Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

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Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by OatzAndHoes » 25 Apr 2017, 00:54

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

Although the population of players, and therefore marines, have been steadily rising to the point where hipop rounds regularly have 140+ players, the command organization has not been able to keep up with this change. I am proposing that the marines reorganize from the quasi-platoon organization they are in right now, to a full on company. This post is not about adding more medics, engineers, or specialists, but instead of reorganizing the command structure to give marines the opportunity to be more organized.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

This will allow marine command to stay organized in higher pop situations, and will give the server room to continue growing in the future. Currently marine population is hitting over 100 marines on hipop regularly, yet we are still operating as a platoon in name. Furthermore the increased layers of command and rank will allow for a more visible chain of command. This will help prevent Rambo marines and squads from disobeying orders and running off on their own or with a different squadron.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

I have put some preliminary work into creating a new order of battle for marines. I have used some of my own military experience as a guide here, although I may have made some mistakes as I am not an American and had to do my own research to convert what I know to apply to the Marine Corps. The marines would be reorganized into a company with 2 rifle platoons, with a third rifle platoon which could be added later on if our pop numbers continue to climb as high as they are. These platoons are based off of the organization of a real rifle platoon, which consists of 3 rifle squadrons. Some ranks have been streamlined to make things simpler, leaving out some of the more senior NCO ranks like Gunnery Sergeants and the First Sergeant. Platoons are commanded by 2Lts, and The BOs have been changed to a staff officer role where they will assist the CO and XO on the Sulaco with passing down orders and overwatch.


Platoon organization would be as seen below. The platoon commander(PC) would be a 2Lt, and his 2IC would be a SSgt. The PCs would take up similar roles as the SLs currently do now, acting as the bridge between the ground troops and command. The SSgt and Sgts would be SLs that lead their squadrons under the direction of the PCs. The total number of medics, specialists, and engineers will remain the same in a platoon.


The number of Standard marines shown in each squadron is just for illustration purposes, and is not a hard limit as actual rifle squadrons have 13 men in them.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by LordeKilly » 25 Apr 2017, 10:03

+1. More is better, and maybe work spawning so one platoon must be full before a new one can be created?

Also Squadron is different than a squad. Squadron is 2 companies of armor or an organization for planes/ships.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 25 Apr 2017, 10:17

Almayer supports a small battalion. We're going to be releasing the lore around this battalion soon.

The reason behind this is that we want to allow everyone to exist in the battalion concurrently, even if they are not present in the round. If you are not in the round, you are basically just imagined to be in cyrosleep.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Snypehunter007 » 25 Apr 2017, 11:22

I like the idea.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Skelton » 25 Apr 2017, 11:43

This is basically what I've been trying to put into words for weeks now but always failed due to my stunning lack of logistical and organisational skills. I have tried to organise Platoon Leader positions utilising SL's in lowpop rounds when all squads do not have an SL but it has always crumbled just because there's a genuine lack of understanding as to how this is supposed to work and in certain instances Assigning Charlie Squad to Alpha's SL fails because for whatever reason Charlie PFC's believe that because they are Charlie Squad an NCO from Alpha has no authority over them in the slightest.

I want this in the game, I'd have it in right now if I could. +1

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Kerek » 25 Apr 2017, 11:46

I like it. +Juan
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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Helgraf » 25 Apr 2017, 12:04

+1 I think it would be nice
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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by LordLoko » 25 Apr 2017, 12:10

I likedthat ORBAT you've made,and I support it, specially insteresting is the Platoon command role. What about a Platoon Sergeant role (Master/Gunny sgt)?
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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Kovalchuk17 » 25 Apr 2017, 12:38

+1, as it stands currently an SL has far to many heads to keep track of just by himself

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 25 Apr 2017, 14:56


Rounds pushing 200 population is something which is conceivable now, as such it makes sense that the command organization adjust to reflect this inflation.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by OatzAndHoes » 25 Apr 2017, 19:37

LordeKilly wrote:Also Squadron is different than a squad. Squadron is 2 companies of armor or an organization for planes/ships.
Ah thanks for correcting me. A lot of the sub-platoon levels of organization use different words in commonwealth countries from the Americans so I mix them up sometimes.
LordLoko wrote:What about a Platoon Sergeant role (Master/Gunny sgt)?
As far as I can tell gunnery sergeants really only act as 2ICs of weapons platoons. Adding a weapons platoon may make things a little too complicated and break some of the balance we have though. It would be like adding a full platoon of specialists as they are outfitted with a ton of LMGs, HMGs, anti-armour and mortars. I've currently put the SSgt as a dual role SL and platoon sergeant in order to keep things streamlined, although it might be a good idea to have him act solely as the 2IC of the platoon and give his squadron to a sergeant. It would probably depend on how many new leadership roles the staff want to add and if the platoon commanders role becomes too hectic for one man to do alone.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by LordLoko » 26 Apr 2017, 20:43

Also,the marines use a modified rank system that apop created (that's why you have TSgt in the marines) you should adapt to it


E-9 Sergeant Major/Command Sergeant Major of the USSF (United States Space Forces)
E-8 Master Sergeant/First Sergeant
E-7 Staff Sergeant
E-6 Technical Sergeant
E-5 Sergeant
E-4 Corporal
E-3 Lance Corporal
E-2 Private First Class
E-1 Private


O-8 Fleet Admiral
O-7 Admiral
O-6 Rear Admiral
O-5 Captain
O-4 Commander
O-3 Lieutenant Commander
O-2 Lieutenant
O-1 Ensign
So maybe plac the Platoon leader above an Ensign but below Liuetenant? Call him a "Sub-Lieutenant" perhaps?

Something like this

O-1 Ensign - Pilots and Req officers
O-2 Sub-Liuetenant - Platoon Leaders
O-3 Liuetenants - Other stuff
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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by Renomaki » 26 Apr 2017, 23:18

I'm on the fence about this...

People already struggle with the chain of command as is, but this would make things an awful lot more complicated. Not only would you suddenly have a more complicated chain of command to keep in mind (what with having not one, but several squad leaders leading several mini squads that are all lead by a platoon leader), but you'd have a harder time filling all those roles as well.

Everyone wants to go spec, but when it comes to roles like SL and BOs, it tends to be a lot more difficult to ensure those slots are filled. A round with an incomplete compliment of SLs is already a moderately uncommon but still concerning issue as is, increasing the amount of SLs required to ensure proper leadership distribution, as well as ensuring every platoon has a leader, would be very difficult I find.
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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by driecg36 » 27 Apr 2017, 12:13

+1 just because I want to play as a field platoon leader, that seems like a fun fucking role

This would require a lot of reorganization though, in terms of logistics, comms channel, prep rooms, etc.
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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by mosshadow » 27 Apr 2017, 17:08

Aw, I was just going to make an ORBAT just like that for suggesting to have a second platoon, a weapons squad and a engineering squad.

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Re: Reorganize the Marines from a Platoon to a Company

Post by forwardslashN » 28 Apr 2017, 12:47

As Joshuu pointed out, you will more on this topic soon. Resolved.
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