - again another note-worthy comment, i'd do well to head an Administrators abilities in that case and suggest such actions at that point.
4. Noted, again practical - See 1a for my response in general to sleeping, which from this point forward will only be used on active griefers.
6a. I'll make sure to include the ban, it appears I had the thought-line for some of the other responses, however not quite added to that one - appreciate the notation.
8. More or less my thought process was: this might of been someone who hadn't been re-familiarized with the rules. As for the round bans, while it solves the problem temporary, I was attempting to establish a dialogue that might encourage them to think next time, rather than to risk it. However, both can be transversed quite easily.
10. Correct, my apologizes, the thoughline escaped me past the ban-time. I know that personally of course - accidents do happen, and some players do things in good faith, however: there isn't much time to investigate those bans when EORG is such a hesitant and spread issue.
12. Yes, witness statements and logs would be apart of the investigation, I did mention speaking to the other play involved but like you mentioned they could be heavily biased, I was generally thinking of a isolated situation, where other players / observers may not of been paying attention.
To address your final comment, I appreciate your support: I do realize that you are skeptical and I hope you can observe through my comments and additions that I am here to learn, partly from my mistakes, partly from my inspiration.
Take Care,
- Snypehunter007
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Baldie McMarine starts smashing a book into his face, when you question him as to why, he tells you that he was testing to make a weapon damage chart.
He has no notes and seems to be new to CM. What do you do?
He has no notes and seems to be new to CM. What do you do?
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
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Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
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- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Howdy,Snypehunter007 wrote:Baldie McMarine starts smashing a book into his face, when you question him as to why, he tells you that he was testing to make a weapon damage chart.
He has no notes and seems to be new to CM. What do you do?
Following up their note-check and their reply, i'd simply send them this: Colonial Marines is a medium roleplay server with higher/more roleplay being greatly encouraged. "Medium" is loosely defined as being strict but not too strict. In other words, you should consider your character to be a separate entity from you as a player. Your character's actions and feelings in-game should be based solely on your character's experiences and not your own as the player.
I'd explain to them that although their actions are well-intended from an Out-Of Character perspective (when you say Damage Chart, i'm assuming how much damage each item does, toolbox, book, screwdriver, etc.) it's not accepted in-character as a valid reason to hit yourself without anytype of roleplay involved. They would be told to cease their actions, and if they required any other help with the game-mechanics, they're welcome to speak to one of the Mentors and ask questions through the ahelp system to said Mentors. Add a note and conclude that the player was new to CM, and a tid-bit about their 'damage-chart'.
Take Care,
- Snypehunter007
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
While telling them to stop is good, you are doing it for somewhat of a wrong reason.TexasTwoStep wrote:Howdy,
Following up their note-check and their reply, i'd simply send them this: Colonial Marines is a medium roleplay server with higher/more roleplay being greatly encouraged. "Medium" is loosely defined as being strict but not too strict. In other words, you should consider your character to be a separate entity from you as a player. Your character's actions and feelings in-game should be based solely on your character's experiences and not your own as the player.
I'd explain to them that although their actions are well-intended from an Out-Of Character perspective (when you say Damage Chart, i'm assuming how much damage each item does, toolbox, book, screwdriver, etc.) it's not accepted in-character as a valid reason to hit yourself without anytype of roleplay involved. They would be told to cease their actions, and if they required any other help with the game-mechanics, they're welcome to speak to one of the Mentors and ask questions through the ahelp system to said Mentors. Add a note and conclude that the player was new to CM, and a tid-bit about their 'damage-chart'.
While it is true that they are using OOC reasons to do something IC, the MAIN problem in this situation is that were creating a "damage chart" in the first place. On CM we don't allow the general public to know exactly variable numbers at all. Even mentors aren't allowed to view variable numbers.
You did well in noting them but they probably should have received a timed ban of some sort. With their note history, or lack thereof, a three hour ban would be sufficient and if you required any additional help or advice, you would contact Slc97, the Senior Moderator.
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
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Death of the Suggestion Killer - 11/30/2017
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- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Hey, I appreciate the feedback.Snypehunter007 wrote:While telling them to stop is good, you are doing it for somewhat of a wrong reason.
While it is true that they are using OOC reasons to do something IC, the MAIN problem in this situation is that were creating a "damage chart" in the first place. On CM we don't allow the general public to know exactly variable numbers at all. Even mentors aren't allowed to view variable numbers.
You did well in noting them but they probably should have received a timed ban of some sort. With their note history, or lack thereof, a three hour ban would be sufficient and if you required any additional help or advice, you would contact Slc97, the Senior Moderator.
I was considering a time-ban, most taking mostly into account that while exact damage of objects/weapons is important knowledge, considering that the main combat takes place against other than human entity's typically (Zeno versus Marine armor and scaling of such FOR example, although all of that knowledge if wanting to be shared would've already of been done), my thought process was based around previous edits from notations and suggestions from other staff members considering my tendency to be a little heavy with the times - although this puts the 'perfect balance' (as perfect as we can be) into sight for me moving forward.
I appreciate it.
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
I honestly want to try something and you seem to be quite a decent candidate, so lets see a more detailed case compared to these questions. Its like step slightly above but with alittle detail. Hopefully you enjoy 
Here is the scenario I propose to you. An ahelp comes in from Slips3262 stating a player is trying kill him for no reason. The player in question is NoscibleOtter, a player who has been around for a very long time but has been slightly a nuisance for quite a while, has multiple notes of griefing and a very recent note on improper escalation for shooting a player because of an insult. How will you deal with this in step by step process, if you need info just ask (this can include questions for the 2 players and they will be roleplayed if needed) but below I shall provide you a mock case file with mock logs and mock notes/attacklogs from both players.
Note: You aren’t required to use all the info you have but this is more to wet your toes of this process and to see the methodology you take. Also, these are trimmed down logs, so keep that in mind since the low pop rounds can run from 14k lines of text every round, it’s been cut to only 1000+ lines
If you don't want to download the case file, I shall provide the info here:
NoscibleOtter's notes and attack log
Slip's notes and attack log
Can't provide the mock log file since its so long... So yeah.

Here is the scenario I propose to you. An ahelp comes in from Slips3262 stating a player is trying kill him for no reason. The player in question is NoscibleOtter, a player who has been around for a very long time but has been slightly a nuisance for quite a while, has multiple notes of griefing and a very recent note on improper escalation for shooting a player because of an insult. How will you deal with this in step by step process, if you need info just ask (this can include questions for the 2 players and they will be roleplayed if needed) but below I shall provide you a mock case file with mock logs and mock notes/attacklogs from both players.
Note: You aren’t required to use all the info you have but this is more to wet your toes of this process and to see the methodology you take. Also, these are trimmed down logs, so keep that in mind since the low pop rounds can run from 14k lines of text every round, it’s been cut to only 1000+ lines
If you don't want to download the case file, I shall provide the info here:
NoscibleOtter's notes and attack log
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- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Howdy Croy - The Spoony!
I feel like i'm back at the SFA pre-law academy, oh boy!
Moderator Notes (My Personal Notes of the situation)
Reporter: Slips3262
Reported: NoscibleOtter
Rule Violations in Question: (Immediate Notice)
Lethal Force - Do not physically attack any other human without a legitimate, explainable, roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. Even if you are justified, you are still susceptible to Marine Law / improper escalation of force.
Griefing - Defined as the perceived intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without any roleplay reason. The emphasis is on "intent". If an Admin or Mod believes that the players intent is to grief then action will be taken. You can appeal these actions on the Ban Appeals forum. Any damage to the station or players caused by griefing can be repaired at an Admin's discretion.
I would start off by observing the location of the individuals and gather the facts (e.g. planet surface in hostile territory, the Sula-Almayer Bathrooms, etc.)
I would then Private Message Slip3262 asking him if there had been any reason why he would start shooting him, and if it could've been accidental friendly-fire. Continuing to look at both NosicbleOtter's Notes and Slips3262 to gain a better perspective on the two individuals.
Judging his response, determining if it was accidental FF or a purposely directed attack against Slips3262.
I would then Private Message NoscibleOtter asking him why he shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong. Awaiting his response, most likely due to whatever scenario they're in (giving them good-time to find a safe location, or disengage in any prior roleplay as to not disrupt their own round) i'd take the time to open the logs on Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong and see what exactly happened the moment he was shot - aligning those with the logs of Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter).
If there were any other Marines around, i'd ask if they saw anything - otherwise continue with Logs.
Judging those Logs I see a couple of things:
(Combat Logs)
[01:35:02]ATTACK: Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher) slashes Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:05]ATTACK: Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher) slashes Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher)
(Chat Logs)
[01:35:07]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : HELP!
[01:35:10]EMOTES: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 Screams
[01:35:15]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : THE FUCK! YOU ARE TRYING KILL ME
[01:36:00]SAY: Adalberto House/(NoscibleOtter) : I'M SAVING YOUR DUMB ASS
[01:36:15]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : save me, you killing me. THIS IS FROM EARLIER?! ISN'T IT
Previous Incident: (Combat Logs)
[00:49:30]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) Disarmed Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[00:49:32]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) Disarmed Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[00:49:34]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) Disarmed Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[00:51:13]ATTACK: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/ (Slips3262) punched Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter)
(Chat Logs)
[00:50:01]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : Really?!?! Can you stop?
[00:50:20]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : Seriously fucking stop.
[00:50:40]SAY: Adalberto House/(NoscibleOtter) : Fucker I'll make you pay for that
[00:50:40]SAY: Adalberto House/(NoscibleOtter) : Just keeping you true to your name, buddy
[00:51:00]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : Ok you are asking for this
The logs, again show me a couple of things:
1. During the situation, there was hostile interference, most likely the Young Runner (666) had attacked and knocked down, or in some fashion was in between NoscibleOtter and Slips3262, in which NoscibleOtter attempted to kill it and endded up shooting Slips3262 - as suggested by the Attack Logs.
2. There had been a prior engagement between the two that resulted in NoscibleOtter disarming Slips3262, without much roleplay interaction and when he was told to stop, he did - thats when after a full twenty seconds passes by that Slips3262 punched him back and then there was no other notation of the fight.
3. Assumptions are as follows: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong on accident during a FF incident while trying to save his life, because of this - most likely whether Slips3262 is new to the Server, was mad at the time for being shot, etc. - he reported Adalberto House.
Because the prior situation wasn't ahelped, even if it was it'd best be off with a note and to allow the MP's aboard the sula-Almayer to handle it. Given the situation and how NoscibleOtter responds (e.g: it was accidental, trying to save his life.) i'd do the following:
A. In this case, I don't believe adding another note to NoscibleOtter's file is justified as it appears that the incident was completely accidental, and Slips3262 asked for Help after he was attacked by the Young Runner (666). At the most, i'd note the accidental FF and continue aggro-ing behavior with input from another Staff Member.
B. I'd explain to Slips3262 that they should continue to roleplay it out, and although Friendly Fire is unfortunate, it is apart of the game - considering they asked for help and NoscibleOtter hitting the Young Runner shows an intention to help. Adhering to the Roleplay Standards and the Current Rules in place, i'd tell them that if they have anymore problems with the player to feel free to let us know, otherwise the situation should've been roleplayed out, and will continue as such.
C. If they'd continue to argue, i'd simply mute them and note the continued aggression about the issue.
Note: "Examples that are NOT Griefing:
Two marines get into a fight over something and start throwing punches at each other."
Although NoscibleOtter has an extensive case-history, and it's tempting from first sight to judge the character by the previous actions, this simply wasn't the case this time.
Side Notes: Again, from my base-application, this is a learning opportunity for both of the Player. NoscibleOtter learns that not all staff interactions come out with a warning / punishment, as well as potential refresher of the rules to continue keeping them out of trouble. While - Slips3262 learns that this is indeed a environment where there will be Friendly-Fire, it is apart of the Game, and they should take upon their own character a grain of salt OOC, whilst IC ensuring they're not alone getting pounced on by a Young Runner for example.
Nice names, love the 666 - appreciate the story.
Take Care,
I feel like i'm back at the SFA pre-law academy, oh boy!
Moderator Notes (My Personal Notes of the situation)
Reporter: Slips3262
Reported: NoscibleOtter
Rule Violations in Question: (Immediate Notice)
Lethal Force - Do not physically attack any other human without a legitimate, explainable, roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. Even if you are justified, you are still susceptible to Marine Law / improper escalation of force.
Griefing - Defined as the perceived intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or to the server without any roleplay reason. The emphasis is on "intent". If an Admin or Mod believes that the players intent is to grief then action will be taken. You can appeal these actions on the Ban Appeals forum. Any damage to the station or players caused by griefing can be repaired at an Admin's discretion.
I would start off by observing the location of the individuals and gather the facts (e.g. planet surface in hostile territory, the Sula-Almayer Bathrooms, etc.)
I would then Private Message Slip3262 asking him if there had been any reason why he would start shooting him, and if it could've been accidental friendly-fire. Continuing to look at both NosicbleOtter's Notes and Slips3262 to gain a better perspective on the two individuals.
Judging his response, determining if it was accidental FF or a purposely directed attack against Slips3262.
I would then Private Message NoscibleOtter asking him why he shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong. Awaiting his response, most likely due to whatever scenario they're in (giving them good-time to find a safe location, or disengage in any prior roleplay as to not disrupt their own round) i'd take the time to open the logs on Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong and see what exactly happened the moment he was shot - aligning those with the logs of Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter).
If there were any other Marines around, i'd ask if they saw anything - otherwise continue with Logs.
Judging those Logs I see a couple of things:
(Combat Logs)
[01:35:02]ATTACK: Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher) slashes Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:05]ATTACK: Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher) slashes Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[01:35:10]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Young Runner (666) (SlasheyTheSlasher)
(Chat Logs)
[01:35:07]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : HELP!
[01:35:10]EMOTES: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 Screams
[01:35:15]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : THE FUCK! YOU ARE TRYING KILL ME
[01:36:00]SAY: Adalberto House/(NoscibleOtter) : I'M SAVING YOUR DUMB ASS
[01:36:15]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : save me, you killing me. THIS IS FROM EARLIER?! ISN'T IT
Previous Incident: (Combat Logs)
[00:49:30]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) Disarmed Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[00:49:32]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) Disarmed Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[00:49:34]ATTACK: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) Disarmed Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong (Slips3262)
[00:51:13]ATTACK: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/ (Slips3262) punched Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter)
(Chat Logs)
[00:50:01]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : Really?!?! Can you stop?
[00:50:20]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : Seriously fucking stop.
[00:50:40]SAY: Adalberto House/(NoscibleOtter) : Fucker I'll make you pay for that
[00:50:40]SAY: Adalberto House/(NoscibleOtter) : Just keeping you true to your name, buddy
[00:51:00]SAY: Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong/Slips3262 : Ok you are asking for this
The logs, again show me a couple of things:
1. During the situation, there was hostile interference, most likely the Young Runner (666) had attacked and knocked down, or in some fashion was in between NoscibleOtter and Slips3262, in which NoscibleOtter attempted to kill it and endded up shooting Slips3262 - as suggested by the Attack Logs.
2. There had been a prior engagement between the two that resulted in NoscibleOtter disarming Slips3262, without much roleplay interaction and when he was told to stop, he did - thats when after a full twenty seconds passes by that Slips3262 punched him back and then there was no other notation of the fight.
3. Assumptions are as follows: Adalberto House (NoscibleOtter) shot Mark 'Slips' Hamstrong on accident during a FF incident while trying to save his life, because of this - most likely whether Slips3262 is new to the Server, was mad at the time for being shot, etc. - he reported Adalberto House.
Because the prior situation wasn't ahelped, even if it was it'd best be off with a note and to allow the MP's aboard the sula-Almayer to handle it. Given the situation and how NoscibleOtter responds (e.g: it was accidental, trying to save his life.) i'd do the following:
A. In this case, I don't believe adding another note to NoscibleOtter's file is justified as it appears that the incident was completely accidental, and Slips3262 asked for Help after he was attacked by the Young Runner (666). At the most, i'd note the accidental FF and continue aggro-ing behavior with input from another Staff Member.
B. I'd explain to Slips3262 that they should continue to roleplay it out, and although Friendly Fire is unfortunate, it is apart of the game - considering they asked for help and NoscibleOtter hitting the Young Runner shows an intention to help. Adhering to the Roleplay Standards and the Current Rules in place, i'd tell them that if they have anymore problems with the player to feel free to let us know, otherwise the situation should've been roleplayed out, and will continue as such.
C. If they'd continue to argue, i'd simply mute them and note the continued aggression about the issue.
Note: "Examples that are NOT Griefing:
Two marines get into a fight over something and start throwing punches at each other."
Although NoscibleOtter has an extensive case-history, and it's tempting from first sight to judge the character by the previous actions, this simply wasn't the case this time.
Side Notes: Again, from my base-application, this is a learning opportunity for both of the Player. NoscibleOtter learns that not all staff interactions come out with a warning / punishment, as well as potential refresher of the rules to continue keeping them out of trouble. While - Slips3262 learns that this is indeed a environment where there will be Friendly-Fire, it is apart of the Game, and they should take upon their own character a grain of salt OOC, whilst IC ensuring they're not alone getting pounced on by a Young Runner for example.
Nice names, love the 666 - appreciate the story.
Take Care,
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Quite the analysis. With that, you have my full support (even though it very little).
It was quite thorough, you caught the prior event however there was a little lesson there, that if I did "rp" it would show, in the this example basically House disarmed spammed Slips and basically dragged him over and over on soap in the shower area, House lets up and gets punched in the face. This would lead to why Slips thinks House trying to kill him because of this prior event and using the xeno as a "excuse" and was hoping you were going to mention it but all the shot attack logs on the xeno slashing Slips and Slips occurred at the same time of 01:35:10, which would indicate burst fire. Of course its minutiae detail and its very nitpicky call out and its clearly biased since I made the thing but for future reference it can be another tool in your arsenal when dealing with cases like these
You didn't fall for the trap of a heavily noted player is always in the wrong. Which is very good
This shows you technical skills to be able to sift through large amount of texts to find key information.
So fantastic work
It was quite thorough, you caught the prior event however there was a little lesson there, that if I did "rp" it would show, in the this example basically House disarmed spammed Slips and basically dragged him over and over on soap in the shower area, House lets up and gets punched in the face. This would lead to why Slips thinks House trying to kill him because of this prior event and using the xeno as a "excuse" and was hoping you were going to mention it but all the shot attack logs on the xeno slashing Slips and Slips occurred at the same time of 01:35:10, which would indicate burst fire. Of course its minutiae detail and its very nitpicky call out and its clearly biased since I made the thing but for future reference it can be another tool in your arsenal when dealing with cases like these
You didn't fall for the trap of a heavily noted player is always in the wrong. Which is very good
This shows you technical skills to be able to sift through large amount of texts to find key information.
So fantastic work
- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Again, I appreciate the scenario and your work put in behind it, it's obvious that you did more than copy and paste a few things, there was decent modifications and mind-games played. Ender would be happy.TheSpoonyCroy wrote:Quite the analysis. With that, you have my full support (even though it very little).
It was quite thorough, you caught the prior event however there was a little lesson there, that if I did "rp" it would show, in the this example basically House disarmed spammed Slips and basically dragged him over and over on soap in the shower area, House lets up and gets punched in the face. This would lead to why Slips thinks House trying to kill him because of this prior event and using the xeno as a "excuse" and was hoping you were going to mention it but all the shot attack logs on the xeno slashing Slips and Slips occurred at the same time of 01:35:10, which would indicate burst fire. Of course its minutiae detail and its very nitpicky call out and its clearly biased since I made the thing but for future reference it can be another tool in your arsenal when dealing with cases like these
You didn't fall for the trap of a heavily noted player is always in the wrong. Which is very good
This shows you technical skills to be able to sift through large amount of texts to find key information.
So fantastic work
Your support - no matter however "little" you say your support is, even if i'm not accepted - the decent chances are I gain from either situation.
Take Care,
- Kavlo
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
Very nice App.
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

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- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
I appreciate the support!Kavlo wrote:Very nice App.
Take Care,
- slc97
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
+1, you'll do fine. You can stop signing every forum post you make though. I promise you, it'll get old by your 100th comment.
- TexasTwoStep
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Re: TexasTwoStep - Moderator Application
I wanted to make a impression; one that yes while growing old - you will notice it isn't a copy and paste, rather sincere.slc97 wrote:+1, you'll do fine. You can stop signing every forum post you make though. I promise you, it'll get old by your 100th comment.
I appreciate the support.
Take Care,
- Feweh
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